Need to crunch few numbers on population

I was anxious to check new updates, so I signed up for the test version before the release. Once the official 0.8 was out, I opt out from the test version to start another settlement. On both cases I noticed same pattern on the decline of the rate of immigration. Here are some numbers from year 5 on my new town.
Low on laborers due lack of immigration, all jobs but food production have one settler each

All stats seems reasonable for the overall town report

Now here is where numbers won’t match, one board says 99% immigration rate and other say none. I had one group only of 7 settlers immigrating on year 2.

–a bit off topic. You could add a keybind that would take a screenshot with sequencial number with the name of the settlement, sometimes is hard to find the right screenshot taken with F12.

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We’ve been talking about this all through testing of v0.8.0. Seems to be a design decision.

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Fair point that the immigrant rate saying 100% is misleading and confusing. I’m guessing they haven’t updated it to measure all the actual factors determining immigration. So I think this is good feedback. In the meantime, you can improve your actual immigration rate by building quite a few more empty homes. Your food looks good which is the normal common issue.

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Yes, seems having many more houses than you normally would - like twice as many - plus plenty of food will encourage more immgrants to come. Otherwise you just get a trickle or sometimes none at all for several years before it picks up again.

I do think having surplus food just to spoil and surplus housing just to stay empty but lure in more immigrants really isn’t a great mechanic, though.

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Maybe not, but it does seem to be the only mechanic that works atm rather than just have a few months of food and a couple of extra houses compared to total population which is the way I usually do things. In v0.8.0 that’s led me to having few or no immigrants at all for up to 10 years before things start moving again on that front. Few births and deaths along the way means my population stays static for all that time and I simply can’t progress until more immigrants arrive because I’ll be down to 2-3 labourers max so daren’t build any more industries until immigration picks up again because I’d have no labourers at all then. :crazy_face:

It’s the circle of lif- I mean, of immigration! :stuck_out_tongue:

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This. Just went through a 3 year Static Period when nobody arrived, few got born, but nobody died either - and was stuck at 2 -5 Laborers total so didn’t dare build anything. Wound up taking ‘extra’ workers out of some industry and building a whole new set of Houses in a new residential area - with no Market coverage, no walls or defenses, or anything else. Filled in after people started arriving again, but it seemed to be a bit extreme just to attract immigrants: had spaces for about 50 extra people in a village of 75 - 80 and 14 months’ supply of food piled up (before, as noted, it started to spoil) just to get a dribble of new people arriving.

Maybe if I built a Border Wall across the southern part of the map and only completed about 5% of it, that would start increased Immigration - that seemed to work IRL . . .

Ach, 2-5 labourers seems normal for me in the early game… all the cutting gets done in winters when the foragers and farmers get booted out for those last two months. The new production limits to get the firewood splitters out and about is excellent too: setting them at 50/100 works just fine in the early game. Switch off the sawmill every now and then to get the logs back up, one miner down the clay pit, one making arrows and the odd bow, only keep the trader in the post when the initial trading is done and then boot them out…

Vanquisher raids so far haven’t been too bad either (I know I’ll regret putting that down in text). The worst thing I’ve had for my population is bloody bears (and hidden rocks).

Regarding screen shots, you have better options than F12 (and I’m not even sure how that works for you). Windows+PrntScrn key will save full desktop screen shots in your pictures\screenshots folder. You can change the location of this to another drive if you wish like I have with most of my profile folders.
Review “How to find screenshots on Windows

Also, you can get more options with Windows+Shfit+S to activate Windows Snip & Sketch. For example, Rectangular selection, free-form selection, window, or full screen snips. These then show up in the windows alerts section on the side of your screen where you can immediately access and edit it or save it. In this built in Windows app, you can change some settings, like asking to save your snip before closing, or auto copy to clipboard so you can use it in other apps. I use this app most for the variable choices in how I take shots.

I agree. It’s frustrating. It’s boring. Can’t build anything. And it’s not luring in any but one here or three there. Then one to three die, so net no gain. Then, as I’ve had nobody to build the cemetery, I get nagged about building the cemetery. I’ve built the market and the school, which are also supposed to lure immigrants in, but nope. None show up. So I sit and read a book.

Of course, as soon as I wrote this, I went back to my game and there were 12 people coming in! The game knew . . . LOL!

But not everyone wants tough new challenges. Some of us play to de-stress and relax. Can there be a level that is more like what we had in 0.7.6?

I find this is a very good formula for immigration (of course happiness must be factor in, always). Had 12 immigrants showed up couple of times which I’ve never seen before.

@KeySmasher I’m one of those guys that are privacy freak, so my windows doesn’t have the snip and sketch feature, due I had uninstalled lot of M$ junk. Back in the dawn of gaming, this was a very appreciated feature offered by many franchises, would be nice to get a dedicated key just for screenshots.

Back on the topic. I’ve been testing all given answers here and in deed having for example 10 settlers and 20 house spots with a surplus of food increases the migration rate, but I believe would be nice from devs to add this important change to patch notes, so we prepare from start.

Just use good old Print Screen key and then drop the screenshot in to Paint. That’s what I do. Or any other package you have that would do similar.

This is what I use, because you can straight mark area, it gets copied immediatly and you can paste it here.
This way you don’t need the step for Paint. I did this also and still use it for other things, it depends, but

Windows+Shfit+S is the easiest way :slight_smile:

You can also open it in sketches directly and save it, it will be named like this
Screenshot 2022-11-20 222844.png

@ Murkalael You can probably find any number of free code sources on GitHub that give you the kind of screen capture you’re looking for. With the code, you can verify how your data is used and tweak it to your needs before compiling. I don’t know if you’re up to par with any coding languages, but usually people who are strict about their PC privacy have taken efforts to learn some coding to get what they want without concern for other people’s implanted back doors.

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