New and improved screens (already?!)

I know. Sadly, the stiched undead from TL look better. I’d be surprised if D3 is not a fun game, but the screenshots so far are underwhelming.

To each their own I guess. D3 might look slightly on the comical side, but what matters more then graphics is style and game-play. If the game is fun to play who’s going to care if it looks comical? I won’t, D3 isn’t really going for realism, as you can see the market is pretty saturated with “realistic graphics.” No, they’re just going for colorful display, not totally comical, but definitely not totally brown, gritty realism. It’s more of a painterly look, with vibrant colors.

Lots of color, huge explosions. Probably more then there should be. haha.

Wooo~~~ It look more “Spooky”!
U won’t gonna know what around the corner… :stuck_out_tongue:

I would care, and I do. I thoroughly enjoyed D1 and D2 because of the story and the grim, dark nature of the game. By making D3 look like a joke, similar to TL, it’s not so enticing as a sinister story as the others appeared to be, but rather a magical pony adventure with some guest demons and skeletons. I’m really disliking the art style so far. Sure, the effects are very nice but the cartoony nature REALLY puts me off. It’s one of the reasons I had to stop playing Torchlight, aside from the retarded gameplay.

As I said, I expect game play in D3 to be fun; we don’t disagree on that. The point I was making comparing the D3 screen to TL, is that a game has already gone Sesame Street Gothic and so far it seems that they pull it off better. They also did not make us wait for a turning of the Mayan calendar.

While game play is more important than graphics - having a beautiful game with nothing to it is disappointing, to say the least - the graphics need to sell the game. They need to immerse me in the world and give it verisimilitude, believability, so that it makes sense that I can shoot lightning from a staff, or teleport into a group of mobs and slay them all, or charge with my shield so fast I send my enemies to kingdom come. If I am fighting the forces of hell, I need Angelus, not sparkles.

D3 should have its own style, both in game play and in graphics, one that follows and improves upon D1 and D2; and, in my opinion, does not lean toward WoW and its elves with 2-foot ears. That is the game to which I am looking forward. I don’t need the graphical equivalent of the Butcher’s room throughout the game, mind you, in fact I prefer that they don’t lean too far in that direction; however, I do want the game’s graphics to impress upon me the gravity of the story they are telling, leaving no doubt as to how dire the situation. At a Metallica concert, I want to hear Metallica play Metallica; I do not want them to imitate Miley Cyrus.

The screen shot you posted is better than the other, perhaps too bright like you said, but still better; I am hopeful.

Those screenshots look amazing - well done. Any word on snow/rain?

Snow and rain of varying intensities - got it.

Oh man that is sweet. I shall wait in hope of screenies containing both these weather conditions. I’m especially keen on snow, I think that’ll look great. I love the atmosphere that snow creates

Yeah, they should just make a totally new franchise instead of named it Diablo 3. Well, easier said than done. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol, they should rename it to “Lost Vikings 3” and change the characters. :slight_smile:

As the old saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention.

When you are successful, powerful and wealthy there is little reason or necessity for creative problem solving. Why be inventive and find an ingenious way around a problem when you can throw money at it instead?

Most of the cool things you see in theater, films and games general come about because someone lacked the budget to do something they wanted to, so they had to find a way of trying to do it on the cheap and ended up creating something unexpectedly awesome in the process.

This is why big budget productions are rarely heralded for their innovation and risk taking.

Like I said, to each their own, I don’t let graphics get in the way of playing a fun game, others do that’s understandable I guess.

I just want to play a fun game. I’m not looking for the best looking realism, far from it, especially in this genre. It doesn’t matter to me.

Me neither, I love me some Hello Kitty Online. And I don’t care what anyone else says about it.

Edit: No seriously, I was in beta it was awesome.

I honestly don’t know how gamers went from Game-play > graphics to Graphics > Game-play… but it’s pretty sad.

And people wonder why games haven’t evolved much in the past 10 years.

Games have evolved tons over the last decade. Also, if anybody really believes Blizzard doesn’t have talent in their studio or that they just lazily “throw money” (whatever that means) and don’t try to innovate in their games…man I don’t even know what to say.

There’s a reason why they are successful, and there’s a reason why three of their games to this day dominate their respective genres. It’s not because they are a bunch of no talent fools…

The exact same thing can be said for Zynga.

There’s a reason why they are successful, and there’s a reason why three of their games to this day dominate their respective genres.

yeah, I just want to see Grim Dawn be an awesomely fun game with high replay-ability.

That’s why mechanics are really all I’m interested in, and workable graphics.

*edited to preserve the crispness of teh magic"

I believe that graphics in GD will be one the main selling point. I know we all here could be very tolerate with graphics but for GD to be successful, we need more than people here. Even though we didn’t try to appeal much to casual gamer, we still need more sales. Please do not misunderstood, I’m not saying we need to become clown to appeal to larger audience.

Of all people I’m referring GD to, most of them are praising graphics first. Of course if gameplay is suck even with great graphics it would be an instant fail, in almost all cases.

For me the main selling point of GD is the skill system and the loot system. I believe TQ both did those extremely well, so that is what I am hoping most for. Everything else is just extra gravy :stuck_out_tongue:

(and yeah, the game looking great doesn’t hurt either!)