I find it hardly unfair to be required to fight 1 boss 1 hour as a melee just because it reduces my damage or have huge pool of life (see Ravager). I am able to tank him decently but after 30 minutes and barely being able to put ravager at 50% of his health I find this unfair.
Even with 11K OA and 13K DA it still takes 5 minutes to put him down (and these stats can never be reached no matter how GG items you will get).
And 11K OA means 60+ % chance to crit Ravager. At 13K DA he is still able to hit me a couple of times for 15K HP (having 60K HP) which I also find
unfair. How is a caster (that doesn’t have any life aura / passive) able to handle Ravager when in late game he has less than 15K HP when trying to hit the 5K DA cap?
Also nerf Mogdrogen - same problem.
As an idea every class should be able to take down end game bosses when having the top of the top gear.
In diablo 2 there were the ubers and we had sorceress that mainly was unable to tackle bosses but even sorceress with revives on charges was able to take down ubers.
Any other class can have several builds to take down ubers. Strongest by far was Paladin which was the only class that didn’t even
needed end game gear to be able to handle them. (Cheap smiter build with no HR. with a white Sacred Targe and PDiamonds in it for god sake can
take down ubers)
Barb - Frenzy, WW
Druid - Feral
Necro - Summon
Assassin - Kicksin
The road to uber three might be hard - obtaining 3x3 keys, doing mini bosses. but the time fighting them wasn’t as much.
The bosses didn’t have huge damage reduction to melee player.
When player achieved a couple of stats (Crushing Blow, Deadly Strike, Open wounds, Life tap) he was able to beat bosses easy.
You tell me one class that is able to take Ultimate Mogdrogen or Ultimate Ravager when you are level 100 in 5-10 minutes as Paladin can in diablo 2.
Those many video that you’ve seen that doesn’t show you the gear = 0.
I can set 100K offense ability and kill it in a minute, that doesn’t mean it is a valid fair kill?
Just because video duration is less than 10 that doesn’t mean the total fight took under 10.
If you’re referring to retaliation build, that is useless vs caster / range bosses so IMO a build
that cannot clear all content is not really a good build.
How about summoners? Have you seen one doing it on ultimate?
Have you been able to beat under 10 ravager? I highly doubt that.
He is optional. Don’t see why the whole game has to be rebalanced for this. Get some(as much as you can) resist reduction for your damage type and try again
I put up a build with gear for ravager. There is also one posted by JoV. No video but lots of gear and explanation. There are a few others I can’t recall atm
Anyway. 99% sure nerfsare not gonna happen. They are optional super bosses. they should remain super
Wait, what? You’re just being a player that wants everything for free in games. Neither Ravager or Mogdrogen are end bosses. They are optional, made for fun to be strong as fuck. The main reason for Ravager and Mogdrogen to exist is to be overpowered as fuck. Gear is, as for me, too strong. You can easily build random defensive items and still have decent damage and good defense. Some item sets give enormous bonusses, which make your character OP (Krieg’s set for example, although not overpowered, strong as motherfuck).
If they nerfed Ravager and Mogdrogen, not many people would want to farm them for their MIs. If they buffed items, MANY people would leave because the game would be too easy. To me, the game is very easy; you can build random items (totally random) in normal/elite and be OP, you can stack one damagetype and resists in ultimate and be fairly strong. You don’t even need sets or legendary gears. Legendary items drop easily, many of them can be crafted, which give you additional bonusses such as increased armor or physique.
So for short, stop being lazy in games, or just quit; learn to build your characters, you won’t deal much physical damage if you build aether amplification on a spellbinder. Ravager is easy to kill in 15 mins, I’ve never seen anyone killing it for longer than 20 mins, I’ve also been able to kill him with a totally random build, just because I knew I need resists and appropriate damage amplification.
My Conjurer wearing top gear brought down Ultimate Mogdrogen in well under 10 minutes, about 1-2 iirc. And it’s a pretty simple build - pets and Blood of Dreeg and that’s it.
And every class already should be able to take down big bosses even if not wearing the best gear.
I don’t really get your point about having 100k OA and killing within a minute not being a valid fair kill. However you managed it is valid and fair, since it’s simply a choice you make as a single player.
If you’re not managing to kill him then post your build here using the grimtools.com build calculator so we can have a look at it and see if there’s anything wrong with it.
Didn’t farm the gear, made it in GDStash which is why I didn’t report any feedback from that toon during playtesting AoM in Elite since he was OP. Test toons I keep strictly self found, but he was the only one I had able to test the expansion straight off and I’d already changed his gear and sold the old stuff.
First, Diablo II is bad comparison as it had no balancing
Second, End game bosses are Nemeses, Mad Queen, The Sentinel and Dungeon bosses
The correct term to describe The Ravager and Mogdrogen is “Super Boss”
Third, every class combo can take down the Super Bosses but every build cannot do it.
For Instance, I can kill them a Poison Witch Hunter but might fail doing so with Chaos Witch Hunter
You seem to be pretty hell bent on trying to prove that you are right and the various players who managed to kill him are either cheating or lying about the kill time so I’d suggest you read some dedicated build guides that have killed him in a respectable time frame.
Also a Retaliation build is slow against Ranaged enemies but if built right it can clear the content. So again you are wrong
Safarel, DaShive, Reapersgaze, Avatar of Dreeg or thepowerofmediocrity should be the ones to address this one as it is possible there’s an OP pet build that’s being kept off the radar
Why yes I have, I can understand your skepticism but I did. 10 minutes is no biggie, there are those who have killed him in much shorter time frames. Either Superfluff or JoV holds the record for quickest Ravager kill (I am not sure if the former clocked his kill during testing)
Also Superbosses are the toucgest challenge in Main Campaign. Not every build should be able to do them with such ease (imo), I took this up with Zantai requesting him to buff the Ravager but my proposal was turned down. Hopefully the Superboss of Forgotten Gods expac is at least twice as hard as the Ravager.
Seriously i will jump in and im sure i will sound like an %ss but man
I would love to help you seriously, i have 24 character builds which not all of them were effective against Mog or ravager but with 4 of those are like my main and i managed to get them in the end.I didnt cheat at all and im sure you will not to once you understand the mechanics of the game
You sound so negative and so displeasing because of the way you criticize even those responses from all the guys and the posts above me is more than ruthless.
You can have 200k DPS and still you might not kill the godly entities cause thats what they are, they have nothing to do with main campaign and as always you can ignore them till you fully realize the limits of your build
Instead of asking for nerfs from the SUPERBOSSES i would love to see what builds you were trying on him
and i swear…you are the first guy i ever saw asking for nerfs especially on end game bosses
Diablo 2 had the ubers as optional superbosses. Classes were more or less similarly balanced compared to each other - WW nerfs since launch of 1.00 and changes over the lifesteal mechanics and item generation can attest to that (no more easy dual leech rings with resists)
Diablo 2 supported self found / purist type of runs much better than Grim Dawn does now through better item balance. Oh sure, if you had BiS for everything, yes, they were better, but even then, for many builds, what was BiS was up for preferences. (Think Faith, Windforce, Wrath for physical, Brand for fire, Ice for cold bowazons)
No blueprints to farm out - Anything you wanted to craft, you only needed materials for. Jewels dropped often enough, runes were usually low or mid level that dropped from NM countess, easy and safe to get.
Magic items could have affixes unavailable to rare items, while rares had a higher number of affixes in general. And sure, while rares were generally better, in certain situations, regular magic items were the right choice to equip.
Quite a far cry from Grim “Anything below rare MIs is trash” Dawn.
Being lazy is one -> having creating summoner build total useless is another.
Just quit -> well I don’t know how nice is for the guys that created this game if many people will just start quit and stop buying packs. It will affect you as well if no more patches and no more expansion are bought & produced.
So maybe you should think a bit saying things that makes no sense. Or is that too hard for you?
It;s funny that there are 2 active opposite threads. One that asks for Buffs and one for nerfs. Even if one is for nemeses and other for crucible bosses it jsut shows how much opinions can differ.
Dude I don’t understand a word that you saying. It makes no sense with what I posted.
All that I’m saying is “The late gear in grim dawn is useless vs hardest challenges for most of the builds”.
This is what I’m saying.
Mythical sets should be the best and they are not. If you play fairly for months getting gear for your summoner
and notice that your summoner is completely useless no matter what DPS constellations or skills or augments you use.
You would feel the same.
I tried over 5 different summoner builds in different way they have no chance even reducing health bar for 1 pixel of mogdrogen or ravager ultimate. They last a couple of seconds and they die.
Yes we got a couple of classes that can handle them. What about the other players that like to play different things?
You will get door shut in your face. No sir summoner has no place in challenging Mogdrogen or Ravager… He can do the rest.
Summoner has huge cooldown for all the pets, all pets are weaklings. DPS is lower than a tank. My full markovian tank do more DPS than then the cabalist in any other combination of gear (Lost Souls - Beast Master - focus on lightning damage - focus on chaos damage etc.)
I find this hardly unfair.
That build is from vanilla days and holds the fastest Mogdrogen kill time. So it’s definitely possible, the thing is you don’t see dedicated guides for AoM so there lies the problem
Ah I noticed
The buff thread kinda makes sense imo since the older nemeses should step up their game imo. On a side note, instead of buffs/nerfs I’d pay to have nemeses spawn points reduced
Well if is easy, post me a video with a summoner doing Mogdrogen & Ravager at level 100 on ultimate difficulty.
You cannot because it is impossible. even with hacks a cabalist summoner with all minions maxed up on both sides
occultist and necromancer cannot even reduce 1 pixel of health.