Move Gold ore from remote location

omg, i’m trying to explore further away and to get coal and sand from further away too…but this “seeking food” and “stocking shelter” is driving me bananas!!! :see_no_evil:

Hah, just give a closer look to your trading post folks - they are like typical warehouse employees - they will wank around all the time until you tell them to bring something to the trading post, then suddenly they will remember they had shelter to stock and to get some food :smiley:

for the first time i’ve had that ransom message. I denied it (of course) but now i’m sweating it. waiting for that army to show up at my doorstep. they are gonna bury me in a matter of minutes I think :joy: (…I should have paid the 7k gold :hushed:)

not sure what’s supposed to have happened after I denied the ransom. I haven’t seen an invading army yet…and it’s been 2 in-game years… :thinking:

I’ve had normal raiders pay me a visit in the meantime but no “invading army”…

The “army” should come in with a battering ram. They’re usually better organized and equipped, but will still look like the raiders.

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Every time I denied the invading army’s ransom they spawn immediately and right next to my town (vs. way out).

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thanks for the info. what difficulty level are you playing on?

When they ask for ransom, they’re already there. Go scout before declining.

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Tallow does eventually rot, but soap seems to last forever while unused.

I’ve found that the moment I start selling soap, diseases and other maladies will instantly burn through whatever I thought a reasonable stockpile, and then it just starts snowballing the AI into a brutal frenzy of every gank it can throw at me all at once.

I’m surprised I haven’t seen any floods yet.

I never sell soap anymore.

I think these Crate developers are all ex-Amway Reps.

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Those of you facing large raids-
Serpentine not only works, but it is also incredibly effective.
Leave them a way in, and the main body of the raid will take it.
Make them pay, dearly, for using it.

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i found the same. selling soap is not a good idea. there are way better things to sell, like candles and beer… :slight_smile:

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Shirts - do not require any “finite” goods - flax is just growing. You can get excess pretty easily and they are one of the best priced goods.

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You can buy a lot of resources, though, essentially making them infinite (though time-limited).

All that labour to produce flax and then shirts, to sell for 24 gold per piece at best, or buy iron and coal for 5 or so gold (you can even get iron ingots that cheaply sometimes) and sell heavy tools for 400+, hauberks and heavy weapons for slightly more and platemail for 1000+.

Even with buying all base resources at reasonable or good prices, the limiting factor for me becomes the traders’ cash, long before I even can produce platemail. That’s the main reason to diversify too, to be able to offer all traders what they would like to buy at a good price. Then again, after only a few trades you’re swimming in gold anyways.

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Well, let’s be honest, it’s only very early stage when that money matters the most. You don’t have that kind of industry to process coal/steel available yet. Then later on, you don’t have that much spare production capacity to keep up with your own demand of “swords and shields” to be able to process that much coal/iron to make it worth. Is it only me or the “swords and shields” just break down way too quickly?

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very true. and I think every map has its own pros and cons on top of that. I’m on a map with very little coal. so i have to constantly plant new trees for my kilns to produce coal. I think what this game needs the most (and I mean RIGHT NOW) is a forester.

never looked at how quickly they degrade but you may be right.

i’m gonna try this very shortly. can’t wait to see them all slaughtered this way :joy:

With army of about 200, 2 upgraded smiths are not enough to keep up with how fast they break down. I would say that’s quick! Also worth to mention, if you set up your blacksmith to produce heavy weapons only, only 2 folks will work, 1-2 will restock and 2 will be idle. While in armory you can have everyone producing plate armors.

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wow, that doesn’t sound good. i’ll have to get on heavy weaponry pretty quickly so

has anyone noticed that prioritising builds doesn’t work at all? and again, i’ve seen laborers bring materials 90% of the way, dropping it on the ground and leaving again to go look for food or shelter stocking :triumph: so frustrating…still can’t understand why they can’t just take a sandwich with them…