[MOD] The Coronus - Standalone Mastery

Quickly checked and there shouldn’t be any tag issue. Thanks for your help though


first, huge thanks for this mod. I’m enjoying it very much. :smiley:

One question tho - i have amulet with +1 all skills, but when skill is maxed it does not give additional bonus - so for example with Abbadon lvl 16 and with +1 skills, it is still lvl 16 (i expected 17).

Have a nice time :cool:

Yes, some skills (Abaddon and Grigori IIRC) don’t have ultimate levels. I’m planning on buffing everything soon-ish, might add missing ultimate levels.

An update 1 year overdue now finished in an entire night (haven’t slept, gotta get back on daytime anyway). Hope I haven’t over-tuned or (still) under-tuned things. But with the new items and some changes it might be a bit better. But only a bit.

Now to make it viable with items… I hate making items, dude.

I’m getting tag not found:invalid skill profile on the necklaces.

EDIT: I fixed the above tag not found by switching




in the necklace dbr’s

Also in the
the first skill in the skill tree points to
which doesn’t exist. Is this skill still needed?

EDIT: Also the ultimate level for cold dead, grigori, and y gair still seem to be the same as before

Of course I mixed that one up, wouldn’t be fun otherwise. Thanks for the heads up, fixing that ASAP before going to work.

Not needed even if it works, not sure why I left it here. You can remove it if you want but it being here doesn’t affect anything.

Have you thought aber making Monstrosity bigger? I think it would be cooler if it would be as big as the monstrosity Boss monsters.

The ultimate levels for cold dead, grigori, and y gair are still the same as in 1.5.2

Great mod btw keep up the good work

Maybe I should stop pulling all nighters like this. Would’ve worked on it yesterday but work killed my arse so I got to sleep way earlier than usual.

I completely forgot to change them, all I did was create the missing files for the three skeletons. Very sorry about that, fixing it now. I’ll update the working folder as well. Thanks once more for pointing that out.

EDIT: Updated, changelog too, as usual (pointing that out because I’ve left a message for the people who played 1.6.0/1.6.1).

Yes, but I decided against it to avoid weird behavior from him. Even if he’s alive for only half a minute, his size can end up being bothersome (this is probably a lie). I didn’t want to make a clone of the Undead Nemesis either.

there is some special gear added for this build? or they exist in DAIL? i mean 2h weapon with +summon stats or skills usefull for it? otherwise passive for 2h gear not usable.

There is some yes, but I don’t know if it’s in DAIL. You’ll have to ask Kath or another curator for the mod.

Is coronus part of grimarillion. And if not, how do I add it?

Coronus isn’t part of Grimarillon. You’d need the source files to be able to mod the big one I believe, and I’m not sure they provide it yet.
To mod it after that you’ll need to know what you’re doing and basically edit a fair amount of files from Grimarillon just to add it somewhere. And to make it proper it’s gonna be a lot more hard work.

It took me a little time, but Coronus is part of this mod:


It does have the large stash mod, but basically only the classes that originally came with the game, not any of the other mod classes created.

Hey thanks for finding that, I completely forgot stedman included my class in his mod. It’s always an honor to see the Coronus somewhere.

the unbound version overwrites the necromancer mastery in AoM. Can you tell me how to fix that please?

Months and months later but here’s an answer:

Change the mastery slot. It’s been a long while now but the information should be on my tutorial or anyone else for integrating classes.
Idk about my info if there’s better ways to do it now (probably, it’s [current year]), it worked for me so I didn’t look around for more and I just did it once anyway.

Crap. the link i created earlier in this thread doesn’t work anymore. Anyone happen to know what mod this mod is part of (not standalone)?

None, maybe DAIL but that is (at least) as outdated as the standalone

Found it, Not so Grim 1.2, probably the last multi mod that has Coronus

It is pretty sad there will be no update for this mod.