Mogdrogen's Sunder Cloud not visible enough for how dangerous it is

I’ve been thinking about it but I’m only posting this feedback after finding someone that agrees with it.

Personally I didn’t even know that Sunder comes from this cloud because I never noticed it and thought that Sunder is more or less unavoidable before Gnuffi told me.

Here’s a video that shows the cloud. I play with low settings which might be a factor

I do manage to evade the cloud with 100% consistency with long evades though but it might be harder for some melee builds that need to know the cloud location better to be able to deal damage,


+1 to this, the visibility of the clouds seems to be tied to how high the graphics settings are and in certain cases like in the video, the clouds can be pretty hard to notice :neutral_face:

and even with everything max, and at night time in game, visibility is not that much better -



I’d definitely screw up and not recognise the clouds fighting him, especially as it’s usually a visually noisy fight with all the summons etc.

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