New Enviroment WIP / Update

If I read the manual right, the haybeasts drop horses.

So… I take it you haven’t seen the screenshots? And IIRC, bloom wasn’t a feature in the options to disable/enable. :confused:

…wha? In TQ you could turn it on and off.

Bloom for me in most games has been a major annoyance rather than a “nifty, shiny feature”. Playing games where people’s faces are more reflective than a sheet of metal is pretty obnoxious, or where the sun glares out so hugely that it becomes difficult to walk in it’s general direction. Please don’t give me the whole “oh but that’s realistic” speech because it’s just stupid and annoying. I want to play a game, if I wanted realism I’d walk outside.

Yes - this is the other extreme and some games (mostly on consoles) tend to overuse bloom/HDR (Mirror’s Edge was the most recent one to me).
However, well used it adds a huge amount of realism and graphical depth - TQ:IT made some wonderful use of it in some places.

I buy it that its a small company who doesn’t have the rescources to make GD on the Crysis 2 engine. But I don’t see why a bit of bloom/HDR is out of the question (since the engine managed to do it pretty damn well in TQIT).

In the previous page it was stated that the bloom effects didn’t fit in with the stylistic direction that they are trying to go for…

You can disable bloom in TQIT by unchecking advance effects.
The bloom is the glow.

Ah, I see :slight_smile:

Damn, a pity as I said. I think that Bloom etc. can really add a nice contrast, even in a stark, gloomy game like this. Take a look at the Half Life 2: Ravensholme levels for example.

I think that, unfortunately, bloom tends to be a bit overused nowadays. Sure, it might make certain games look pretty…games like Trine, for example, make really good use of bloom to help make the game have even more of a stroybook-quality atmosphere…but I’m not sure that in this game, with the screenshots i’ve seen so far, bloom would really add to the game as much as it would take away.

The only real way to give feedback is to see in game footage with bloom and without bloom…so come on, Crate, hop to it ^.~

I have to agree, too much bloom can be a bad thing, and i personally prefer the picture without the bloom. I’m glad you guys are using dx10 now, even the lower end cards utilize dx10, if you’re on a budget they’re very affordable.

I recall Gothic 3 having a little bit too much bloom effect, seemed to be overglowing everywhere. Toned down it would suit the environment just fine.

For this game though i’d go without it.

Well, I think an optional choose on/off bloom from options menu would be satisfyin’ for both parties.

Pro bloomers and against bloomers. This way everybody gets what he/she likes.
More satisfyin costumers, more income. More income means more contents and this produce even more satisfyin’ costumers…etc. :slight_smile:

Anyway what about the playable girl character? :smiley: Big silence about her.:stuck_out_tongue:

Hush about more customization options, you’ll summon Asylum on your ass for it. :wink:

IT’s an intelligent solution. If Asylum101 says the same then i say +1 4 that.:smiley:

You wish. But i’m just testing his sense of sarcasm here.

Har har. I’m not even gonna bother, you can plainly see the difference in an option for bloom (which is already in just about every game that has bloom).

I already stated my opinion that I liked it better without bloom. :slight_smile:

An option for bloom/no bloom at some point might be nice, but at this point I think it’s a matter of wether or not they really have the time and funds to put in the extra work it would probably take.

More options for customization are always good, but does bloom fit into the bigger picture of getting the games main look and feel done right. Personally, and this is just my opinion based on things we’ve seen so far, I don’t see bloom fitting in with the ‘grim’ atmosphere.

Very nice pic. You folks are doing a wonderful job and I keep spreading the word to the masses.

I’ve seen many screenshots and I wonder if the game will have some nice lively areas, like a nice green forest or a cool shore. I think the game is suposed to be dark and such, but It would be really great to have those mixes.

Yeah maybe this kind of style gives greater contrast(and variety).

Dark territory nothing without sunny places. Dark and light gives balance together…:cool:

however dark places should dominate this world…:stuck_out_tongue:

Screenies are looking awesome as usual.

I disagree. I like the bright, sunny fields of TQ more than the dark areas.

Ooof! I just took a look at the original screenshot I posted for this environment. Looks horrible compared to what’s actually in the game now.

I’ll post an updated shot soon! :stuck_out_tongue: