Mysterious uptick in sales since Nov 2nd...

i think she already got tons of free copies from Santai:rolleyes:

that is the luxury privilege of a moderator for you:p

btw record has been broken, hurray to the bots!

You have some very funny ideas of what “perks” a moderator gets here. :smiley:

both poe and gd are free now! Let us see who wins with more players over the weekend! :stuck_out_tongue:

GD has 38K logged in players (or bots?..) at the moment and the owners on SteamDB has jumped from 1-2Mil to 5-10Mil! Hope that isn’t just some bot thing and translates to lots of word of mouth and new sales!

Game is free to play this weekend on Steam, that’s why. Still, should translate into a few more sales at least. :wink:

Oh I know, just wondering if all those numbers are legit (i.e. 5-10M players), then good for exposure.



I just bought the game and the two expansions last month or maybe a bit earlier–and I was simply blown away by it! I’m barely into the first expansion and it seems like I’ve done nothing over the past several weeks except play grim dawn–for hours on end–You have done a great job improving the game and content of the past few years–I think you can expect continuing love from the buying public as word continues to circulate about this game. It’s fun, it’s imaginative, and you keep adding to the content so that as I go forth in the single-player campaign (that’s my preference in all games) it never gets stale! I’ve already put in as many hours as I do in complete games sometimes and I feel like I have barely scratched the surface! What an achievement! OK, enough soggy lovesick mush…:cold_face: You guys deserve all the success you’ll get and then some!

I hope you guys get another round of mysterious upticks… and also do another free to play weekend. with the current sale and freeweekend plus wolcen’s currrent state… its about time to make MOAR money… :grin:

I mean…there has been a very mysterious increase in daily sales over the weekend, something on the order of 3x of a typical day. Our scientists are still investigating the possible cause.


People take days off work to play video games. I guess some of them didn’t waste it thanks to Grim Dawn.

Well we had some people in discord server that came from wolcen. They refunded the game and bought Grim Dawn instead. Mystery solved people are just disappointed of wolcen…

Or people took advantage of the recent discount on GoG or the current one on Steam… :shushing_face:

Lies, deception
We must trashtalk wolcen :scorv:


That 3x demand tells us something about the number of expansion the game could or should have gotten :sweat_smile:

Three expacs, so
Ashes of Malmouth
Forgotten Gods

Perfect :sunglasses:

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Pretty clever to make a sale in this… particular week. I also noticed that Facebook and Instagram are now constantly bombarding me with a Grim Dawn ad mentionin the sale. Very. Well. Played.

I’ll just leave this here from the GD Discord

“Zantai Today at 21:54
something like 20k people bought gd over the weekend,”

Thanks Wolcen :laughing:


just found this video online, maybe it can be pinned, looks like a decent recent and player upticking video :wink::grin:

There have been many similar videos recently.

Already on their FB page. Didn’t get the date of the game being released right though.