[mod] Unbalancing of Reign of Terror

Ram gave me permission to publish my changes of Reign of Terror as a separate thing.

First: this requires the version of Reign of Terror available at [Mod] Reign of Terror

Extract to the mods folder, replace as asked.

Recommended using this with new characters, preferably with a different stash save as well. Although it should work fine with existing characters, be mindful some changes done here will likely break things when changing back to the original mod.

Here’s a summary of what I changed from the mod:

Most Grim Dawn Unbalanced changes are applied.
Minus the conversion potions and removal of damage conversion from everything.

Exclusive skills no longer exclusive.
Removed life time limit on summon skills that have a summon limit.
Doubled radius effects/projectiles.
Doubled target counts.
Extended the range of some player skills.
Removed life reduction from mob skills.
Changed resistance to life reduction to vitality.
Several debuff skills changed to -2% res per level.
Removed active mana cost and mana reserved from all skills.
Changed skeleton mastery and golem mastery to be a general boost to pets.
Added 2 hp/sec regen per level to skeleton mastery (Classic Necro) and oaksage spirit (Druid).
Druid’s poison creeper made invincible and untargetable. Enemies will ignore it now.
Removed mana cost from Druid’s summoned bear skills.
Bone Mastery life steal chance removed, changed to 0.2% life steal per level.
Removed ranged weapon requirement from Blessed Aim.
Restored dodge skill.

Changed + to all skills for a mastery into + to all skills.
Transcendent and Mythical relics now have a +1 to all skills.
Soulbound tag removed.
Potions’ skills changed to passive.
Changed the Facets damage conversion to 100%.
Changed potion of life and scroll of resists into passives.
Double throw barbarian mercenary: +1 to all skills moved to the augment.
Changed partial component to full component.

Merchants now pay 10% of an item’s value.
Doubled weight of double rare.
Halved weight of normal affixes.
Halved weight of no affix.
Halved weight of broken.
Removed consumable potions from the drop tables.
Hidden ubers always drop their trinket.

Download links:
Main file - Google Drive - Install as if it was an update to the mod.
Playstation buttons on the UI - Google Drive - Install as if it was an update to the mod.
Zeal template - Google Drive - Extra needed to modify this, can be used on other mods.

Edit: I was informed that google drive may lock up downloads after a certain amount per day, if this happens, it is also available on nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/grimdawn/mods/130


thanks for the update mate - just for some reason I am barely taking damage even from hidden nemesis /uber bosses

Either you’re that overcapped in resistances or I really neutered them by removing their life reduction.
I’ve yet to get a testing character there (doing it as a mod separate from reign of terror.

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thanks mate - by the way potion of life and scroll of resistance not working - maybe its intentional by its was working in a previous mod iterations and i found some items with missing tag if you need screenshots i will gladly do that - again thanks for your effort to make this awesome mode - cheers

They’ve been turned into passive skills, there’s no indicator they’re on, but you can really see the difference in a new character.

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Could we get a version in which bosses are still immune to life % reduction? Makes it a tad too easy