I’m sure I could find some better items in some places, but it seems to be in a decent state.
HOWEVER, I keep dying due to internal trauma damage. At first I thought this must be from an enemy, but it kept happening so I suspect it to be reflected damage. It’s usually either just enough to offset my natural heal rate, but sometimes it goes beyond and then I die (after all the enemies are zapped and I can’t leach more life)
How do I prevent this from happening?
It feels so stupid
I was also really struggling with finding a good devotion setup. I guess I can as a test take away the trauma node from Oleron. (I’ll give that a go and report back if it helps)
I’d also get way more ADCTH as there doesn’t seem to be any other sustain.
Seal of Blades, that glove component with it, maybe some more in devo…
Unless you don’t think you need more of course.
I wonder if you could proc Maul with sth but not sure if this devo would fit your playstyle due to its small range.
You could bind Wind Devils to it but they are needed for Oleron
Hasn’t been an issue so far, but it is quite low now that I look at it.
Updated with above suggestions (and whatever augment I had at hand)
It’s got 101% reflect resist now, so that should solve that problem
I’ll see what I can do for adcth, because although it seems ok now, I think some more would be good.
I had that before, but it sucks on this build. It always procs from the player and that’s usually not where the enemies are. Unless maybe I put it on the wind devils… but that doesn’t work for the adcth on it and it leaves me with nothing useful to bind blind fury to
Seem like too much of a cost to include it if you don’t need this RR.
I’d recommend Seal of Blades as I don’t think Seal of Might does anything for this character both damage and defense wise. Resistances don’t seem tight either.
Haunted Steel would be perfect if not the Physical to Vitality conversion
Anyway, that last calc is how I’d would do it more or less ± resistances that I spoiled
PS I played Korvan Wyrm and I really liked golden Primal Strike.
Haha, I remember why I had the scythe and lotus. Energy regen
I just noticed I start to run out on boss fights. Will have to look into boosting it a bit.
You could try 2 x Arcane Spark maybe This was a trick for some FoI build in the past.
Energy pot + 1 Spark + Mogdrogen’s Pact not enough?
I hope the boss is not Ravager of Flesh because it’s never enough for it.
No just random campaign stuff. This dude still has to go through most of it. I leveled it ages ago in Elite till lvl 80something and picked it up yesterday.
It’s mostly ok, but if you have a boss with two stages it can get a bit tricky. It’s ok with drinking an elixir for now. So I’ll try and get the rest of my skill points then I’ll see what I can do about the energy.
You can also use 3 x Arcanum Dust - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database
this additional 7.5 regen / s should be noticeable
Hopefully 2 Sparks won’t be needed because 1 Seal of Annihilation would be better there and it has -10% Energy cost.
Soul Shards could be used too I guess.
I’m currently looking for a similar level 94 amulet, before I add the (expensive) seal of annihilation.
I definitely need more adcth than I had before (haven’t switched out the glove component yet). I did find new boots with +2 break morale, so that’s maxed out now as well as war cry itself.
I was wondering about my storm totems… their lightning damage should convert to physical, right? With the wyrm and the shoulders. It doesn’t feel like it does.
Maybe they feel weak because they have to go through armor. At least the non-dot part which is the reason why you really have to maximize your damage with Physical builds for them to feel good. I made a Beginner Physical EoR once and its damage was not the best relative to other beginner builds but endgame Physical EoR are fine after optimizing damage.
Remember the days, when converted Physical damage didn’t have to go through armor? I member.
I only see them do crits of a few thousand damage to your average campaign mobs, while primal strike does 120k and thereabouts. A few thousand is the same as the lightning damage value in the popup, so I got suspicious
Edit: Hmm… I have almost 800% lightning damage and 2400% physical. I convert about 75% elemental to physical. So it’s 3 * 3/4, so ehm roughtly twice. So maybe a few thousand makes sense actually, considering the armor.
I did notice that some bosses go down real easy while I hardly make a dent in others. It feels a bit inconsistent.
Harmonious Morgana’s Fangs of Readiness.
Not what I was looking for, not what I was hoping for, but maybe it’s what I need. (And I already found enough to supply an army of assassins and two warriors of celerity.)
It’s got 34% energy regen
I think it’ll be something like this:
It’s ehm… I dunno. From the stats you’d think he’d be alright, but he really loves his health potions (and it’s often not enough )
In sr66, I died to Fabius once and mad queen three times damn her. In sr67 it was all fine in the boss room. It really depends. Not sure what would help, maybe more adcth (but not that easy to get I think) or generally more damage.
I do have some life steal pants, but they’re not really great pants. So I’m not sure that’s going to be better.
Oh crap, forgot to replace the glove component. Let’s see how it is if I replace that one.
It helps, but it’s still not great depending on the enemy. Doesn’t help that this guy has no fail-safe. If you get hit hard all you can do it hope you can keep doing damage and chug a potion.
Well you character is not optimized. For pants best would probably be Chauses of Barbaros for that Total Speed and All damage and the most balanced would be your ADCTH pants but with Formidable and of Eagle / Wolf affixes. You can do Shadow Strike skips to the Solael Guardian area if you’d like to farm them quickly.
Btw you’re losing a lot of damage by not using my devo precisely (160% Physical lost) and also not maxing Brute Force.
Mad Queen might be difficult with Wind Devils and Storm Totems proccing her Retaliation stuff. One would need to learn to fight her for sure and watch out for the red aura. Same with Fabius and his Blade Barrier maybe. Anyone feel free to correct me / chime in on teh mechanics. Maybe try these fights without your pets. Are you paying attention to the mechanics?
Personally I’d optimize damage and ADCTH even further somehow (damage maybe with more items that provide temporary speed buff and stuff) but I haven’t played this and you could try sth more comfy and less demanding for example
Crab + Turtle + Toad Warder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
(not sure if this is the best devo with them, just made sth quickly) and synergize with each other and provide a lot of sustain against many enemies.
Of course you’d need to level these devos first. Or GDStash them.
Also for Mad Queen Ghoul is a good tech sometimes allowing to leech though her red aura. Not always though.
Another thing you could do is another Korvan Wyrm with Haunted Steel on Weapon Swap with Bloodthirst for tougher fights so that you’re not harmed with 10% Phys → Vit conversion permanently. Seems like a better solution than Ghoul as it you don’t waste devo points + has longer duration, shorter recharge and can be used on demand.
Oh right, I forgot I did a different thing there. It was by accident and then I figured I’d keep it to see how it goes and consequently forgot
I’ll put it back the way it’s supposed to be.
Also didn’t notice you maxed out brute force. I’ll try with those changes and see if it’s better.
The one’s I’ve got at the moment are Renegade’s Solael-Sect Legguards of the Wolf.
Compared to really great pants it’s missing a lot of attribute points, hp and energy regen.
There’s also the option of using a different belt, but not sure which one would be a good option. Mythical chains of anguish? On the debuff, the elemental resist is ok, the physical probably not so much, damage I dunno.
Different shoulders I could get extra physical resist with warborn or OH maybe Titan pauldrons? (Must have gotten that one recently as I definitely didn’t have that last week) I’m going to try those. Edit: Oh two-handed melee <_< damnit
It’s never very obvious what’s going on for me in combat.
I’ve also been wondering if my points in storm totem are a waste or not. They don’t do that much damage and the main purpose is applying the rr.