New Forum Feedback

that’s some emacs levels of hoops one has to jump through on the desktop. What would that be on the qwertz keyboard? Shift-3?

I’m assuming that’s a response to me. Shift-3 indeed. Or whichever key happens to be displaying the # symbol. Not sure how that’s a hoop but to me it looks like normal keyboard functionality.

I only need to press #

Apparently German keyboards are more magical than American keyboards.

When a significant amount of people say smth is unusable it usually means there is an actual issue, and they are not simply scared of changes. The problem is not a lot of people can, or are willing, to formulate their thoughts on the subject, especially when there is a pretty clear line between the opposite sides that makes things heat up quickly.

If i am to broadly formulate the issue as i personally see it: the classic forum format is about storing and structuring the information in form of a complete and detailed database; this forum format falls in line with the current social media trend of “read and forget”.

Crate did a good job in the transition, and this forum in fact has many useful features, both from the classic format and new ones, and it’s faster on top of that. But it’s core design is “read and forget” (or even shorter - “feed”). It’s easy to read on mobile, it’s easy to track all the updates in all the posts (cause that’s the priority of the modern social media user - be in touch with everything that is happening at the same time). But as a navigation platform for a “database” it is inferior to classic format, and it’s hard to find argument against it: new format literally gives up a single page functionality (mainly - the main page functionality) for the sake of more comfortable reading of a “feed” format.

For instance, for me - it’s very comfortable to have the main page absolutely clogged with links and buttons because navigation for me is far more important than fast reading (not to say the old forum was eactly clogged, i’m just giving an example). And yes, it’s very comfortable for me to have pages. But i understand that some people prefer this format.

A couple of suggestions that come to mind: 1) expand the navigation of the main page: make the main page to be the grimdawn section page and boot the “projects” and “off-topic” sections to the secondary column on the side, make dropboxes near the topics to jump to the post number you want and increase the number of updated topics displayed for each category to 5, add a couple of sections to the side column, like most rated post, people online, hottest topics and such, or maybe even a livechat? 2) when jumping to the comment through the search tool make a button to jump back to the previously viewed comment 3) add a couple of skins. i personally dont like this one, in terms of color choice and post format display

Unlikely to happen. The old forum was located at The new forum is at meaning they are intending it to be a hub to access games they make other than just Grim Dawn. You’ll be able to access all of their games coming in the future from a central hub.

So far the closest you can get to that is to go into your settings:

And select Categories as the Default home page. Perhaps it is possible for them refine that even further and add more specific options.

You can also just click the Grim Dawn button:

located below every thread title you happen to read in the Grim Dawn category and go directly to that view.

But to be honest, i feel quite opposite of that. Sure i agree the whole “design” itself reminds at the modern Social Media Trend, but what this Forum is able to achieve is what many classic Forums never could do(for me): It actually encourages you to read the content. Sure if you were with the Topic since the beginning, some might argue it’s easier to remember certain spots of certain Topics via pages, but if i compare Grim Dawn (or the whole rest of my forum-life and that’s quite much because i was around many different forums… some short, others pretty long, some still as for today) classic forum with the modern ones, it’s kinda interesting to see that i actually read many of the topics fully, while majority of other Topics in classic-page-style Forums i kinda skip, because it bothers me to move to the next pages and need to handle the loading times, which sometimes are quite there and with so many pages i feel overhelmed. If it comes down to this “infinite scrolling” thing, it might look overhelming at first, but if you read through some earlier posts in the topic, the reading comes from itself and i quite found myself reading through many posts which i normally wouldn’t do.

And that’s bundled with your argument rather an progress than something negatively, because before i can remember stuff, i actually need to read them first, and if in that case it’s more accessable with new approach, than it actually helps rather impact it in an negative way. And sure you “forget” stuff, but that would happen with the classic type of Forum either, because unneccessary Informations filter your brain out anyway.

