I don’t like the Total Damage penalty at the start of the fight even if it averages out well. The belt has been nerfed a bit recently somewhat but feel free to test it. Some builders use(d) it.
Np, I always play mindlessly and only start paying attention and analyzing my videos if I die. Fabius at some points stands still and crosses his arms and this is when he activates his Blade Barrier that retaliates a lot I think and you also don’t leech from him then. You can find this attack here Grim Dawn Monster Database
And flat damage, and +1 soldier (for a total of +6 ). Might be an option. It does lose points in war cry and the 50% weapon damage, but do gain some in break morale (to spend on something else). And total attack speed does end up 3% higher than with the dread knight guard. Oh and more OA
Ok. I think I figured out fabius. If you just facehug him and watch out for the barrier it’s quite alright. It can still hurt, but it’s not instant death anymore. If you’re at a distance he will use his sneak attack and it hurts a lot.
I one-pointed the storm totem and put the other points in decorated soldier and the rest in the wind devil (not too sure on this one). I did sr75 without too much trouble, so that’s miles better than before where I had issues in sr65.
Next time maybe I’ll make a physical two-handed melee guy and use all the bonuses I couldn’t use now
O.o this game continues to surprise me. So each flat phys number gets reduced by armor?
No wonder this build feels a bit lacking. It has 10+ sources of damage and no I counted all and I get to 17, but it depends on how it works with the skills. For example Primal Strike. Do all the nodes add up to one damage or do they all count separately? And are the physical and lightning in the first node separate or one since the lightning gets converted to physical?
other issue is just how impactful the primal strike transmuter is in terms of dmg, so when you then have 0 RR and no armour reduct, it all gets compounded
it’s not that 0 RR class phys builds can’t do stuff, it’s just like an extra factor that becomes significant “more or less” depending on which exact skill then gets used
AAR would be another one that would be greatly impacted on a 0 RR class approach, many small ticks
Cadence suffers less because 500+%WD to help and no tdm penalties
you def want bear
you might also consider not going Oleron devo route, as there is a different route yielding overall more phys % iirc (azraka-vire), which can be helpful on phys, as Oleron route is just expensive
Consider some ultos pieces, as they actually give +phys dmg, so you can get get Primal Strike hardcapped (shoulder)
unsure if chasing the last break morale points is significant, but what might/probably def will help is attack speed (another reason to perhaps not go Oleron route)
when you have primal strike as spamable, something which the Wyrm wasn’t primarily “intended” for(doesnt’ mean we can’t), means speed becomes significant in terms of dps, and 160 is just relatively low on such a penalized spam skill
and i just realize i went by your GT in OP, which has since been changed, so like most of the suggestions above besides devos is more less totally irrelevant by now
Only problem with this is that for every increase in attack speed you also need an increase in energy regen Also not super easy to get more without making other sacrifices.
I had it before but it was spawning on my character instead of near the enemies, so I eventually got rid of it and kept the Oleron proc. I’ll see what I can get by ditching Oleron.
Without ulzaad, which ehm… not sure, the proc is a lot of damage. I did grab all the attack speed I could find though.
Maybe something like this… It’s a bit less damage than I had, but slightly more attack speed and more life steal and the bear should more than make up for the loss in damage. Little less phys resist, but more armor.
You cannot say Warder is a 0 RR class when you have 45 RR on Brake Morale (last link before today). Also applied better way better than Scales for example.
you 100% can
how much RR does Warlord, Witchblade, Death Knight etc get? war cry + class
going by what i’ve been told by roman/lee?, that vire route is just better for phys % stacking
*which i’m guessing is because vire allows bear while you can’t get bear on this kraken+hydra+azrakaa oleron route too?
no… it’s 1
you know that we count a RR class as one with stackable RR,
just like how we don’t count oathkeeper a dual RR class just because it has smash or we dont’ consider a dualRR/single class dual RR if it gets a high flat modifier, like harbinger
btw seems that you lose 3 (procs / good free nodes) i.e. 1 proc + 2 good nodes from Azrakaa & Vire and in this build if you go for Vire Warder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator which is kinda meh unless I’m missing something
aye, but i also just remembered that banana? didn’t took Azraka proc on warlord or whatever - so makes kinda sense then
i suppose “technicality” wise we could say the procs just get shifted Oleron->Bear Azraka->Vire
can then take actual vire/azrakaa proc as one desires depending on desired proc effect?