Modding Tools are now Available! (V1.0.0.3)

I have F-Secure anti virus software and it flags sourceserver.exe as a virus and removes it. I guess that’s a false positive but still.

Edit: I’ve submitted it to them, hopefully they will fix this.

Will this have steam workshop support?

Thanks for the update and the power overwhelming within it!

I’ll admit i was hoping to see another balance pass… Armor is still pretty worthless Since 90% of the damage taken is not Phys… Since the last nerfs to HP in Devotion, phys is now the king stat again. Funny part is no amount of buffing of the other stats really will fix this perception due to the overall lack of HP in the game. DA is still a joke for someone who doesn’t go into shields.

Mod tools are cool and all… The games combat is not in a great place at this time. There is entirely too much stress on resistances being the primary means of mitigation. One would think that Armor would be the primary means followed by resistances but since the game has very little perspective physical damage. this is what we get.

Now keep in mind i am only wanting to shift the sources of that damage. Give armor some value in this game.

I have also F-Secure and it also find SourceServer.exe as a Virus and keeps deleting it. Had to turn it off to be able to download the modding tool folder and I can now play. Probably a false positive, but just here to notify people.

Stay tuned.

Great update as always ! I was wondering if sometime in the future you will change attack animations. As it is now, it feels really stiff and could benefit an upgrade.

I shall make a new mastery…possibly Necromancer.

Or maybe Ranger/Hunter.

stupid question, how to update the new version ? using GOG version btw, im bit lost :frowning:

You guys would release this the exact moment I’m heading to work. Well, no sleep for me tonight. :smiley:


OMG! I cant wait for infinite stash

Can someone please make this weapon!! Lavis Cannon!

Sword type M.I. =D need epic aura to lol

Heck maybe I will try!

have celestial powers always been effected by CDR? and why aren’t item procs?

I never thought I would see the day someone asks for something from PSO, lol.

This line alone makes this patch worth it. I was getting tired of having to exit to the main menu all the time to reset my Callidor’s Tempest.

any worries that modding will break the game? as far as balance? will the game still be playable? will modded people be playing with un-modded people?
my brain is hurting just thinking about it. i just had my first playthrough, i dont want “technology to run-a-muck” and prevent me from having a good gear grinding time.

how can you be sure since its hidden

Holy shit. These modding tools make me feel retarded. I have no idea what the hell I’m doing and I’m just not getting it. Guess I’ll just have to play other people’s mods…

You are not alone… I wait long time for the modding tool with 1 friend, and after 3 hours of try, after reading 10 times the first tutorial… we have not even managed to export the base game files to our game mod files, and the DRB Editor tutorial for monster editing say just what you can but not open your mod on this editor… waiting guide on video please…

“Note that these tutorials are not fully comprehensive.”