Also, not try to sound aggressive, but i really would like to see your Numbers where you can prove that many people or even the majority of people are unhappy with the Forum? Because unlike you Zantai have actuall statistics, they know how many people visited before and how many visit after the forum change, and i’d argue if so many people would really be that unhappy with the new forums, even if they don’t formulate it, you would feel the impact within te forum visitor numbers. So, as for now it seems like many times when something get controversal, that the ones who are unhappy with something is the loud minority… which in this case might be the few people who only visits the forum casually and not the core-audience or the devs itself, and than i’ve to point out that i don’t see any reason, why the devs need to cater exactly that group.

In the first paragraph you describe how easy it is for you to read the new forum, even encouraging. This is exactly what i said, it’s easier to read. Infinite scroll makes the topic easier to read but it gives up database navigation for that. So i’m not sure what is that opposite that you feel.
“Significant” is a subjective matter. Aside from people spoken up here, I saw numerous separate posts about how “new forum is bad”. People even go out and say this in completely unrelated topics. Let it be a “loud minority” for you. It’s a subjective matter.

I’m not here to fight defensiveness, it’s almost guaranteed to be a failure. I don’t have that much time and i’m not that invested yet anyway, to prove anything to anyone here. I gave my feedback, as detailed as i could. Devs can take it or ignore it.

Discourse does have pages — it’s just locked behind the “javascript disabled” version intended for web crawlers. The Discourse devs are extremely averse to supporting this, but it’s not like the framework required is non-existent.

You can see it yourself by changing your user agent to Googlebot/2.1, or disabling javascript for See also:

British ones too it seems. # works for me as well.

Thanks powbam. You really need to finish that thread off that you’re making. Seems most of us need it. :crazy_face:

A little whims, can when you click log out, be asked “are you sure” ? Cause forum doesn’t accept my usual passwords and when I click accidental log out, had to go to the process of creating new password.


Im quite new here and I just wanted to say that this forum is not intuitive at all. From the get-go the first screen you are met with at is confusing. 3 pictures to click, this format is not a good idea. It should just be simple text that is easily comparable to each other so you can identify hey these are separate areas in the forum, the pictures dont work.

The social media buttons up top right I think are too much, maybe move them to the bottom or somewhere else? Forums are usually the last place people go to now considering Reddit/Discord so I doubt someones first experience of asking Grim Dawn questions would be on the crate entertainment forums. A little too redundant if you ask me.

The coloring is just off for the forum selection drop down menu its just janky, look into something a little more neat and maybe not weird colors like orange and green.

When you click the search button up top you should make it so theres an option to check off if you are searching for users or posts.

Thanks for hearing my feedback!

the forum is where basically all builds, guides and information are posted and organized.
Reddit and Discord is basically the same question being asked over and over and over again.

This is because the new forum is not just home for GD, but will also be the home of future games.

Since the forum uses infinite scrolling there is no “bottom” to most threads.

Actually many people like me prefer the forum over discord and I wouldn’t touch Reddit/FB with a barge pole.

There is an option box which you can tick which will take you to a more detailed section where you can search by keywords and usernames.

Edit: And btw that picture in the middle will have a name once Medierra decides to reveal the new town builder.

Ya know, there really isn’t any situation, in life, that Seinfeld doesn’t adequately address in some fashion. It’s literally amazing. Seriously Crate, the audacity of you to place your “social media” links up top there? And green and orange? Le gasp!

I don’t like that gif, so I made an image instead…


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I don’t like it…

The text is too big, even on the smallest setting

It’s hard to take in topics as a whole quickly.
I feel lost :confused:

The colour scheme and colour coding doesn’t exactly help either… it looks bad and garish

It feels so bad, I just don’t want to browse stuff here anymore

Been seeing A LOT of people recently posting/complaining about being brought to the main page from links to the old forum. Of course, this isn’t new, but I was wondering whether you might consider reworking the redirect into a page much like the main page of this site albeit with a header that reads something along the lines of

If you’re here from an old link, try searching for the thread title by clicking the Magnifying Glass icon in the top right of our new forums!

It might be a good idea to change the Forum link on the GD site to point directly to the GD Forum here. It would be more expected by the visitors.

Please don’t override the browser level Find (cmd+F, ctrl+F) for with your own search. It doesn’t behave like what the user expect/needs.