Mod Tools - Strings Dump - Research tool use

Sometimes the help isn’t helpful enough. I’ve said some things I know about the mod tools but left how I know these things to the imagination. In order to get Stasher working, I had to look inside the exe files a bit. Here’s a strings dump - let’s see who can spot the easter egg in here that allows you to import graphics that aren’t square.

The decent help for ModelCompiler:

Usage: ModelCompiler.exe <mdl file> [<mif file> <source directory> ] <msh file>
        -mif <mifFile> <source directory>   : Specify a model information file.
        -tangents                           : Include tangent space vectors in the model.
        -vertexColors                       : Include vertex colors in the model.
        -stat <statFile>                    : Write model statistics.

The command strings of Model Compiler (not much more than the help):

InitializeConditionVariable SleepConditionVariableCS    WakeAllConditionVariable    lA `ä@ Ðä@ ´A Òõ@ Ðä@ bad allocation   A Òõ@ Ðä@ bad array new length    0QA €QA vector&lt;T&gt; too long  map/set&lt;T&gt; too long                 Box Cylinder    Sphere  Capsule Contour has fewer than 3 vertices
  Contour double-backs on itself
 MDL Incompatible file type
 Incompatible file version
  Error parsing material
 Truncating bone name '%s' to '%s'
  Error parsing node
 Model has more than the maximum of %u vertices.
    rb  Couldn't open file
 )   ,   ,   (   Num Materials   Num Nodes   Num Bones   Portal  Section =   Error parsing user data
    AttachPoint AttachPoint {   "       name = "    "       parent = "      origin =        xAxis =         yAxis =         zAxis =     }   Num Vertices    Num Faces   More than one physics node found -- ignoring
   rb  Missing parameters for '-mif' file option.  Usage: ModelCompiler.exe &lt;mdl file&gt; [&lt;mif file&gt; &lt;source directory&gt; ] &lt;msh file&gt;
   File Name           -mif &lt;mifFile&gt; &lt;source directory&gt;   : Specify a model information file.
    -stat   Num Faces           -tangents                           : Include tangent space vectors in the model.
  Num Bones           -vertexColors                       : Include vertex colors in the model.
  Num Nodes           -stat &lt;statFile&gt;                    : Write model statistics.
  -mif    Num Vertices    Num Materials   File Size   Missing parameters for '-stat' file option. -tangents   -vertexColors   File Name   File Size   wb  Couldn't write mesh "%s"
    ( %f , %f , %f )   \*  \   %ub %.1fkb  %.1fmb  \*.*

The amazing help for TextureCompiler:

Usage: TextureCompiler <srcFileName> <dstFileName> [-format <dstFormat>]

The full strings of TextureCompiler (very useful!!):

Out of memory   Unsupported format  Error in format File could not be opened    File access error   Unknown error   -stat   File Name   Width   Height  Num Frames  Format  Bits Per Pixel  -nopoweroftwo   -nomipmaps  -normalmap  -cubemap    -format dsdt    dxt1    dxt3    dxt5    -fps    Frame-rate should be between 1 and 100.
    Num Frames  File Name   Incorrect number of textures specified
 Incorrect number of textures specified
 Error opening "%s" (%s)
    Error opening "%s" (%s)
    All images in a cube map must have the same dimensions and bpp
 All images in an animated texture must have the same dimensions and bpp
    Width   Height  Bits Per Pixel  Texture does not have power of two dimensions (%dx%d)
  k8888   Format  k888    Format  kV8U8   Format  kDXT1   Format  kDXT3   Format  kDXT5   Format  wb  Error opening output file "%s"
 TEX An unknown error occurred!a

Archive tool help (just use this, strings match either help or output):

Usage: archiveTool <file> <command> [command arguments]
    -add <directory> <base> [compression (0-9)]: add a file/directory
    -replace <directory> <base> [compression (0-9)]: replace a file/directory
    -update <directory> <base> [compression (0-9)]: update a file/directory
    -remove <file> : remove a file from the archive
    -extract <location> [file] : extract files
    -database <location> [file] : extract database files
    -removeMissing <file> <base> : remove files not in the specified directory
    -compact : compact the archive removing unused files
    -list : list the files in the archive
    -stats : display the archive statistics

Amazing animation compiler help (strings basically match):

Usage: AnimationCompiler.exe <anm file> [<aif file>] <dst file>

FontCompiler help, useful to know dxt5 is default (strings basically match):

        -texture,t Image file to blend as texture [optional]
        -output,o Output file path
        -image,g Output a bitmap image containing the font image data
        -format,m Image data format dxt5|dxt3|rgba8|a8 [optional,default=dxt5]
        -styles,y Font styles to include
        -pow2,w Force image data to have power of 2 dimensions [optional]
        -test,e Output bitmap images containing font style test data
        -verbose,v Verbose logging [optional]
        -metrics,x Output a text file describing character metrics

MapCompiler SUPERB HELP. Oh well, it is called by a GUI tool anyway.

Not Enough Arguments

MapCompiler nearly full strings (to make some sense of it):

 k e r n e l 3 2 . d l l     InitializeConditionVariable SleepConditionVariableCS    WakeAllConditionVariable    <Ë@ ð€@ `@ „Ë@ Ò¨@ `@ bad allocation  ÐË@ Ò¨@ `@ bad array new length    8ñ@ ˆñ@     Not Enough Arguments    Compile Time Was %6.2f.
    Box Cylinder    Sphere  Capsule 
   File Name   Map File Size   Num Levels  rb  Cannot open %s for reading. .sd Invalid .WRL format: %s rb  Cannot open %s for reading  LVL Incorrect format for '%s'   Unsupported version for '%s'    \\  MapCompiler::Compile() - ReadWRL    %s time %6.4f seconds.
 File Name   Cannot open %s for writing. MapCompiler::Compile() - CreateFile %s time %6.4f seconds.
 MapCompiler::Compile() - Write Quests   %s time %6.4f seconds.
 MapCompiler::Compile() - Instance Data  %s time %6.4f seconds.
 rb  MapCompiler::Compile() - Sector %s time %6.4f seconds.
 Num Levels  MapCompiler::Compile() - Regions    %s time %6.4f seconds.
 MapCompiler::Compile() - MinMap %s time %6.4f seconds.
 MapCompiler::Compile() - Plug-Ins   %s time %6.4f seconds.
 rb  .tga    MapCompiler::Compile() - Write Mini-Map Images  %s time %6.4f seconds.
 .rlv    rb  rb  Cannot open %s for reading  MapCompiler::Compile() - Level Data %s time %6.4f seconds.
 Map File Size   rb  Cannot open %s for reading  Box Cylinder    Sphere  Capsule SpawnPointPlugin    spawnplayersecondary.dbr    spawnplayer.dbr     MapCompiler::Compile() - SpawnPointPlugin processed %u spawn points
    %3f %u  %d  ,   ,   wb  Memory allocation of %dkb failed    rb  {   }   {   }   %i      ,    ( %f , %f , %f )   invalid string position vector&lt;T&gt; too long  string too long €V@ ž¯@ ž¯@ ž¯@ °V@  W@ °Z@ W@ bad cast    ð€@ `@ Unknown exception

      2FindFirstFileA  .FindClose | CreateDirectoryA  KERNEL32.dll  &?GetMachineTime@GAME@@YAHXZ “
?GetInstanceDataSize@WorldFile@GAME@@QBEIXZ ’
?GetInstanceData@WorldFile@GAME@@QBEPBDXZ ?GetRegion@WorldFile@GAME@@QBEABURegion@12@I@Z  ¨?GetNumRegions@WorldFile@GAME@@QBEIXZ N?GetQuestFile@WorldFile@GAME@@QBEABV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@I@Z  ¥?GetNumQuestFiles@WorldFile@GAME@@QBEIXZ  &?Read@WorldFile@GAME@@QAE_NAAVBinaryReader@2@@Z %??1WorldFile@GAME@@QAE@XZ ??0WorldFile@GAME@@QAE@XZ Q?Write@RegionId@GAME@@QBEXAAVBinaryWriter@2@@Z  Engine.dll  ‹?_Xbad_alloc@std@@YAXXZ ?_Xout_of_range@std@@YAXPBD@Z Ž?_Xlength_error@std@@YAXPBD@Z } ??1?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ  † ??1?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ  –?_BADOFF@std@@3_JB  ‰ ??1?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ  ?uncaught_exception@std@@YA_NXZ ?always_noconv@codecvt_base@std@@QBE_NXZ  «?_Fiopen@std@@YAPAU_iobuf@@PBDHH@Z  ¥ ??1_Lockit@std@@QAE@XZ  m ??0_Lockit@std@@QAE@H@Z Õ?_Getgloballocale@locale@std@@CAPAV_Locimp@12@XZ  1??Bid@locale@std@@QAEIXZ  Þ?sputc@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEHD@Z É?id@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@2V0locale@2@A E?xsputn@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAE_JPBD_J@Z Õ?showmanyc@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAE_JXZ B?xsgetn@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAE_JPAD_J@Z á?sputn@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE_JPBD_J@Z  a?put@?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV12@D@Z  ±?_Getcat@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@locale@2@PBV42@@Z  3?widen@?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QBEDD@Z / ??0?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ  À?getloc@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QBE?AVlocale@2@XZ  õ?_Init@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAEXXZ  D?_Osfx@?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ  h?flush@?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV12@XZ &?unshift@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QBEHAAU_Mbstatet@@PAD1AAPAD@Z  Å?setstate@?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXH_N@Z   ??0?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ  % ??0?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@_N@Z ú?in@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QBEHAAU_Mbstatet@@PBD1AAPBDPAD3AAPAD@Z  3?out@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QBEHAAU_Mbstatet@@PBD1AAPBDPAD3AAPAD@Z ??6?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV01@P6AAAV01@AAV01@@Z@Z  ?tellp@?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE?AV?$fpos@U_Mbstatet@@@2@XZ  MSVCP140.dll  G memmove # __std_terminate J strchr  = _purecall ! __std_exception_copy  " __std_exception_destroy D memchr   __CxxFrameHandler3  ( __telemetry_main_invoke_trigger ) __telemetry_main_return_trigger 0 __vcrt_InitializeCriticalSectionEx   _CxxThrowException  H memset  5 _except_handler4_common VCRUNTIME140.dll    __acrt_iob_func  __stdio_common_vfprintf ‰ ftell } fopen t fclose  ‡ fseek 
 __stdio_common_vsprintf € fputs ƒ fread ; _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn  — tolower w fflush  ˜ setvbuf ˆ fsetpos / _fseeki64 y fgetpos x fgetc  ungetc  : _invalid_parameter_noinfo # _errno   fputc Š fwrite  $ _unlock_file   _lock_file  9 _get_stream_buffer_pointers  malloc   _mkdir  ~ fopen_s  free   realloc  _callnewh B _seh_filter_exe D _set_app_type . __setusermatherr   _configure_narrow_argv  5 _initialize_narrow_environment  * _get_initial_narrow_environment 8 _initterm 9 _initterm_e X exit  % _exit T _set_fmode   __p___argc   __p___argv   _cexit   _c_exit ? _register_thread_local_exe_atexit_callback   _configthreadlocale  _set_new_mode  __p__commode  6 _initialize_onexit_table  > _register_onexit_function  _crt_atexit  _controlfp_s  j terminate api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll  api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll  api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll  api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll  api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll  åGetFileAttributesA  R CloseHandle Ñ DeleteCriticalSection … CreateEventW  GetModuleHandleW  EGetProcAddress  §QueryPerformanceCounter ÁGetCurrentProcessId ÅGetCurrentThreadId  yGetSystemTimeAsFileTime çInitializeSListHead  IsDebuggerPresent ÓUnhandledExceptionFilter  ¥SetUnhandledExceptionFilter IsProcessorFeaturePresent ÀGetCurrentProcess ÀTerminateProcess  F memcpy  $ __libm_sse2_log @ _except1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

ShaderCompiler superb help… Probably called by a GUI tool.

Not enough command line parameters

ShaderCompiler nearly full strings

bad allocation  ÈeA 2+A €A bad array new length    P’A *’A     Not enough command line parameters
 /define Expected define
            /asmDir Expected directory for assembly listings
   -stat   File Name   File Name   Couldn't save shader
   %f%n    %d%n    {   {   }   sortOrder   =   Syntax error: expected '='  Syntax error: expected integer  Pass    {   Syntax error: expected '{'  }   texture vertexShader    pixelShader blendSrcFactor  blendDstFactor  blendFactor blendOperation  depthTestFunction   alphaTestFunction   alphaTestReference  alphaToCoverage depthWriteMode  depthBias   depthSlopeBias  colorWriteMode  alphaWriteMode  samplerAddressU samplerAddressV samplerAddressW samplerBorderColor  samplerMinFilter    samplerMagFilter    samplerMipFilter    samplerSrgbRead textureOffsetMatrix cullingMode stencilTestFunction stencilTestReference    stencilTestMask stencilWriteMode    stencilFailMode Syntax error: undefined state '%s'  [   ]   Syntax error: expected ']'  =   Syntax error: expected '='  
   =   +   -   *   /   |   &       vs_ Error : unable to identify vertex shader version    ps_ Error : vertex shader version %d unsupported by configuration %s    Error : unable to identify pixel shader version }   Error : pixel shader version %d unsupported by configuration %s Global  Style   Texture VertexShader    PixelShader Int Float   Float2  Float3  Float4  Color3  Color4  Float4x3    Float4x4    Unknown type '%s'   [   ]   :   Editable    Syntax error : expected 'Editable' or '='   =   Unknown hardware configuration %s.
 !!! Unrecognized type
  float4x3    float4x4    float   float2  float3  float4      ]   [   )    : packoffset(c )    : register(c   ;   cbuffer Constants : register(b0)    {   }   cbuffer Constants : register(b0)    {   }   cbuffer Unused : register(b1)   {   }   c   [   Syntax error : missing '['  ]   Syntax error : misssing ']' =   Syntax error : missing '='  c   [   ]   ,   (%d) WARNING %d constant registers used
    (   ,   Syntax error : missing ','  )   ,   Syntax error : missing ','  )   ,   Syntax error : missing ','  )   Syntax error : missing ')'  True    False   One Zero    DstColor    SrcColor    DstAlpha    SrcAlpha    OneMinusDstAlpha    OneMinusSrcAlpha    OneMinusDstColor    OneMinusSrcColor    BlendFactor OneMinusBlendFactor Add Subtract    ReverseSubtract Min Max Never   Equal   Less    Less    LessEqual   Greater GreaterEqual    NotEqual    Always  None    Keep    Overwrite   Replace ReplaceZero Increment   Decrement   Incrsat Decrsat Invert  Wrap    Clamp   ClampToBorder   FilterNone  FilterPoint FilterLinear    FilterQuality   CullingNone CullingCW   CullingCCW  VertexShader    {   DirectX11   vs_5_0  {   Syntax error : missing '{'  vs_5_0  .vs PixelShader {   DirectX11   ps_5_0  {   Syntax error : missing '{'  ps_5_0  .ps Undeclared identifier '%s'  _   _   \   (%d) WARNING %d constant registers used
    DX11 Compiler: %s   DX11 Compiler: Could not access reflector (%x)
 DX11 Compiler: Could not access shader desc (%x)
   Unsupported constant size: %s (%i)
 HLSL variable '%s' is unbound.
 vs_3_0  ps_3_0  Unsupported register set.
  WARNING Constant has more than 4 columns!
  Unsupported constant type.
 Unsupported constant type.
 HLSL variable '%s' is unbound.
 (%d):%n ):  (   %s  Error compiling shader.
    (%d) :  
   vs_1_   vs_2_   vs_3_   ps_1_   ps_2_   ps_3_   vs_4_   ps_4_   wb  rb  Couldn't open '%s'
 DEFINE  Couldn't find DEFINE section at the beginning of the shader.    {   Missing { after DEFINE. }   }   Maximum types exceeded. Missing } ? {   }   BLOCK   {   Found Undefined Type: %s    (%d) :  
   rb  \\?\UNC\    \\  .   *.* .   ..  \   .   ..  \*  \   %ub %.1fkb  %.1fmb  \*.*    .   ..  \   .   ..  \   \*.*    .   ..  \       %3f %u  %d  ,   ,   {   }   {   }   %i      ,   wb  Memory allocation of %dkb failed    # i f d e f                             # i f n d e f                           # e n d i f                             # e l s e                               #ifdef              #ifndef             #endif              #else               invalid string position vector<T> too long  string too long vector<bool> too long       X   p*@ –$A œ$A 0«@ Ъ@ ¢$A pª@ ¨$A ®$A ´$A €¨@ P§@ º$A À$A Æ$A ©ë@ bad cast    A €A Unknown exception    

 D3DReflect  D3DCompiler_42.dll    D3DXAssembleShader  
 D3DXCompileShader x D3DXDisassembleShader d3dx9_42.dll   D3DX11CompileFromMemory d3dx11_42.dll %WriteFile ˆ CreateFileA R CloseHandle KERNEL32.dll  ‹?_Xbad_alloc@std@@YAXXZ ?_Xout_of_range@std@@YAXPBD@Z Ž?_Xlength_error@std@@YAXPBD@Z ?uncaught_exception@std@@YA_NXZ –?_BADOFF@std@@3_JB  á?sputn@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE_JPBD_J@Z  a?put@?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV12@D@Z  3?widen@?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QBEDD@Z Þ?sputc@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEHD@Z / ??0?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ  D?_Osfx@?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ  h?flush@?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV12@XZ Å?setstate@?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXH_N@Z   ??0?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAE@XZ   ??0?$basic_iostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@@Z  } ??1?$basic_ios@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ  ‰ ??1?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ  (?_Lock@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAEXXZ  ?_Unlock@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAEXXZ  Õ?showmanyc@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAE_JXZ ?uflow@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAEHXZ  B?xsgetn@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAE_JPAD_J@Z E?xsputn@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAE_JPBD_J@Z µ?setbuf@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAEPAV12@PAD_J@Z ý?sync@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAEHXZ ö?imbue@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@MAEXABVlocale@2@@Z  ??6?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV01@P6AAAV01@AAV01@@Z@Z   ??6?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV01@I@Z  € ??1?$basic_iostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ † ??1?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@UAE@XZ  ?always_noconv@codecvt_base@std@@QBE_NXZ  «?_Fiopen@std@@YAPAU_iobuf@@PBDHH@Z  ¥ ??1_Lockit@std@@QAE@XZ  m ??0_Lockit@std@@QAE@H@Z Õ?_Getgloballocale@locale@std@@CAPAV_Locimp@12@XZ  1??Bid@locale@std@@QAEIXZ  É?id@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@2V0locale@2@A ±?_Getcat@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@locale@2@PBV42@@Z  À?getloc@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QBE?AVlocale@2@XZ  õ?_Init@?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IAEXXZ  &?unshift@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QBEHAAU_Mbstatet@@PAD1AAPAD@Z  % ??0?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAV?$basic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@_N@Z ú?in@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QBEHAAU_Mbstatet@@PBD1AAPBDPAD3AAPAD@Z  3?out@?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@QBEHAAU_Mbstatet@@PBD1AAPBDPAD3AAPAD@Z ?tellp@?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE?AV?$fpos@U_Mbstatet@@@2@XZ  MSVCP140.dll  G memmove # __std_terminate L strstr  J strchr  ! __std_exception_copy  " __std_exception_destroy  __CxxFrameHandler3  ( __telemetry_main_invoke_trigger ) __telemetry_main_return_trigger  _CxxThrowException  H memset  5 _except_handler4_common VCRUNTIME140.dll  X exit  ” strtok    __acrt_iob_func  __stdio_common_vfprintf * _stricmp  ; _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn  4 _strnicmp 
 __stdio_common_vsprintf € fputs P atoi  O atof  n isspace m ispunct  __stdio_common_vsscanf  ‰ ftell } fopen t fclose  ‡ fseek Š fwrite   free  ƒ fread  malloc  w fflush  ˜ setvbuf ˆ fsetpos / _fseeki64 y fgetpos x fgetc  ungetc  : _invalid_parameter_noinfo # _errno   fputc $ _unlock_file   _lock_file  9 _get_stream_buffer_pointers  realloc  _callnewh 5 _initialize_narrow_environment  6 _initialize_onexit_table  > _register_onexit_function  _crt_atexit  _cexit  B _seh_filter_exe D _set_app_type . __setusermatherr   _configure_narrow_argv  * _get_initial_narrow_environment 8 _initterm 9 _initterm_e % _exit T _set_fmode   __p___argc   __p___argv   _c_exit ? _register_thread_local_exe_atexit_callback   _configthreadlocale  _set_new_mode  __p__commode  j terminate  _controlfp_s  api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll  api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll  api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll  api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll  api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll  | CreateDirectoryA  2FindFirstFileA  .FindClose åGetFileAttributesA  IsProcessorFeaturePresent  IsDebuggerPresent ÓUnhandledExceptionFilter  ¥SetUnhandledExceptionFilter GetModuleHandleW  §QueryPerformanceCounter ÁGetCurrentProcessId ÅGetCurrentThreadId  yGetSystemTimeAsFileTime çInitializeSListHead ÀGetCurrentProcess ÀTerminateProcess  F memcpy  @ _except1

This includes a hard coded list of DBR and TEX files as entry points into the game. That’s how I knew that the pet stance menu was hard coded - I wasn’t guessing.

This also includes the cheat codes (god, invisible, debug, show hate, etc) to enter at the ~ console.

Grim Dawn.exe:   records/ui/styles/text/style_error.dbr  d e f a u l t   t e x t     ^ N     ^ n     textBoxX    textBox
Y    style   backgroundColorRed  backgroundColorGreen    textBoxXSize    textBoxYSize    textAlignmentX  backgroundColor
Blue backgroundColorAlpha    Right   Left    Center  Center  Bottom  textAlignmentY  Top     ^ n     ^ n
 . . .   te] ,e] |e] (e] skillOffsetX    skillOffsetY    T h e   q u i c k   b r o w n   f o x   j u m p e d   o v e r
 t h e   l a z y   d o g     skillName   tabSkillButtons BasePane    GenderFormat    [ f s ]     skillTabTitle   [ m s ]
     skillPaneBaseBitmap GenderFormat    skillPaneBaseReallocationBitmap skillPaneDescriptionTag skillPaneMasteryBitmap
 peekThroughColorRed masteryBar  peekThroughNextTierSound    peekThroughColorGreen   peekThroughColorBlue    masterySkil
lLevel   skillLevel  redBitmap   grayBitmap  blueBitmap  greenBitmap grayRoundBitmap goldBitmap  greenRoundBitmap    red
RoundBitmap  goldRoundBitmap blueRoundBitmap skillBorderBitmap   skillLevelBitmap    undoButton  undoMasterySelectionBut
ton  masteryMilestoneNumber2 masteryMilestoneNumber1 masteryMilestoneNumber4 masteryMilestoneNumber3 masteryMilestoneNum
ber6 masteryMilestoneNumber5 masteryMilestoneNumber8 masteryMilestoneNumber7 playerGoldNumber    ERROR: skill tier level
s number less than the UI expects them to be.    masteryMilestoneNumber9 playerGoldNumberBitmap  playerGoldText  mastery
SkillButtonColorPulse    descriptionScrollWindow reallocationBitmap  pointsRemaining descriptionTextBox  costPerPoint
 pointsRemainingColorPulse   costPerPointNumber  UISkillPane: Could not attach skill (%s)    costPerPointNumberBitmap
 SkillPointsAvailable    ^ r     UISkillPane: Skill button (%s) has no skill name    SkillPointsAvailableSingular    tag
ReallocationDescription  tagSkillHelp01  NoSkillPointsAvailable  ^ r     ^ b     SkillLevelFormat    tagSkillHelp02  tag
SkillHelp03  records/ui/skills/classcommon/skillbuttons_effectimage.dbr  Failure in the reclamation point system.  Very
Bad  ^ r X       player not found in UISkillPane::OnHide Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile '%s', requested class %s, objec
t was class %s   panePosY    panePosX    SimpleStringFormat  tagChatCommand02    /   tagChatCommand01    SimpleStringFor
mat  tagChatCommand04    SimpleStringFormat  tagChatCommand03    SimpleStringFormat  tagChatCommand01    SimpleStringFor
mat  tagChatCommand02    SimpleStringFormat  SimpleStringFormat  tagChatCommand03    "     "     TextStyle       T e s t
   T e x t       records/sandbox/paul/speechwindow.dbr   T h e   q u i c k   b r o w n   f o x   j u m p e d   o v e r
 t h e   l a z y   d o g     tagDotFire  tagDotPoison    tagDotBleeding  tagDotCold  tagDotAether    tagDotLifeLeech tag
DotLightning tagDotChaos T h e   q u i c k   b r o w n   f o x   j u m p e d   o v e r   t h e   l a z y   d o g     ui/
hud/hud_durdamageicon_bleeding.tex   tagDotPhysical  tagDurationDamageOverTime   ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_poison.tex ui/
hud/hud_durdamageicon_lightning.tex  ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_cold.tex   ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_fire.tex   ui/hud/hud_
durdamageicon_lifeleech.tex  ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_physical.tex   ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_chaos.tex  ui/hud/hud_durd
amageicon_aether.tex activeHudAreaSizeX  activeHudAreaSizeY  activeHudAreaX  activeHudAreaY  activeHudAreaSize2X activeH
udAreaSize2Y activeHudArea2X activeHudArea2Y durationColor.r durationColor.g iconHorizSpace  iconScale   cooldownColor.r
 cooldownColor.g durationColor.b durationColor.a records/ui/styles/text/style_skillcooldowntext.dbr  cooldownFontStyle
 cooldownColor.b cooldownColor.a buffDurationText.r  buffDurationText.g  cooldownTextLocationX   cooldownTextLocationY
 debuffDurationText.r    debuffDurationText.g    buffDurationText.b  buffDurationText.a  chargeText.r    chargeText.g
 debuffDurationText.b    debuffDurationText.a    ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_bleeding.tex   ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_cold.t
ex   chargeText.b    chargeText.a    ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_lightning.tex  ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_chaos.tex  ui/hud/
hud_durdamageicon_fire.tex   ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_poison.tex ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_physical.tex   ui/hud/hud_durd
amageicon_aether.tex ui/hud/hud_durdamageicon_lifeleech.tex  tagPortraitAggressive   tagPortraitNormal   tagPortraitDisb
and  tagPortraitRemove   tagPortraitTrade    tagPortraitDefensive    tagPortraitHireling tagPortraitChat "   tagTradeDis
tance    SimpleStringFormat  tagInspectWarning   SimpleStringFormat  tagMPBan    tagInspectOption    tagMPLocation   tag
MPLifeMana   tagMPNameLevel  [ f s ]     T h e   q u i c k   b r o w n   f o x   j u m p e d   o v e r   t h e   l a z y
   d o g     GenderFormat    [ m s ]     GenderFormat    records/ui/styles/text/style_droptitle01.dbr    records/ui/styl
es/text/style_defaultwhite_sizen.dbr records/ui/styles/text/style_droptitle01.dbr    records/ui/styles/text/style_dropti
tle01.dbr    records/ui/hud/hud_petnormal.dbr    SimpleStringFormat  records/ui/hud/hud_petaggressive.dbr    records/ui/
hud/hud_petdefensive.dbr tagInspectOption    tagPortraitTrade    records/ui/styles/text/style_droptitle01.dbr    tagPort
raitRemove   tagPortraitAggressive   tagPortraitNormal   tagPortraitChat tagMPBan    tagPortraitDisband  __MenuPaperDoll
Region   tagPortraitDefensive    tagPortraitHireling ui/hud/hud_partyplayericon.tex  ui/hud/hud_partyplayericongray.tex
 records/ui/hud/hud_playerstatusdisplay.dbr  records/ui/hud/hud_playerstatusdisplay.dbr  BackgroundImagePet  ui/hud/hud_
partyplayericonred.tex   BackgroundImagePetHighlight BackgroundImagePetHighlightXOffset  BackgroundImagePlayer   PlayerL
evelText BackgroundImagePetHighlightYOffset  PlayerManaBarY  PlayerManaBarWidth  PlayerNameText  PlayerManaBarX  PlayerH
ealthBarY    PlayerHealthBarWidth    PlayerManaBarHeight PlayerHealthBarX    PetManaBarY PetManaBarWidth PlayerHealthBar
Height   PetManaBarX PetHealthBarY   PetHealthBarWidth   PetManaBarHeight    PetHealthBarX   BuffIconLocationY   BuffIco
nSeparation  PetHealthBarHeight  BuffIconLocationX   PetBuffIconSeparation   records/ui/hud/hud_playerstatusportraitscen
e.dbr    PetBuffIconLocationX    PetBuffIconLocationY    windowScreenAlignmentX  initialPanelPositionX   initialPanelPos
itionY   panelDistance   windowScreenAlignmentY  lowerLeftTexture    upperLeftTexture    lowerRightTexture   upperRightT
exture   rightTexture    leftTexture bottomTexture   topTexture  fontName    fontColorRed    style   fontSize    textBox
X    fontColorGreen  fontColorBlue   textBoxYSize    textBoxY    textBoxXSize    Center  Right   textAlignmentX  Left
 Top Center  textAlignmentY  SimpleStringFormat  SimpleStringFormat  Botton  IntFormat   SimpleStringFormat  textTag tex
tTag SimpleStringFormat  backgroundColorBlue backgroundColorAlpha    backgroundColorRed  backgroundColorGreen    textBox
XSize    textBoxYSize    textBoxX    textBoxY    backgroundColorBlue backgroundColorAlpha    backgroundColorRed  backgro
undColorGreen    backgroundHighlightColorBlue    backgroundHighlightColorAlpha   backgroundHighlightColorRed backgroundH
ighlightColorGreen   borderCorrectionOffsetXSize borderCorrectionOffsetYSize borderCorrectionOffsetX borderCorrectionOff
setY backgroundColorBlue backgroundColorAlpha    backgroundColorRed  backgroundColorGreen    backgroundHighlightColorBlu
e    backgroundHighlightColorAlpha   backgroundHighlightColorRed backgroundHighlightColorGreen   textBoxY    SimpleStrin
gFormat  textBoxX    style   textBoxXSize    inventoryX  inventoryY  tagTransferStashError   backgroundShadeColorRed bac
kgroundShadeColorGreen   inventoryXSize  inventoryYSize  backgroundShadeReduction    failsRequirementsColorRed   backgro
undShadeColorBlue    backgroundShadeColorAlpha   failsRequirementsColorAlpha pickUpSoundName failsRequirementsColorGreen
 failsRequirementsColorBlue  BackgroundImage %d  Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile '%s', requested class %s, object was cl
ass %s   CloseButton records/ui/trade/buttoncancel.dbr   MyGoldEditBox   records/ui/trade/tradeportraitotherplayer.dbr
 records/ui/trade/goldtextotherplayer.dbr    records/ui/trade/buttontrade.dbr    records/ui/trade/tradeportraitplayer.db
r    records/ingameui/tradewindow/windowtitle.dbr    records/ui/trade/nameplayer.dbr records/ui/trade/tradeinventoryothe
rplayer.dbr  records/ui/trade/tradeinventoryplayer.dbr   HighlightColorGreen HighlightColorBlue  records/ui/trade/nameot
herplayer.dbr    HighlightColorRed   HighlightColorAlpha 0   windowDefaultExtentX    windowDefaultExtentY    windowDefau
ltX  windowDefaultY  windowScreenAlignmentY  windowScreenAlignmentX  Center  Top Left    Right   tutorialTag Bottom  tut
orialTrigger tutorialOffsetY tutorialKey ULBitmap    BLBitmap    URBitmap    LeftBitmap  BRBitmap    TopBitmap   RightBi
tmap FillerBitmap    BottomBitmap    Padding AutoSortRollover    characterDisplayBitmap  invSortButton1  componentAutoCo
mpleteRollover   autoCompleteButton1 invSortButton2  equipSwap1LeftButton    inventoryGrid   equipSwap2LeftButton    equ
ipSwap1RightButton   equipSwapButtonRollover equipSwap2RightButton   inventoryTab2Bitmap inventoryTab1Bitmap inventoryTa
b4Bitmap inventoryTab3Bitmap inventoryTab1Button inventoryTab5Bitmap inventoryTab3Button inventoryTab2Button inventoryTa
b5Button inventoryTab4Button inventoryTabActive  characterWindowTitle    inventoryTabInactive    characterGoldNumber rol
loverStyle   unprotectedColorRed unprotectedColorGreen   unprotectedTag  bonusColorGreen bonusColorBlue  unprotectedColo
rBlue    bonusColorRed   verticalTextLineSpacing minSpacingBetweenColumns    edgeClearance   hitTitleText    titleText
 headText    absorptionTitle headHitNumber   headNumber  chestText   headAbsorptionNumber    chestHitNumber  chestNumber
 handsText   chestAbsorptionNumber   handsHitNumber  handsNumber legsText    handsAbsorptionNumber   legsHitNumber   leg
sNumber  feetText    legsAbsorptionNumber    feetHitNumber   feetNumber  shouldersText   feetAbsorptionNumber    shoulde
rsHitNumber  shouldersNumber infoText    tagFormatPercent    shouldersAbsorptionNumber   tagFormatPercent    enchanterAr
tifactTabBitmap  enchanterBaseBitmap enchanterNameText   enchanterHeadingBar enchanterHeadingRollover    crafterHeadingT
ext  craftingTab1Button  craftingTabArtifactButton   craftingTab3Button  craftingTab2Button  craftingTabArtifactButtonRo
llover   craftingTab4Button  craftingTab2ButtonRollover  craftingTab1ButtonRollover  craftingTab4ButtonRollover  craftin
gTab3ButtonRollover  enchanterCloseButton    enchanterWindowTitle    enchanterArtifactTab    enchanterRecoverTabBitmap
 enchanterTinkerTabBitmap    enchanterDismantleTabBitmap enchanterNameText   enchanterHeadingBar enchanterHeadingRollove
r    enchanterHeadingText    enchanterRecoverTabButtonRollover   enchanterDismantleTabButtonRollover enchanterDismantleT
abButton enchanterWindowTitle    enchanterCloseButton    enchanterRecoverTabButton   enchanterDismantleTab   enchanterRe
coverTab tagDividerRoll02B   exitBaseBitmap  tagOptionsMenuExitMenuConfirm   tagOptionsMenuExitGameConfirm   exitButton
 resumeButton    optionsButton   exitGameButton  exitWindowTitle backgroundColorGreen    backgroundColorBlue backgroundC
olorRed  windowBottomPixelOffset buttonXPixelSeparator   backgroundAlpha windowLeftPixelOffset   skillSelectSound    but
tonYPixelSeparator   maxVerticalSkills   prevTemplate    pickTemplate    defaultHealthBitmap nextTemplate    tagHUD_Poti
onEnergy defaultManaBitmap   tagHUD_PotionHealth Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile '%s', requested class %s, object was cl
ass %s   characterDisplayInspectBitmap   records/ui/styles/text/style_textwhite_sizen_bold.dbr   tagFactionDiscountPosit
ive  Friendly    respected   tagFactionDiscountNegative  tagFactionDiscountZero  ^ r     ^ y     honored revered tagFact
ionDiscountNegative  tagFactionDiscountZero  ^ g     tagFactionDiscountPositive  tagFactionDiscountPositive  tagFactionD
iscountNegative  records/ui/styles/text/style_textwhite_sizen_bold.dbr   records/ui/styles/text/style_textwhite_sizen.db
r    marketBaseBitmap    tagFactionDiscountZero  marketHeadingMage   marketHeadingGeneric    marketHeading1Text  marketH
eadingMelee  marketHeadingRollover   marketHeading2Text  marketTab2Button    marketTab1Button    marketTab4Button    mar
ketTab3Button    marketTab1ButtonRollover    marketTab5Button    marketTab3ButtonRollover    marketTab2ButtonRollover
 marketTab5ButtonRollover    marketTab4ButtonRollover    marketGrid  marketWindowTitle   factionIcon marketCloseButton
 factionPositiveBar  factionName factionNeutralBar   factionNegativeBar  marketTab1Bitmap    factionBarRollover  marketT
ab3Bitmap    marketTab2Bitmap    marketTab4Bitmap    skillsTab1Button    skillsBaseBitmap    skillsTab3Button    skillsT
ab2Button    skillsCloseButton   skillsSelectedMasteryDescriptionPulseInfo   skillCtrlPane2  skillCtrlPane1  skillCtrlPa
ne4  skillCtrlPane3  skillCtrlPane6  skillCtrlPane5  skillCtrlPane8  skillCtrlPane7  masterySelectWindow skillCtrlPane9
 skillsWindowReallocationTitle   skillsWindowTitle   tagConfirmSkillChanges      tagConfirmSkillChanges  Failure to find
 the fontstyle in UIWorldDescManager::FindWorldPosition.   -     WindowLocationX SimpleStringFormat  ZoneNameTag hideUnd
iscovered    WindowLocationY hideUndiscovered    corruptedShrine WindowLocationX WindowLocationY tagShrineRestored   tag
ShrineDesecrated ruinedShrine    SimpleStringFormat  yPosition   tagShrineRuined xPosition   backgroundImage texture map
SizeX    mapPositionY    destinationTitle    mapSizeY    zoneNameStyle   mapPositionX    labelPrimaryStyle   currentZone
NameStyle    iconSpacing textIconSpacing labelSecondaryStyle zoneNameLocation    undiscovered    mapSections staticPorta
lCurrent staticPortal    personalPortal  staticPortalHover   personalPortalHover personalPortalCurrent   ruinedShrineHov
er   ruinedShrine    corruptedShrineHover    corruptedShrine cleansedShrineHover cleansedShrine  panRightImage   panLeft
Image    panDownImage    labelTag%u  panUpImage  labelY%u    labelStyle%u    labelX%u    Region001ShrineList     Primary
 tagRiftgateError02  tagRiftgateError03  Enables or disables exporting of large dump files   LargeDumpFiles  Exits the g
ame  game.LargeDumpFiles Enables or disables exporting of large dump files   Exit    Closes the console  .Exit   Exits t
he game  Close   Takes a screen shot .Close  Closes the console  ScreenShot  Executes a script   .ScreenShot Takes a scr
een shot Exec    Binds a command to key release  .Exec   Executes a script   BindUp  Binds a command to key press    .Bi
ndUp Binds a command to key release  BindDown    Binds a command with true/false values to toggle with key press .BindDo
wn   Binds a command to key press    BindToggle  Enables or disables god mode    .BindToggle God Binds a command with tr
ue/false values to toggle with key press Toggles being invincible.   game.God    Enables or disables god mode    Invinci
ble  Enables or disables mana loss   game.Invincible Toggles being invincible.   Uber    Enables or disables the UI  gam
e.Uber   Enables or disables mana loss   ShowHud Teleports the player to the specified world space coordinates   game.Sh
owHud    Enables or disables the UI  Teleport    Sets the game speed multiplier  game.Teleport   Teleports the player to
 the specified world space coordinates   Speed   Kills the player    game.Speed  Sets the game speed multiplier  KillMe
 Displays a variety of player stats on the screen    game.KillMe Kills the player    PlayStats   Creates an object at th
e player's location  game.PlayStats  Displays a variety of player stats on the screen    Spawn   Creates an object and g
ives it to the player    game.Spawn  Creates an object at the player's location  Give    Creates multiple objects and gi
ve them to the player    game.Give   Creates an object and gives it to the player    Gives   Enables or disables the obj
ect Dynamic Obstacles    game.Gives  Creates multiple objects and give them to the player    ShowDynamicObstacles    Giv
es the player a skill point  game.ShowDynamicObstacles   Enables or disables the object Dynamic Obstacles    IncrementSk
ill  game.IncrementSkill Increments the number of points allocated to the specified skill    Gives the player a skill po
int  IncrementSkill  Gives the player an attribute point game.IncrementSkill IncrementAttribute  Increments the number o
f points allocated to the specified skill    Increments the player's level   game.IncrementAttribute Gives the player an
 attribute point IncrementLevel  Gives the player a devotion point   game.IncrementLevel Increments the player's level
 incrementdevotion   Removes a devotion point    game.incrementdevotion  Gives the player a devotion point   decrementde
votion   Allows player to equip anything regardless of requirements  game.decrementdevotion  Removes a devotion point
 IgnoreRequirements  Shows or hides the mouse cursor game.IgnoreRequirements Allows player to equip anything regardless
of requirements  ShowCursor  Shows or hides skill not ready error messages   game.ShowCursor Shows or hides the mouse cu
rsor ShowErrorMessages   Makes it so enemies donÆt see the player and thus donÆt attack - but you can attack them    gam
e.ShowErrorMessages  Shows or hides skill not ready error messages   SetPlayerInvisible  Shows a variety of data above p
layer, NPCs, monsters    character.SetPlayerInvisible    Makes it so enemies donÆt see the player and thus donÆt attack
- but you can attack them    LogData character.LogData   Gives the amount specified.  Negative numbers take gold away an
d 0 will zero out your gold. Shows a variety of data above player, NPCs, monsters    GiveTakeGold    Debug info for AI
 character.GiveTakeGold  Gives the amount specified.  Negative numbers take gold away and 0 will zero out your gold. Sho
wAngerLevels Makes it so player always warps to destination  character.ShowAngerLevels   Debug info for AI   WarpCursor
 Forces all resources to be reloaded character.WarpCursor    Makes it so player always warps to destination  ReloadResou
rces graphics.ReloadResources    Enables or disables displaying a variety of stats including frame rate  Forces all reso
urces to be reloaded Stats   Enables or disables displaying a variety of sound statistics    graphics.Stats  sound.Stats
 Enables or disables displaying a variety of stats including frame rate  Stats   Remove all stored trigger tokens in the
 player  Enables or disables displaying a variety of sound statistics    ClearPlayerTokens   Dumps the player's trigger
tokens to the console    character.ClearPlayerTokens Remove all stored trigger tokens in the player  ShowPlayerTokens
 Gives the player the specified token    character.ShowPlayerTokens  Dumps the player's trigger tokens to the console
 GrantPlayerToken    Revokes the specified token from the player character.GrantPlayerToken  Gives the player the specif
ied token    RevokePlayerToken   Return true if the server has the token character.RevokePlayerToken Revokes the specifi
ed token from the player ServerHasToken  Return true if the anyone has the token character.ServerHasToken    Return true
 if the server has the token AnyoneHasToken  Shows data when things affect physics engine    character.AnyoneHasToken
 Return true if the anyone has the token physics true    debug.physics   Shows data when things affect physics engine
 ^r  false   *.* ^b  ^r  ^y  ^c  (%d, %d, %d)    ^g  ^g  :   ^rError: Couldn't load script ' '   ^w   -  '   ^gUnknown b
utton '  repeat  ^gUnknown button '  '   %s  '   ^gUnknown button '  ^rError: Incorrect arguments to command '%s'    ^rE
rror: Invalid command '%s'   repeat  c   d   a   b   g   h   e   f   k   l   i   j   o   p   m   n   s   t   q   r   w
 x   u   v   0   1   y   z   4   5   2   3   8   9   6   7   =   add delete  -   divide  [   subtract    multiply    '
 ,   ]   ;   \   left    .   /   down    lcontrol    up  right   rshift  lalt    rcontrol    lshift  tab enter   ralt
 space   pause   f1  capslock    escape  f4  f5  f2  f3  f8  f9  f6  f7  f12 pageup  f10 f11 accentgrave  false  pagedow
n    printscreen  true   %d:  true    false  Object %d   Type = %s   >   >   Region = %s Origin = %f %f %f   Name = %s
 NULL    Object is NULL  UI/Cursor/CursorReticleAttack.tex   UI/Cursor/CursorAttack.tex  UI/Cursor/CursorDefault.tex UI/
Cursor/CursorReticle.tex UI/Cursor/CursorMerchantNoBuy.tex   UI/Cursor/CursorOpen.tex    UI/Cursor/CursorDialog.tex  UI/
Cursor/CursorMerchant.tex    DDS     UI/Cursor/CursorTextEdit.tex    UI/Cursor/CursorNoPlacement.tex OA: %d DA: %d   Loo
tItemTable_DynWeight Can't Test Loot table, Database Archive not present.    No output File Name specified   LootItemTab
le_FixedWeight   .txt    w   %d Loot tables found.   .   ------------------------Localization Widget Complete    %d of %
d  Table: %s Unable to open outfile (%s) ------------------------ (%s)   ------End of Line------ Attempt to CreateObject
FromFile '%s', requested class %s, object was class %s   ---NO NAME GENERATED FOR--- %s
1 Like

Haven’t poured over this yet but bookmarked for future reference. Just wanna say I appreciate the work you’re putting into this and the knowledge that you’re aggregating here.

Sweet! character.warpcursor true :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Much appreciated :slight_smile: For a very long time I got not gratitude from being a programmer, so I actually quit the profession for a while. I was sick of meetings and people angry over how dumb they were without them realizing who the real problem was (non-technical managers should just provide resources on request, not try to micromanage every detail and then require explanations 4 times for the same thing when they will never understand anyway). I baked cheesecakes for a while, and it was amazing to have everyone actually thank me and enjoy them. Next job was a huge pay cut but with an awesome manager who always gave me a fair deal. A little thanks for being a programmer makes it worthwhile to volunteer my time doing what I can.

i understand this problem intimately. in larger organizations, the middle managers want to pretend they have value and so just spend too much time “managing” when they should delegate and let the experts do their jobs. i’ve seen some **** who just would always try to dominate the scientists and it made the projects fail everytime

. anyways thanks for your excellent research rorschachrev. ill do the literature review of your findings tonight :smiley:

I love the prayer to RNGesus in your sig :smiley:

Thank you for this. Excellent reference.