Mr Zantai, I think it's time to remove/replace more terrify sources in the game - specifically on Uroboruuk Set

You do see that there are people agreeing here that aren’t crucible players, and personally it is much more annoying on campaign where there is a larger area mobs can run to.

On Uroboruuk set it makes less sense cause it’s a drain essence set. Who do you suck if everyone’s running away?

Well I never tried the Uroboruuk set, let alone the Drain Essence skill but you are right, doesn’t make sense to send them fleeing while DE has such a short range.

But I still think it’s a nice mechanic that has a purpose for a few builds and I’d like to see a useful implementation.

A good way to fix this issue is to give enemies huge resist to terrify in ultimate and beyond, because I do agree that terrify is great for levelling. But it’s garbage in all builds in the end game.

Why are you killing trash mobs for if you’re 100? Farming?

If you need terrify to farm quickly, then there’s really something wrong with the build that no amount of terrify can fix.

I don’t. I just terrify them and if they die on the run, great :slight_smile:

Or you can save time and just run past them

Because they are there in SR non-boss-shards. :wink:

Like I already said in different thread:
Terrify is great for leveling or as a last resort if you are accidently surrounded.

Thematically fitting sometimes, too.

Honestly, the odds of terrify saving you here is negligible.

Well, then make it stronger. LIke Fear-Mechanic in WoW. :wink:

But then it should be a mutator for player willingly using it.

I feel that’ll just make the problem worse. :confused:

Because if you’re surrounded, and about to die it usually stems from one of 2 scenarios:

  1. Surrounded by nems (you can’t terrify shit then)
  2. You’re CC’d - e.g. disrupt, stunned, frozen (and you still can’t terrify shit)

Because if you weren’t CC’d/stunned/frozen - you’re better off just using mobility augments.

Well, my Trickster loves this Gloves: Bloodrite Gauntlets
They are strong and the procc works on anything up to Heroes. And it´s great to see them flying around. Back to our “At least once per month”-topic: Arcane Heroes. Fear/Terrify them and all is good. :slight_smile:

It’s great coz you have bleed to get rid of them :rofl:

Most builds don’t stack such insane dot

It´s not only about DoTs. It´s about interrupt. Get some time to do something else. It´s like a mobile version of Blade Barrier.

You should try terrify on a non dot build mate

As I said:
I would use it. But, as I said, too: Make it strong, but give players the option not to take it (mutator).
I played over 700 hours with my Trickster and Mutator of RoS, because of the very strong CC effect.

Terrify on DoT Build is great, but I would even take it on e. g. Spellbinder with AAR. Fear them away and then grill them.

I SEE. You meant transmutor when you said mutator yes?

Because if that’s the case, I agree

Transmuter, Mutator…what do I know? :joy:

Yes, exactly that.

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That’s exactly what I did and it worked great, much fun.

I feel like AAR insta-melts mobs… but maybe that’s only in naked crucible

And this would open up exactly the build I wanted to make when I looked at Grim Dawn the first time:
Caster-DoT-Kiter! Just give Chaos a DoT and I would have my WoW-Warlock! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Terrified trash mobs wasted our precious time in cruci.
Replacing them with other useful debuff would be tremendously helpful.
Something like -n defensive ability retal.