New Forum Feedback

It’s in the works - in the meantime you can use the Wiki and Guides and Tutorials

Yeah, but what he’s saying is you can also access it on the old site again now. Go to and click on the game guide and up it pops. :smile:

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I wasn’t able to scroll til the end of this thread. It is real pain. Why don’t we have just pages instead of this indefinite scroll… So I am sorry if someone has already asked: can I change this dark skin for light skin? My eyes hurt reading all this stuff of those colors.
Thanks in advance…

And no… there is no changeable themes. Maybe Crate can look into the possibility. Otherwise you’ll have to look into browser extensions that do this for you in the meantime.

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Haha. Thank you. I was able to scroll! Now I know.

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You are also able to click and drag it to scroll as well as click the top “date” to go to the top.

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From the old forums i think i only miss the background and streaming section on the right, it made the forums richer somehow for me

Streaming section is still there on the front page of the forum as are all the community links.

One thing that might be nice, if it’s possible to do, is when you enter the GD forum you get the FG background that we had before. Not that I don’t like the screenshot of the new game, but it would keep the GD theme more if we had that. Constant background swapping might be a bit offputting though if you leap between the GD forum and main page a lot.

Okay, so the search thing on this forum is so good that I was searching something specific for ~1 hour yesterday, didn’t find anything remotely close to that, the only thing I found were threads from 2018, 2016 etc.
Today I chose to search for it again, using another wording that I just remembered, because it was the thread about what we know about FG, so I typed “what we know so far” because that is the only thing I remembered. Yes you guessed right, 10 mins of being unable to find it. Also the searching gave me results that do not contain what I wanted to search at all, too - my retaliation DE thread or plenty of Maya’s builds.

The more I try to like this forum, the more I hate it because it wastes so much of my time to even do anything, it’s pathetic. Like, I’d be searching about 15 mins in the old forum using only the wording I remember and still finding it, here it’s a disaster. You either remember the whole fucking name of a thread or you’re fucked.

The search IS fucking amazing.

Took like 3 seconds.

Want to find that song i posted quick but can only remember the band/bands name? 3 seconds.

Want to see every post by YOU in THIS thread?

3 seconds.


It DID NOT appear for me. I am actually done using this forum because it’s one bullshit on top of another. It actually showed not related stuff more than what I wanted and I would not by lying only because I don’t like something. So for me this message closes it. And I seem to not be the only one that is getting pissed off on the searching bullshit.

So, just out of curiosity, I decided to use the search function myself. I don’t know what I am doing wrong, but just like @USER_NAME_01 I couldn’t find the thread either:

In that case I would love to know because here I am, 2 for 2 now.

I nearly always find what I’m looking for.

@Maya - can confirm, but was able to get the desired result by adding quotation marks. Does that work for you?

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Yup, that works :blush:

Maybe my searches are special and have an invisible auto-quote feature to them somehow? Cuz otherwise dunno.

There is still something weird going on, because after @powbam replied it worked for me without the quotation marks - and now again. However it might only be how the results are sorted and the threads would have shown up, if I had clicked on More.

Whenever I clicked on “more” it was not there. Doesn’t matter if I swap the showing option to recent, oldest etc. Tried twice or thrice, always the same.

I am starting to think Powbam infected us with his invisible quotes somehow :stuck_out_tongue:
Because it now works for me too :open_mouth:

So much for the better then. For my own part I haven’t noticed any oddities with the order it displays subsequent same searches overtime. I actually quite often use the Search bar to quickly navigate to other specific threads depending on what I’m doing.