My take on difficulty and skills


I just bought Grim Dawn a few days ago and immediately afterwards Ashes of erm… erm… I’m new to this game! :slight_smile: Having a lot of fun though.

Well, I posted this in the FAQ section of the upcoming expansion, because I saw the difficulties being discussed there, but I think it’s better placed here:

Well, I would love to see that, I think a story would give the players something entirely new to discover and make the elite playthrough as well as leveling up new characters much more interesting. I’d have a great impact with little effort.

As for skills. I dislike that players are given huge flashy skills early on. For example: Inquisitors Rune of Hagarrad you can get as early as level 2 and it bombs the whole screen. I don’t know if the devs want to temper with them the way I suggest, but I’d love to see the skills and thus the character grow more, in particular the AoE to grow with each skill point put into it. The ice trap should start small on the first level and each level giving not only damage but additionally making it bigger; until at max level it reaches about the size it has now (this AoE might also be distributed not only over the main skill but it’s passives as well). The same ideally for every other skills of this kind.

Well then. Take care and have fun.

And a skill for using 2 shields would be nice. xD

Requested so many times - not happening in this game.