Move Gold ore from remote location

Send soldiers :slight_smile:

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I thought the same thing for a bit, as I couldn’t find it, but it is actually on the list - as “villager disease cured”. And it’s a really nice one to turn off, too.

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thanks for the info. will look for it immediately. this one was driving me nuts :sweat_smile:

you mean soldiers will not go seeking food when marching?

btw, has anyone noticed that you can only have a max of 100 builders assigned? seems a little strange. especially if you need as many builders you can find to plant all the trees required to keep log-count up

Being changed post haste!

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I just sent soldiers to destroy a wolf’s den on the other side of my map, and, halfway, one of them just left (“seeking clothes”) !!! Now how is that normal behaviour??? :triumph:

update: a minute later, another one turned back (“seeking weapons”…weapons of all things…wouldn’t a soldier think of bringing this with him from the get go???) :triumph:

does anyone know why certain items show produced v consumed while others only show produced?
like Candles show both but beer, pottery and furniture (amongst others) only show produced.