More content 😁

It might just be me but I would love to have more endgame activities apart from the crucible or SR.

  1. Boss’ lair where we can target farm certain items (not all).

  2. An ability where you can purchase your own home and decorate it yourself (along with rebuilding the town).

  3. It might be a lot of work but having an open world where people can interact would be awesome. (Probably not gonna happen coz this is like a complete overhaul).

  4. Having a mount would be helpful so traveling around is faster.

  5. Pets that could pickup items automatically for you whatever you assign it to pickup (legendary, mythical, etc).

  6. A stash of your own (with 10 tabs maybe) inside your house that is not shared between accounts.

  7. Missions that requires a party to complete (2 or more players). Maybe this will entice people to pair up more :sweat_smile:

  8. I would welcome another world map :joy::joy::joy: the bigger the better lol

  9. Might be an unpopular opinion but maybe banning or restricting the use of 3rd party apps to avoid cheating. I don’t know if this is possible but I would welcome this as I almost always see this in majority of the games I play. Not sure if encrypting certain files will help.

  • maybe update the loading screen so it’s modern looking (graphic-wise).

*just an idea. Not saying that it should be exactly like this. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s a primarily single player game so no restricting of mods, housing and MMO stuff is way too much for a small dev, more speed and item pickup convenience is not needed at all, just download Item Assistant for infinite storage, and there will be a new map and endgame mode when FoA xpac releases next year.

I like a game to be focused and good at its genre, rather than stretching thin and trying to be an everything game that’s a MMO hang out-player housing-horse riding ARPG.

So, respectfully, xpac out next year and I disagree with all of your suggestions :upside_down_face:


I respect your opinion. Although I have to say that I didn’t say pets are needed. It’s more on the quality of life kind of thing. If there would be infinite storage in-game, I think that would be a better option than using a 3rd party app. I’m pretty sure a lot of players would want that. People have different wants and play style in a game. This is just a wishlist that would add more spice into the game. And no, it doesn’t have to have all genre but having some is always an improvement than nothing at all. :wink:

  • besides, the moment a game becomes stagnant coz you want it to stay thesame, is the moment the game dies. Improvement or innovation is needed to bring more players in and I’m sure the company would want that.

Like MI’s? We already have that. Or are you talking about legendaries?

Farming legendaries.

This is where a lot of people go astray. Adding more arbitrary stuff does not make a game better, and makes it worse much of the time.

Crate is a small developer (for the better imo), any resource spent in one area is not available for another. IE Game Theory, if you’re familiar. Housing might be neat, but does not fit the theme or goal of the game at all and the rest of the game suffers for wasted resources used to add it to the game. Same for most of your suggestions. You’re welcome to create the best mod for player housing or anything else on your list on your own time of course. I’m sure others would appreciate.

I have around 4,000 hours on GD since 2016, and I have not even made a build with every possible skill, let alone every transmutation/conversion. If single player ARPGs are your thing, GD is near perfect for that fix. If you need more variety, I think your solution is to make mods yourself or play other games.


“besides, the moment a game becomes stagnant coz you want it to stay thesame, is the moment the game dies. Improvement or innovation is needed to bring more players in and I’m sure the company would want that.”

I didn’t say there aren’t improvements to be made. The game isn’t stagnant at all, they continually refine the game, conscientiously.

I said your ideas are beyond the scope of a small dev and are not even in the genre or theme of the game. Just because you want them doesn’t mean they would be healthy additions for the game.

Hence why I said this is just a “wishlist” lol and this is for the devs to decide and not for us. This is after all the ideas section so lets all keep an open mind. :joy:

don’t worry this game can’t die.


Ok. With my mind open, can you explain in detail how each of your ideas would enrich the experience of this game, and what you feel is lacking that made you ask for these things?

I didn’t say it’s lacking. Not because someone wants additional content doesn’t mean it’s lacking. The military wants new weapons. Does that mean they’re lacking? Lol Just move on dude and keep staying inside your bubble. All the best.

  1. Basically already exist in the form of MI’s. The rogue dungeons is another form. I wouldn’t mind more of them and I am sure they will come with the expac.

  2. Personally don’t want this but know others do so it really wouldn’t affect me…I wouldn’t use it.

  3. Single player game. GD already has one of the best campaigns of any arpg.

  4. Pretty sure Crate wants a movement speed cap. If they wanted to exceed this cap in any way they would just do so on the character and not make more animations (via a mount) to do so.

  5. You basically auto pick up every non item already. Once you hit end game, you even start leaving everything on the ground otherwise you run out of space and have x extra mules.

  6. Stash space has been addressed. Maybe things stacking higher or an additional large space for non items.

  7. Single player game.

  8. Likely coming with expansion. Might not be as big as you want it but it will still be more to explore.

  9. Single player modable game. There is not cheating really unless it is rules imposed by a group/community you intend to play with, such as the GD leagues.

I view most of this as not necessarily content. Difference of opinion I guess. The x pac will be content as there are new modes beyond SC/CR.


“The military” wants new weapons because each branch anticipates the emerging capabilities of enemies and adversaries and judges current weapon systems as lacking for future conflicts. They provide justification for that cause up the chain of command through the DoD to Congress for funding for R&D and defense contracts. So yeah. You chose a bad example.

I asked you to provide justification for your suggestions in good faith because I disagree (and the other responders don’t seem to agree with you either), and you respond with condescending “Lol Just move on dude and keep staying inside your bubble. All the best.” After your two other responses that were vaguely and overtly condescending.

I won’t respond further. All the best dodging justifying your ideas and being rude to strangers on the internet.

Read your posts :joy: again, all the best.

You want to bring here many post-WoW Blizzard’s concepts, which I was trying to take refuge from when picking up GD.

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Take refuge? Why? What happened? You got me curious. The last time I played WoW was probably back in 2012 or 2013 so I don’t know any additional changes they made.

A mount would be unironically slower because between the dodge skill and the movement runes, you can dash through the map quite fast. Much faster than a traditional mount for sure.

Also mounts only really work in big open fields, GD’s maps are mostly narrow and rather small.

Why would they do this when they are actively promoting modding?

What does this even mean? GD’s loading screens are fantastic, specially the Occultist one.

Yeah I can see your point when it comes to the mount. The road is pretty narrow.

As to your other point, I didn’t know that the devs are promoting mods for this game. Do you have a link where they said something like this? Just want to know the devs’ reason behind it.

As for the loading screen, it means exactly like that. For me, I just find it cartoon-ish looking. I guess I got used to modern graphics.

I mean just look down the forum sections and you’ll see plenty of mods plus a section about the modding tools for the game and tutorials on how to use them.

They have always encouraged players to mod the game so they can play the way they want to.

“what does this mean”
you’re not elaborating on the actual meaning of it - as if you’re conflating art with graphics?
the loading screens are paintings, what should they do to look “modern graphics”
or is this a case of equating plastic visual styles to “graphics”/modern graphics?
is what you’re asking for in reality that the loading screen to not use drawn art, but ingame snapshots/"in engine"stills/3d modelled concept art, with some photoshop highlight aftereffects ?

scroll down

OG; nr 2 on core feature list

aside from tons of mentions in passing, and one of the reasons used for not doing closed servers (although not the main ones)

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