I just wanted to mod the “Squall”-Skill to not last the standart 12 seconds but 30 and to have 5 max and not only 3.
Using Asset Manager and the tutorials here I was able to extract the files from GD and both dlc AoM and FG.
So I went on to edit squall1.dbr (worked fine). But how do I get the modded data into the game? When I try to build a mod I always get an error
Hi, I’ll try to help out. I’m also new in this whole GD modding shenanigans…
So, the changes you want are super easy to do.
Get into Asset Manager, go look for squall01.dbr at records\skills\playerclass06.
Open and you should see (on your left) all the different groups that skill has. Spawn Config should be the 2nd from the top. Go in there and set petLimit to 5, instead of 3 and spawnObjectsTimeToLive to 30, instead of 12.
Done, just build the mod (usually pressing F7 or choosing Build on the top bar).
thanks for your comment.
I’ve done that exactly as you described.
Extracted the data to …\Grim Dawn\Mods\database, modified the mentioned file and pressed F7.
So AM builds database.arz and templates.arc in folder …\Grim Dawn\Mods\database.
No error this time, but when starting the game its still 3 WD and 12 sec duration…
Are you choosing Custom game? because when you Build in Asset Manager, you’re supposed to create the character in Custom game > name of the mod you built. You cannot see these changes in a normal Campaign mode.(actually you can, but it’s not done this way and I’m not knowledgeable enough to explain how it’s done).
Back when the game had no dlc I was able to mod some skills/items so they were changed in the main campaign. But with the dlcs I have no idea how to do that…
Maybe someone has the knowledge and time to explain me how its done in the current state of the game.
You got it all wrong.
What I meant was: if you do not want to have your changes only playable through a Custom game, then I can’t help you. If you’re fine with your changes not being in the base Campaign and having to play through Custom game, then just do exactly like I said before
Honestly, any changes to the base game are kinda “bad”, since if a new update comes along, you either get some problem or it just overwrites completely. If you play through Custom game, it’s “permanent”, unless the specific thing you changed gets removed or substantially changed.
create the mod, compile. This creates the .arz file
get the .arz from the latest expnasion you have, put in place of the one from the mod + rename to mod
compile again, return .arz to original location.
The game loads .arz file in this order: GD, AoM, FG. Files from GD, will be overriden by files in AoM, if a file with the same NAME and FOLDER PATH exists.
So to override files i suggest you use, the lates .arz you have, and have the folder path recreted exactly in your mod.
Another thing you can do is do it as a custom game and in here, for my mod i explain how to use main campaign chracters in a custom game.
Here, I made the small change. Just unzip this into GrimDawn\Mods and play Custom Game.
squallchange.zip (3.7 KB) <— This one lets you use Squall from level 1. (after choosing Shaman as mastery, 1 point into the mastery bar unlocks it right away) Good for testing right away
squallchange.zip (3.7 KB) This has normal point requirement (I believe it’s 31 or 32 points in the mastery bar)
When you extract the game files in the working directory there will be a mods folder with gdx1 and gdx2. You can then modify gdx2 in the asset manager like any other mod, build it and then play the main campaign with modded files.