My suggestion collection

Just some things that came to mind during my playtime


  • check/uncheck option for whole categories
  • copy/paste storage config


  • prioritizing doesn’t affect needed resources; workers run of to do other stuff even when resource is missing from (essential) construction (e.g. stone for water-well)
  • when building intersection on roads these intersections do not seperate the road entity (e.g cutting it in smaller parts); this becomes a problem when the long road is deleted as it deletes the whole road even if intersections created later would suggest a different behaviuor (only deleting the road to next intersection)

resource gathering filter:

  • option for dead trees


  • maybe let farmers move to fields early; let them arrive when planting becomes possible after winter otherwise they tend to arrive too late for first couple of segments
  • move stocking tasks to winter; if too complex technically let them pool into the workers pool during these times;
  • have maintanence be able to go into winter (use all available slot space) even if it cannot be performed completly;

job allocation panel:

  • worker/builder allocation lock the number of peoople to this profession; or remove destinction between the two, currently doesn’t feel like my choice has consequences (e.g. having 12 workers and 0 builders when 5 builders wanted)
  • possibility to influence priority of workers; currently if say wood is missing for the sawmill they run of to mine some stone
  • possibility to change the number of peoople working in a given workshop (e.g. sawmill) within possible min/combined-max-of-all-workshops not just between min/combined-max-of-adjusted-max-of-all-workshops

settler interface:

  • explain reason for idling (e.g. why is market worker idling even if he could get resources currently not stocked)


  • have attractiveness not be a evolution requirement; just results in a tediouse, unrealistic clutter of gardens and bushes; attractiveness could be a influence on productivity, health and birthrates (love me some good old medieval slum)



  • a more proactive stand on trading: ability to send caravans; would net more desired resources; could be another use for military (protection); could be a use for starting cart (and reason to build more)
  • ability to comission trade; set desired amount of resource trader brings in X (next year?), pay extra
  • cut out “sending stock to tradepost” step; want to set amount i have to be sold to trader, worker than starts to gather resources;


  • “Die Siedler”-style logistics prioritazation: control over who gets certain resources before others (fire wood: homes>smoker>coalproduction etc; food: homes>shelter>workplaces)
  • setting a minimum stock for resources (e.g. firewood) only end-consumer (settler homes) have access to; or ability to set desired stock in markets and them beeing prioritized
  • ability to set storage behavioure in storages/markets (like factorio logistic network chests): producer ships it to nearest storage (which can be set to be supplier); dedicated workforce move resources to demanding storages(markets, storages in town center)

terraforming tool:

  • 3 different tools: 1. lower maximum elevation of selected area by one (eg. if used continuesly it will become a flat surface with the height of the lowest starting elevation of that area; after that whole area moves down by one)
    2. raise maximum elevation of selected area by one (sames as before in different direction)
    3. smooth surface; currently it is not apperent why tool doesn’t enforce the result to be a buildable area
  • (water) motes; srsly, a medieval city builder without motes?


  • boats: fishing, trading, logistic(?), raiders(?) could all be enhanced with boats; all the bodies of water are free real-estate

basic resources (i know some of these points are being requested regularly )

  • forester, even the loading screen shows one on the bottom right
  • underground mines; mountains have a use finally
  • colltector to be able to collect branches in forest areas as substitute for missing reed(?) nodes for baskets


  • have markets distribute clothing (and other non food housing needs) or implement another service building for these

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Please don’t post bug reports along with suggestions though. There’s a separate section of the forum for bug reports.

donedonedone (srsly? a 10 character minimum?)

Yeah, it’s weird, but we have to live with it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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