New Enviroment WIP / Update

Looking forward to it!

I already thought that it didn’t look bad but now I really want to see the new one.

I like fall colors as much as the next guy, but please tell me the world isn’t all generically brown and full of shadows :slight_smile: There has to be SOME pleasant sunlight and green grass somewhere

Isn’t that what game development is all about? Implementing something and then refining it in one way or another until it’s ready for public consumption? I love visible progress when it comes to anything development related.

After seeing a couple shots now, I feel like the ground is generally much too bumpy which overexaggerates elevation and shadows compared to the texture thats actually on the ground.

Woah~! You mean it looks even better than this? [oO]
Please post the update soon then indeed!

Excellent choice going for cornfields btw, I don’t know, but they make a somewhat creepy atmosphere. (Texas Chainsaw Massacre anyone?)

I love the looks of what I see, this is going to turn out to be miles better then TQ, which I strongly hope of, keep up the good work and keep those pics coming

I think the pics look nice (can’t wait to see what’s still waiting in the wings :wink: )

As far as the bloom/no bloom debates go, I can understand and agree that if the game is intended to be, well “grim” then bloom probably doesn’t have a place. I honestly doubt I’d miss it if the on screen images look as sharp as the ones posted earlier.

Thanks again for all the hard work. :smiley:

I agree there

I have to agree with this. I have not seen any thing some what sunnier yet. sry if I missed it somewhere else. but im very interested if its all dark or if lightens up a little? I wouldn’t mind seeing a rainbow in the background as I ragdoll some zombies!!! just kidding about rainbow. but if its all dark people can get used to it and might loose some of the dreary feeling. idk, maybe im wrong. thx