I’m a huge fan of melee Shaman builds based on Savagery/Upheaval. I’m also unable to do anything in a normal way, so simply dealing physical or lightning damage is out of the question. The recently added chaos conversion Conduit for Savagery/Upheaval is a dream come true, but suffers from a lack of weapon options.
There are only two 2H melee chaos items in the game - Wrath of Tenebris and Obsidian Juggernaut, of which the latter is a caster item. There is a melee 2H Monster Infrequent for every single other damage type except chaos damage. (I’m unable to squint hard enough at Obsidian War Cleaver to turn it into a proper chaos weapon.)
I’ll also note that despite a bonus to Hellfire Mine on Obsidian Juggernaut, both of the mentioned legendaries leave Demolitionists feeling a bit left out.
one of those minor itemization gripes i’ve had and seen others mention before,
so easy +1 from me
i had to stack all the attack speed in the world to make a 2h chaos melee using Juggernaut (Tenebris not an option for said build), and while the build was still fine, it felt more cumbersome than it had to be
and it has made other 2h bonkers so “annoying” to come up with i often just scrapped XY idea
Honestly, this hammer could be repurposed into a chaos weapon. It’s a crafted item with a weaker bonus to either bleed or physical BA, and those 2 variants already have choices with Guillotine, Gutsmasher, and Korvan Halberd.