Monster Infrequent Affix Drop Rate Discussion

It would be good to be able to have some NPC to change affixes of your greens randomly for not some high price or perhaps even directly change to what you want for a high price. It would make me stop gdstashing them. Otherwise it will never happen. A specific double rare green is more unobtainable then set of purple Alkamos rings (their drop rate is not reasonable as well!) and that is just not ok.


Just GDStash them :scorv:

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This is a top idea actually and it shouldn’t be to hard to implement it as a part of inventor services. Moreover it doesn’t look as weird as transmute. For example, I could imagine to use Aetherial Essence to remove any affix and Blood of Chton to add Demonic, of Solael Malice and other Chton related affixes. Imo, it also makes craft system way more flexible. :slightly_smiling_face:

Double this. No greens that worth several hours of farming.

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It would be good to be able to have some NPC to change affixes of your greens randomly for not some high price or perhaps even directly change to what you want for a high price. It would make me stop gdstashing them. Otherwise it will never happen. A specific double rare green is more unobtainable then set of purple Alkamos rings (their drop rate is not reasonable as well!) and that is just not ok.

Already suggested that in 1.1.6 discussion.Still hoping it will happen. :slight_smile:

The point with double rare MIs is to be the hard to obtain overpowered loot when compared to the welfare legendaries that compose the baseline of balance. If it was even as trivial to get a desired double rare as it is to obtain alkamos rings they’d functionally be another legendary and end up being balanced as such.


Yeah, if they make double rare MIs really easy to get, the devs have to start balancing the game around them. And given the fact that double rare MIs have way more stats than legendaries, that’s a big power creep that has to be addressed.

I don’t mind them being made a little easier to get than at the moment, but having a npc that can change an affix in a MI to the affix you want is going way too far unless the cost is absolutely ridiculously high.


Alkamos rings are not easy to get. And usable double rare greens are unobtainable. Thats why everyone gdstashes them. And people gdstash alkamos rings and magi rings as well.

People gdstash greens not because they need them to clear content, but because they want them in the trained craving of seeking out completion and the absolute highest degree of performance. And that is perfectly fine. For a genre that is ALL about loot one of the most alluring features for diehard players is the rare item, the delectable bundle of stats that only lands on the persistent or those blessed by luck. It’s just as much the act of chasing these rare items as it is the possessing of said items that appeals to these players. Eradicate this and the degree of rarity you’ll see is a matter of chasing percentile rolls that don’t have anywhere near the amazing impact on build potential.

You don’t need them to beat campaign, you don’t need them to beat crucible or SR. They’re trophy items and people get hung up on having to settle for bronze, ignoring the fact that people not following hive mind guide XYZ aren’t making it anywhere near the podium.

What happens if you don’t have the MIs, does flipping over a rock cause your character to explode into a bloody pulp?


People are not chasing those items. They are gdstashing them. That’s the point. MIs are build defining, so it makes your char bad and double rares fix resistances as well on a lot of otherwise lacking builds.

So gdstashing is badwrongfun in this case?

Frankly you don’t need double rares to fix resistances. Between all the No GrEeNs CrUcIbLe 5 MiN and the high stat density already present on rare+magic MIs I am unconvinced people absolutely NEED the double rares. Rather than speaking broadly, supply some examples where builds absolutely fail to function without perfect MIs.

I play mostly meme builds that would not function without double rare greens. For example I have my version of the immortal player pet army. It would not be doable without a lot of double rares.

Yeah you lost me. I’m not seeing how a whole design paradigm should be warped just for meme builds which, in their very title, are acknowledging that they weren’t intended and only function haphazardly.


I am just saying make theese items not unobtainable by playing the game. And they are that way and more people will agree with me than with you.

Just remove double rare items from the game all together. Then the incitament of GDstashing would be lowered.

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That is a way as well, but would not be popular at all. Although no green mafia would probably celebrate it. And you would still need some reasonoble way to get affixes you want although they would not be double rare.

If the will of the people is to be cited for an ad populum it’s a preference for sets by the masses.

As for “they are that way” I can’t quite follow. Is this supposed to be referring to meme builds actually being point-and-laugh for whatever reason as their label suggests? It’s hard to tell if this is a statement of agreement or just garbled protest.

I meant that double rares you need are unobtainable. You are saying that we don’t need them. Well ok. Pointless discussion then.

The simple fact of having to use a mod in a single player game to get a piece of gear (I am referring to purple MI rings) is difficult for me to understand.

To finish my build I need 2 magi rings. To have or use the alternative build without them makes the build not finished and I really would like to be able to finish one build completely. As it stands I have one that is 800 hrs in and still isn’t done. It’s a build I started over 4 times because of HC deaths. It’s SC now and still has no deaths.

Biased request:

For the love of all things holy please make those purple MI rings drop in a way that we don’t have to mod/cheat or whatever just to finish a build.

And make a 94 lvl badge of mastery where I can at least try and roll my +5 mortar :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I think greens will be fine after patch.

Would it be better to say make the BoM recipe cheaper so you can roll the +5? A level 94 variant won’t address material woes.

I wanted to tell you all one thing: IMHO drop of Green items is already too generous in SR. I’m scared to think how strong this way of obtaining items will be, when finally MI will be potentially stronger than purples.
That’s just my 2cents.
Take care!