Alright so what I’ve been doing. Also, I used that blacksmith you can gamble and got 1 of the rings. Was hoping for at least 2 pieces but ok back to Sr30s. I’m still rocking the 2 leo rings, haha. If it aint broke. Plus, I really haven’t found any good rings yet.
What would be the best place to farm for those pants (mythical wildshorn legguards)? I found a little bit of an upgrade for pants, but nothing as good as those Wildshorns. I’m cleaning house and trying to actually complete everything on this run. Then I’m going to push crucible and SR and see what’s up. I just beat ravager of souls pretty easily. I have never actually completed all content, so I figured now is a great time. Then maybe another character. Then expansion toons!
Updated Archon. It took a hit from the last patch.
I tried 5 build variations all with roughly the same results. This version scores 7 to 7.5 which is SR36 Very Easy. Close to what it was and remains best in class far as I have seen so far.
Other top builds tested under the latest patch score 7 - 7.5 some down from 8.5.
Best during testing at 8 or more are: Warlock, Deceiver, Conjurer (No pet version), Pyromanceer, and Cabalist.
Cabalist build added to SR36 list. Tip: Use Pet Attack to keep skeletons close to targets for AOE attacks.
Thank you so much for this and keeping it updated. So helpful for new players like myself.
Which one do you think that scored 8+ is the fastest for farming? I already have one lv100 from my first playthrough and want to start on my first alt. Would like it to be fast so any movement bonuses is nice.
Witch Hunter has the best charge Shadow Strike combined with Rylok Wings and good damage is imo the fastest boss farmer. Scores 7 - 7.5 in SR36
My best tested builds are Warlock, Deceiver, Conjurer (No pet and pet versions), Pyromanceer, and Cabalist. I shouldn’t say which is best as a slightly better drop or lucky SR roll could change a score by half a minute. That’s why I run with 7 to 8.5 is all classed as Very Easy.
Which of those would you recommend for a HC run? I have never played HC so it would be a blind run. Figured it’s time to up the ante a little bit. I’m just wondering what you would suggest using. Personal opinion. I know you don’t play HC but I value your opinion about GD. Thanks.
My opinion is pick one requiring the least amount of rare items unless you already have them in storage. I have a Hardcore Druid at the moment doing fantastic with whatever happens to drop. The green rings, Legguards, and book are quick/easy farm runs and don’t need to be perfect drops. The Cabalist however, relies on Wendigo Gaze and Spectral Crown which can take years to get a great drop.
A simple Conjurer is easy to gear with common purples, but you will run into your clone often.
How do you share Sc and Hc stashes? I made a HC character to see if I could use crucible to transfer stuff but no dice. Pretty much what I’m asking is what one you think is tankiest, witchhunter has been really good but I wanted to try something different. In your opinion, don’t want the mods to come back, if you were to start a Hc character with nothing in the stash what would you choose for the safest option to clear all content on HC not relying on super rare drops. I do have almost all blueprints unlocked but idk if those are shared.
I pretty much want to just bang out the HC achievements. Thanks, and sorry if these questions are annoying, so many posts on here are dated and they will claim oh it doesn’t matter but both times I went that route it didn’t go well. So far using your builds things have gone great. So you are my GD go to.
Warlock, Conjurer, or Pyromanceer for me, as of today. I’m still going through others to see what nerfs can be circumvented or mistakes corrected. It will take some time as some nerfs were based on these specific builds.
I will very generally say best to worst pet classes are: Occultist (Best de-buff), Necromancer (Strength in numbers), Shaman (Stuck using nerfed bleed devotions).
AFA non-pet-based characters, the no-pet Conjurer is by very, very far the strongest, again imo.
In a game about finding extremely rare loot you should be able to do whatever you want with it. You don’t use an editor so everything you have is well earned imo. The ONLY difference between shared stashes is “.gsh” or “.gst”.
I wanted to switch it up and went with a Blademaster using pierce cadence. So far, it’s good (L58), but I have been picking up pet items and stashing them (if I die then its pet:30). I do like that druid though and might switch to it anyways. We’ll see. This build only uses Shattered realm armor so it’s easy to get and do the achievements. Thanks again for doing some testing and giving me an update!
automator measures by accumulated time bonuses/“time remaining”, not by actual clear time/kill speed
for whatever reason he thinks this is the way to do it/what the SR counter is meant for (despite many explanations otherwise )
took me like 10 mins to clear 30-31 and 8 mins to clear 36, and i got stuck on 37 with mossi/zantarin combo that got accidentally pulled with War Cry and couldn’t de-aggro
*i’m generally not a fast runner, even on other builds/top 20 i’m not remotely as fast as the listed times, usually clocking in a couple mins slower
With 50+ finished builds to sort, I need to know exactly where a build stands.
If you beat a one boss map you get a great score right… no. You only gain the time from that boss.
You do know “my system” is not mine correct? They saw the need and built it directly into the game.
I just crunched 20ish possible times into 3 categories. Hard, Easy, Very Easy. Don’t be surprised when remaining time is displayed in the expansion.
you’ve already been informed what the “score”/timer means and what it’s there for
you not understanding how it works doesn’t contradict that
and even if you still “disagree” or somehow fail to understand something that basic and fundamental, it should be easy when you “crunch” the numbers
X time to clear content = loot over time
Since it’s a farming avenue that’s where the clear time measurement “matters” in that regard
and since the timer remaining tells nothing about that, eg you can have a 10 minute run with 10mins left on the timer, and a 5min run with 10 mins timer left; it should be easy to see why your measurement doesnt’ illustrates the “gains”/rewards/build performance as well/“directly”
(since it becomes unreliable then when it can fluctuate immensly but “invisibly”)
it is entirely yours, you’ve even gotten confirmation on this
because you, despite being told by others what the timer does and how it works; you still don’t seem to get that implication
It’s a pass fail loot reward function, timer reaches 0 you lose 2 bonus chests, timer is 0.01 or 10.59, you get the same loot
^the difference is the timer remaining doesn’t tell you if either of those runs took longer or faster to achieve, nor necessarily if it/a build even died or was just slow
(because a fast build can actually die, get the massive timer penalty, and still potentially make up for time)
the timer is a gain/lose rewards with buffer mechanics, ie time to make up for loss so you can still get the 2 bonus chests in case you died/lost counter time
this might be the only slightly useful measurement, but it’s still held back by being somewhat subjective or tied to a specific pilot/playstyle
What’s easy for one might not be as necessarily so for another
but atleast it’s something more uniform/“static” than trying to use the SR timer…
Tip: If you want to suck someone into a troll, say one goofy thing and wait. I see 10 goofy things in a row and think it would take a hour to help you, even if you wanted help.
I have “my” system tried and tested. You keep using yours and leave “mine” to this thread. I honestly have no interest in your rating system. Did someone use my system somewhere else that got you worked up? I just don’t get it.
Now people will see your babble and miss the new build. It’s the Battlemage FYI.
I will re-post it when I manage to farm some better gear. Its totally amazing with poor gear. So funny I tried what should work for years and today did what shouldn’t for the win.
savage asked for a clear time - so i gave him mine, with the caveat it’s mine
perhaps what you should ask yourself is why Savage asked for a clear time instead of timer remaining? something to chew on perhaps
you misrepresenting multiple things was what prompted me to elaborate and re-explain what seemed to be missed or misunderstood
guarantee you they will not, because it will be posted in the OP (which is the main place where people see the/your builds, not 130 comments down the thread) , so worry not
you could also just “add” to your build display, by actually posting video results/your SR runs recorded so people have “everything” on hand, that way they can see for themselves, oh ye of little faith/if when people doubt you
(and Savage wouldn’t even have needed to ask then)