My feedback and ideas for the game after several 1k+ settlements on hardest difficulties

First of i want to throw myself in the sand and kneel down to the devs for doing and absolutely amazing job with this game. I have followed it since the first days of early access and again i can only praise the devs.
However putting in hundreds upon hundeds of hours you simply can’t help but come across things that feel weird and unintended.

Boar spawn points:
Boars is a great source of meat when you put effort into actually hunting the boars, however there seem to be an issue with the spawnpoint of these. As your settlement increases in size you often end up building towards boar spawn points. Even after hunting them actively and placing structures on top of them they seem to not really move, meaning citizens not equipped to deal with an angryboar often see themselves dying to randomly spawning very angry boars.

Livestock grazing areas:
I adore the farming system and the livestock management in this game, however i wish there was a tool that let you manage where your livestock animals grazed. i.e. fertilizing a field that is already producing clover isn’t just optimal gamewise, it is also how it is done in real life. So being able to have similar rotations for your livestock animals would mean that fertilizing fields would feel more natural and the asthetics of the game would also improve, as your grassfields would actually contain some of your livestock. It would also mean that fencing each field off would make sense, as now it is purely min maxing output of the fertilized patches of ground you find.

Berry bushes:
I wish there was some way of utilizing these more. They’re a great source of food early on, but i wish you could cultivate them in farms & fields, even just move them manually as a start so you don’t plow them down in tears when expanding.

I feel like the use of foragers on the maps with less resoruces becomes pointless where they border to being traps. If a hunter can hunt 2-400 meat a year, while a forager can only farm 120 berries it doesn’t make much sense having them. Either adding seasonal work locations, bigger ranges or something would improve the point of these, as micromanaging changing work location twice a year seems silly.

Prioritized building:
I feel like this tool could be sharper. At times if i have a clay mine lets say and i build a school and a orchard. If the orchard is closer to the clay mine it will recieve the needed clay first, even if the school is set as prio to build. I have little understanding of the code behind the game, but it feels like only building but not prepping resources becomes a priority.

Localized stock in storages/stockyards:
This might be something i didn’t realize is in the game if it is, however i’d love if you could set local limits to resources in stockyards/storages. Lets say i build an encampment of hunters somewhat far away from my main city and i want to produce smoked meat, but i don’t want to produce firewood there, as the wood supply is poor, would it be able to set the storage to minimum 100 firewood so that wagons would fill them if understocked?

Defensive structures and walls:
I feel like early tier guard towers are very solid defences, however as you progress into raids where you get hit by 200+ raiders the amount of defensive structures you can utilize is minimal. The reasoning behind this is either you tripple layer walls to delay catapults/rams enough that your towers can do some damage, or you go with the best defense is a good offense, which in my experience destroys any reason to invest into defensesive structures. Personally i went from having 3x layer wall (which looks silly as hell) to barely having one with troops. I wish devs would add wall upgrades, stronger towers i.e. cannon tower/balista tower with bigger range and damage aswell as wall mounted walkways or similar to station archers on. (Stronghold did a great job with this imo.) Gatehouses would also be great, as the gates are very weak later on and then we go back into the whole layered wall mess.

Charging vs. not charging troops & hunters:
I feel like the mechanics behind how and when your troops charge is very abuseable. Basically if you want your troops to move 2x speed, just press a deer or anything attackable closeby. This could in my opinion be implemented alot better, as it feels cheesy, somewhat janky and non realistic.

Flatening tool:
I don’t think i need to say much, as i’m sure you devs even encountered when you have to flatten the same tile 6 times over :smiley:

Difficulty settings (purely a wish):
I am somewhat of a sadist. I played most games on hardcore and on stupid level difficulty as i like to challenge myself when playing a game. I hope the devs would consider adding a god gamer tier difficulty that even the devs wonder if it is actually playable. I am talking endless game hardest difficulty frostpunk, SSFHC PoE, Deity Civ, the hardest difficulty in they are billions (forgot the name of it), basically let us sweat like hell with mechanics we adore.

Thank you for all your hard work devs, i hope any of this feedback is usable. Also i will pay money for sulfur, gunpowder, muskets, basic chemistry etc. Lets make a RTS Civ with the whole tech tree! I’ll pay if you’ll develop. /Salute

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Pretty sure this is a thing already:

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Somehow i managed to never realise this and always only used the general storage capacities, this will help me alot! And yes i do feel silly right now ^^

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You can move blueberry bushes specifically, but not any of the other kinds of bushes. I do tend to end up with one forager who has every single blueberry bush I’ve encountered on the map within their work area, but I agree that otherwise there’s a lot of tedium with micromanaging work areas.

I’ve generally found that as soon as catapults are in raids, guard towers stop being useful as defensive structures, as it’s far simpler/safer to kite the raiders with the guard inside before the catapult can knock down the tower (and therefore disarming the guard). Maybe they are useful in late T2, but it’s such a narrow window that I tend to just use them for the vision/extra pseudo-hunter or 2.

I think there’s a lot of unintuitive things with regards to the flatten tool, such as flattening areas adjacent to fences/walls generally does not work, and including areas underneath already built buildings does not seem to change the elevation under the existing building.
It would be nice if you could force-place a building on uneven ground, and workers would flatten the ground as much as needed before starting the build effort.