My honest as fuck opinion about GD and comparison to TQ

Honestly, I think that GD surpasses TQ in every aspect. I loved TQ, I think that it’s a great game at itself, but I cannot go back to play it after meeting GD, it feels like I’m playing a downgraded or alpha version. TQ is slow, too linear, the main quest takes too long and the story is really bland despite being based on some of the coolest myths.

Blah blah blah.

#balance :eek:

Mechanically I prefer GD, thematically and aesthetically TQ wins the spot for me (apart from Ragnarok).
Game setting and theme just plays bigger role when I play it. For instance, I never had interest in Assasin Creed games, but last two I would play because of world setting I’m interested to see and explore. As they say, whatever rocks your boat.

I swear, sometimes I feel like I’m the only person who actually liked Ragnarok. :stuck_out_tongue: Sure, its not perfect, but I really dont see what makes it so godawful in comparison to the original game. :eek:

Who cares about balance when you can have +3 to all skills. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t mind Ragnarok, only played it a couple of times so far. Some of the areas are a bit too large for my liking and also some of the voice acting in places. But generally I like it.

That’s just boring design. Locking players in items that are too hard to pass on. But I think I sent email to medierra about this, as I think, such mechanics should go or at least be more modular.

Same here, including the AC statement :wink:

I’ve been playing the latest AC, it’s really good. I’m not very far in it but the game is incredibly fun.

Grind in TQ is too high compared to GD. You can max out a character on Ultimate within a week in GD.

I play TQ casually using editors occasionally but can’t see myself legitimately trying to level a single character in TQ again.

Which is kinda sad if you ask me, I which it was a bit harder to level up. Even leveling without the exp potions is superquick.

I have died too many times to count playing TQ. Like, seriously, (although I managed to somehow get a boss stuck on something so it couldn’t move so that was cool) the difficulty curve in TQ is insane. It’s harder to hit things and it feels like it takes too long to hit stuff as well. I think I’m on the last act though so yay?
I don’t know how you can even get the “get to level 1 without dying” achievement…"

But GD? it blows TQ out of the water in case of difficulty.
I was playing on EASY in TQ and everything was either 1 shotting me or doing crazy amounts of damage even at like level 15. GD? Nahhhhhhhhhh, if anything you’re overpowered at levels 1-5.

TQ is (was ?) easier than GD… it got easier with every higher difficulty as your power curve outpaced that of the mobs and bosses. Haven’t played in a long time though, so no idea about the Anniversay Edition

I agree with you so fucking hard. I don’t really like the GD soundtrack, though, I can’t stand this music, I either always muted it or played music from my playlists.

I mean, I just wanted to tell what I think about the game in general, and slightly why I keep playing it. :stuck_out_tongue:
I still want to make a mod that allows us to skip Ragnarok. This is how GREAT this xpack is. :slight_smile:
If you put GD’s combat (not only fighting) in TQ, and the same with classes, I’ll quit GD forever. :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a amulet or something with 100% casting speed. I think it’s still there in my stash, lol. Or +20% strength helm. xD It surely did look overloaded, OP, etc, but it actually wasn’t. Well, this is unless your whole set had +20% stat in one piece. :stuck_out_tongue:

FG WILL make GD better, just with the map only by itself. They can remove everything FG has and only put the maps in it, and players will give it at least 8/10. :smiley:

LMAO! It’s not me, though. And yeah, he literally said it as I would. If I had more brain than nut in my head. :slight_smile:

Shut the fu… I mean I saw it, brother. :slight_smile: I even replied, though. :cool:

I never said the story is like that and everyone should think the same. I just wrote my opinion, and you cannot disagree with it when it’s not your way. No hate, though.

It is actually balanced, because there’s not a huge bonus from overcapping your skills. I mean, it does look strong on paper, but after you use it, not really. I multiple times sacrificed +1 to all skills because my skills were powerful enough to not need the +4 overcap, which was the max in TQ.

I actually don’t mind the expansion, but the world is just so fucking bad, imo, just fuck off (not directed to you, though :P). It, most of the time, has to ways that take you to the same place, and when I was like “ok, I’m going the proper way, I gotta go back and check the other way” and then I see the “wrong way” is also the proper way because TQ used to sign the proper way with the burning pillars. I really disliked it, also, the overdose of tanky monsters is just yuck as fuck.

I agree with you, but I could finish the game with no issues without dying. I almost managed that few weeks ago, but Ragnarok changed that (not counting the death on Hades where my PC lagged, basically everything froze for 2 seconds and I died - after I came back again on him, he didn’t hit more than 10% of my HP with each hit. The power of my PC). So yeah, I think it’s doable, not for everyone, though, mostly veterans. Although, we could even discuss it more if TQ is easier or harder than GD, because it may vary on so many things.

TQ does have a lot of bullshit, like that Barmanu boss and some other bosses with attacks that deals ridiculous amounts of damage, even with capped res. There’s also the fact ranged attacks can’t miss, so if you had low pierce res, a group of Machae in Act 4 could kill you in a couple of seconds.

Then for some reason in the Anniversary edition, they decide to give a res penalty to bleed and vitality.

At least the CC resists don’t get a penalty, like launch-day TQ had. You complain about Barmanu, but by chance do you remember Barmanu with negative stun resist? :smiley:

I’m either opposed to this in GD or in agreement with you, depending on what you define as ‘maxing out’. I really like that it takes forever to reach levelcap in TQ. This allowed players to define for themselves when their build was done, rather than just reaching maxlevel and being told by the devs that there was nothing more for them. When levelcap is impractical, you finish far sooner. So people got used to making builds in TQ:IT that completed around the low-to-mid 60s rather than 75, and that self-defined ending rewarded self-created satisfaction. The remaining grind to `cap is there if you want it, but it feels completely optional. This is something I really liked about PoE, too, where builds tend to end around the 80s to 90 rather than 100. It makes the achievement of reaching the cap impressive and maybe worth setting a goal for, but nothing more.

Gonna level with you, this is all I can agree with. :smiley: But at least I agree strongly. I’ve been asking for difficulty-locked monsters for years. Sadly, it doesn’t seem we’re getting anything other than Loxmere and the secret bosses, based on the current track record of stuff.

We can only blame Zantai for that, as he’s our meme-ish friend. :stuck_out_tongue:

Blame AND thank me. :wink:

Nemesis spawns are basically what you’re asking for, you just don’t feel that way cause you guys unlocked them on Normal in beta when realistically the average player will start seeing them on Ultimate, or late Elite at best.

Not to mention we’ve got more Nemesis/Super-bosses than TQ had.

Yo, yo, yo! Calm down! I never had the beta version. I just bought the game last year. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well then I have no idea why you’re treating Nemesis bosses so unfairly. :mad: