Move Gold ore from remote location

Probably because they haven’t invented them yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

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How so? First sandwiches were already “in use” in ancient times. :face_with_monocle:

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: really??? :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Wanna derail the thread? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hotdogs - are they sandwiches? Should they be named sandwiches and added to the game? Discuss!


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Technically yes!

Folks got bread and meat - if they eat both of them, you can imagine they got a sandwich.

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I thought I read somewhere that you can have cows grazing on a max-sized cropfield…but when I try that, the game won’t let me, it just highlights the cropfield in red telling me it’s not allowed… :thinking:

I tried such approach once, as I couldn’t find good grazing area. I was hoping they would graze there, perhaps eat some carrots like deers - well, they don’t!

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I believe that was part of the update for 8.0 which hasn’t been released yet.


cool. thanks for the info again :wink:

read the answer Perdrix gave us below :slight_smile:

just about to try the 10k population mod…wish me luck :joy:

i have to say, the way the laborers and builders work could be better. instead of assigning each tiny little task to one specific person, it would have been better if they got certain general task to perform. example: right now, a laborer will haul stone to a site and leave again and go do something else elsewhere. this makes moving a stoneyard full of stone near the building-site completely useless. would be better if that same laborer would do up and down from the nearby yard to the building site, until ALL the stone was delivered there.

You can’t for some reason let them graze on the original field - so don’t make that 12x12, make it 5x5. Then expand it by adding a large enough area to it, because cows can graze on the expansions. Currently, they only do so on root veggies or grains, nothing else. That will change with the next upgrade and hopefully the bug of that red area for the original field will be squased too.

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that’s great news. thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve just noticed that there’s a notification called “Villager Needs Tools”…that has never been displayed in my game, despite tools being in and out of availability all the time :thinking:

There’s a handful I don’t seem to get, despite them being turned on in the settings. :man_shrugging:

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same here. must be a settings on the dev side i think

omg, I was just gonna ask the following question, but I figured out a way to do it, so I thought I’d share it here anyway…might help someone :slight_smile:

the question was gonna be this: is there a way to make crossbows without my villagers touching them, so that they can use up their bows first and then switch to crossbows? (otherwise they’d go to crossbows and I would be left with useless crossbows).

answer: make the crossbows and get them to the Trading Post asap :slight_smile: and then make the switch when you have no bows left :slight_smile:

and also the opposite, “village cured” comes up all the time, but i can’t turn it off…cos it’s not in the list…

i’m seriously pissed off now. i sent 3 explorers to the furthest regions of my map and they only went halfway and turned back to “seek food”!!! seriously??? :triumph: