New Mastery + New Damage Type !

Astral Warrior

Ok ! So I’ve been dreaming about this type of mastery since TQ:IT/Sacred2FA. Have to let it out ! It’s actually based on DreamMastery(TQ), Seraphim/ShadowWarrior/TempleGuardian(sacred2), Nightblade(GD) & a personal attraction to the beauty of the universe, quantum world and their visual effects.

As a lil story about the Astral Warrior, if you speak to The Other You, you find out that supreme Aetherial Gods are coming from their realm if im not mistaken. Well that would be the Astral Realm, which in reality can be also called Ethereal (where the in game “Aetherial” word is from) Realm - “not from this world”
Our Astral Warrior comes along before the gods, to warn and help the people. He was once a protector of the gods, where he learned to control the astral powers from, but he also learned what their purpose is, destruction, and he came to help. The Astral Plain - The realm of dark matter, dark energy, the larger but smaller scale of the universe, the quantum world, where gods live in a non-physical form.

Astral Dmg associates with Phys/Elem/Chaos/Aether Dmg types. Mastery is based on sacrifices for bonuses.
The Astral Dmg type should not be acompanied by new type of astral burn or something similar to burn for fire or electrocute for lightning, it should be standalone dmg type, supreme, and that which every mastery could convert their dmg type to. Astral dmg should show up in inventory/char II at magical dmg types, after Health Dmg and above Fire Dmg.

Ideeas of Mastery Skills


[li]Sacred Geometry[/ul] (100% Chance to activate at 50%life) 15s recharge[/li]+1000life & -1000energy (if u dont have 1000energy atm, it consumes how much u have, and gives the same amount in life)
+100life regen/s for 5s / 750dmg absorb (dmg type is chosen by crystal modifier) +20%DA and -20%OA for 2s
Crystal Modifiers (diff seal/rune/aura graphic style from sacred geometrical forms, spawn under players feet when it activates)

  1. Elem/Astral Absorb +25% Elem Res and +50 Elem Retaliation for 3s
  2. Pierce/Vit/Astral Absorb +25% Pierce/Vit Res and +50 Pierce/Vit/Astral Retal for 3s
  3. Aether/Chaos/Astral Absorb +25% Aether/Chaos Res and +50 Aether/Chaos/Astral Retal for 3s
  4. Phys/Stun/Astral Absorb +20% Phys/Stun Res and +50 Phys/Stun/Astral Retal for 3s

[li]Subatomic Rage (req any melee with/without shield)[/li]
[/ul] (100% chance to activate when +10 enemies are in 10m area radius) 10s recharge

  1. Alpha Nova (0.33s dur) 100energy cost - 100% Chance to KonckBack enemies 1m + 100% Main/Off hand dmg
  2. Beta Nova (0.33s dur) 100 energy cost - 100% Chance to Pull enemies 1m closer to player + 100% Main/Off hand dmg
  3. Gamma Nova (0.33s dur) 200life cost - 100% Chance to Stun for 1s and 100% Chance to Confuse and Disrupt Skills for 2s after stun

[li]Mandlebrot Shot (req 2h ranged)[/li]
[/ul] Shoot a light spd mandlebrot style shot, there would be no time betwen the shot and the dmg done, it would be instantly, as the animation, and from the 1t target hit smaller shots would “chain” instantly to 5 other enemies around the target, and would dissapear in a 1s fade effect.
(100% chance on critical attack) 50life/100energy cost / 1s recharge
100% main/off hand dmg + base astral/chaos dmg that scales with player bonus
100% chance to hit 5 more enemies in a 10-15m area radius range
100% chance to slow enemy mov spd by 35% for 1s

[li]Astral Erruptions (req 2h melee)[/li]
[/ul] Random erruption waves spread out from player, in front direction, that emanate plasmatic gas.
(100%chance on crit hit / 25life and energy cost / 1s recharge / 0.5s dur / 10m range)
+100% chance to slow enemies for 2s, disrupt skills, confuse and burn +base astral/phys dmg convertable to aether/elem/chaos

[li]Plasma Spit (req any ranged)[/li]
[/ul] (50%chance on critical attack) Ur astral connection makes you sometimes penetrate through worlds with your shots and pull out plasma balls with your bullets. The Plasma Balls would hit 1 enemey and splash out on sorrounding enemies. When shootin a lil plasma also spills on you and dmgs the player a lil.
200 energy and 100 life cost
+100% chance to splash enemies in 10m area radius range +35% reduced enemy mov spd for 2s
+200% main hand dmg with base astral/elem/aether dmg scale with player bonus
+10% chance for triple ball shot, 1 goes straight, one a lil to the left and one a lil to the right, never all 3 in the same direction.

[li]Plasmatic Bullets (req any ranged)[/li]
[/ul] Imbue ur bullets with astral plasma that splash on enemies and slows them.
+100%Astral Dmg +50phys dmg(not%) +25%attack spd +25%slow enemy mov speed 2s
+50%chance to splash on enemies in 7m area and slow 25% 2s

  • All Weapons Mastery / Shield Mastery / Pet Mastery


[/ul] Aura that gives u unpredictable bonuses at a 10s interval - 75% positive bonuses and 25% negative bonuses, picked randomly.
-positive bonuses : +25% total spd or +25% total dmg or +25% crit dmg or +15% OA or +15% DA or +1000life/energy
-negative bonuses : -10% total spd and -500life or -10% total dmg and -500 energy or -5% OA and DA and crit dmg

[li]Astral Sacrifice[/li]
[/ul] +25% more dmg to all enemies and +15% more dmg from all enemies

[li]Astral Protection[/li]
[/ul] Vertically Standing Rotating Ring Shield Aura : +25% All res at max level of 12/12 - would be 1% per level and would have a max level of +30% if u go to 16/12 and -10% Total Dmg. All res meaning primary only Fire Cold,Light,Poison&Acid,Pierce, Bleed,Vit,Aeth and Chaos - ALL EXCEPT STUN.

[li]Astral Form[/li]
[/ul] Become an evolved astral being but lose your weapons attack mode, and your weapon dmg from 2nd tab in inv(but not bonuses of items), and u start shooting from ur hands if enemy is far, or start attacking with fists if enemy is close, with astral dmg for range and phys for melee, or both for both, with optional for covnert to elem or aether/chaos.
The dmg you do in astral form scales with player bonuses and have their own dmg while in astral form, that show up in 2nd tab in inv, and would be dmg types depending on what u convert into. (1000energy and life Reserv)
+25% Total Spd and Total Dmg and Crit Dmg / -20%DA and -25% ALL Primary RES

[li]Astral Ego[/li]
[/ul] (1000life and 500spirit reserv) Summon ur ego that stays attached to you and helps you fight at the cost of some sacrifice.
Ego Stats : +20%OA to player / Has Cleave attack / base astral/chaos/elem/aether dmg scale with player bonus
20life cost per ego hit / 100% chance to 25%slow enemies 1s
Can curse enemies : 10m radius / -25% enemy life for 3s / 15% chance for 25% dmg of ego converted to life of player

[li]Spectral Shurikens (req any ranged)[/li]
[/ul] +25% Chance to be used / 5Energy Cost per Shuriken / 500energy reserv
+max 1 Target per Shuriken / 100% chance to stick to enemies / 0% chance to pass through
+50%-75% Main/Off-Hand Dmg and astral/elem/chaos/aether dmg that scale with player bonus (no phys dmg)
+100% chance for 0.75s stun with 20% chance for triple-shuriken shot and explodes 0.5s after contact
Ninja shurikens that shoot out from ur ranged weapons in a straght line and when they hit an enemy, they stick into their skin, explode and stun.

[li]Spectral Weapons (req any melee with/without a shield)[/li]
[/ul] (100% Chance on critical attack) 15 energy cost / 0.1s recharge / 0.1s dur
+100% main/off-hand dmg and base astral/elem/chaos/aether dmg that scale with player bonuses (no phys dmg)
+100% chance to pass through enemies in front of you
+2-4m area range of coverage and slow enemy attack by 50% for 1s
So bassicly while u are attacking, with ur melee weapon, every time u critical strike, a random melee weapon appears and slashes in front of you very fast in a diagonal line, from both sides of the player to middle-front, like u have 2 other invisible hands that attack with u, but only the weapons appear, and dissapera imediatly after slash.
(animations of weapons would be nice to randomly pick one from unique/legendary/set items, and make them transparent astral shadows of the item, with same shape, or maybe the actual weapons or weapon skins u have on atm)

[li]Spectrastral Clone[/li]
[/ul] (2000life and 1000energy reserv) Create a spiritual astral spectral shade/clone of yourself, no time limit after summon, not a pet skill that can be affected by +pet bonuses, that fights along you with the same items and skills u use, but at lower performance.
+has 50%-75% main/off hand dmg for weapons, or 50% defense for shield
+has 50%-75% life and energy of what you have
+has 50% dmg of spells u use/have / same mov/attack spd
+cannot summon pets, if u are a pet class / cannot cast curses or auras / cannot use proc skills / can be affected by ur auras, not other players
+if u die, and clone is alive when u die, u can become the clone 1s after death, and, in the next 10s, if u have some specific component/material in inv u can chose to use those and revive, without loosing exp, and without having anothe death added to how many times u died in inventory.
And you come back with 50% life and 50% energy. While u are the clone u have 100% chance to avoid any attack and/or spell/skill.

[li]Plasma Spill (req any melee with/without shield)[/li]
[/ul] (500energy and life reserv) Ur astral dmg cuts your enemies at a subatomic level and spills out plasmatic blood like liquid that falls down and dmgs anyone who touches it, even the player.
+50% chance to make a plasmatic cut on hit / 100% for bleed / +35% slow mov while on plasma
+150 main/off hand dmg with base astral/chaos/aehter dmg
+50% main/off hand dmg per 1s for 3s for the dmg done by the spilled plasma

[li][b]Plasma Prints /b “Leave glowing plasmatic footprints behing u that slow enemies…”[/ul][/li]+25% player mov spd with 2-3s dur for each footprint. When enemy walks on any of ur footprints it would realease a trasnparent nova of 5m radius that slows enemies in its area by 25%. Would not work as long as u stand still.

Direct Skills

[li]Tachyonic Uzzi (primary attack skill/req range dual wield)[/li]
[/ul] Shoot rounds of faster than light spd tachyons with pause for relaod.
12 Shots per charge (6 per weapon) / 12Life and energy cost per charge / 1s dur per charge / 1s recharge
50% Chance to pass through enemies / 50% Chance to Confuse for 1s / 50% Attack Spd / 10% chance for double charge

[li]Charging Swords (req any ranged)[/li]
[/ul] Similar to Devil May Cry techinque, spawn shadow like sword around, above and in front of u, that float for 1s while it spawns and flyes out for the enemies u shoot at.
(100% chance on crit attack / 20life and spirit cost / 1s recharge / 1s charge time / 0.5s duration until it hits)
100%main hand dmg+base astral dmg convertable to chaos/elem/aether / 50%chance to pass through enemies / 100%chance for bleed
10% chance for Rain of Spades (20-30 swords with same stats in a 20m circle radius area)

[li]The Speed of Fight (req any melee with/without shield)[/li]
[/ul] A direct slide/dash/ through enemies, at incredible light spd that knocks down enemies sideways with astral, chaos and phys dmg. on a 10-15m radius from where u are to where mouse crusor is.

[li]Ultimate Freak Out (requires any melee)[/li]
[/ul] Similar to how The Flash superhero leaves a trail behind him when he runs, or as Tron motorcylces, enrage and start running at lighning speed in random directions and dmg monsters in ur path.
(2s charge / 3s duration / 9runs-0.33s dur per run / 150life and 50energy cost per run / 30m area radius range)
+100%main/off hand dmg per run +base astral/phys dmg scale with player bonus convertable to chaos/elem/aeth
+100%chance to confuse and slow 2s and -4%DA per run for player

[li]From the Other Side[/li]
[/ul] (no cost): +50%OA +50 attack spd and -50%DA -50% mov spd for 5s.

[li]Event Horizon[/li]
[/ul] (1000 life and energy cost / 35s recharge / 3s charge) Summon a big white light perfect sphere sorrounded by black fire/energy coming slowly in a vertically straight line from above, outside the screen, creating a smaller and smaller shadow as it lowers, making game colors black and white. The ball takes 3s to land and explode and create a huge nova.
750%main hand dmg +base astral/elem/chaos/aether dmg scale with player bonus
100% chance to knockback during the entire nova wave
100% chance 3s sleep, 2s confuse after sleep, 2s disrupt skills and 50%slow mov after confuse
-10%DA per 1s of charge

[li]The Big Bang[/li]
[/ul] Ultimate end level skill that would imobilize char for its dur and create a massive explotion of stars and lights emanating from ur char that would knockback enemies and stun them, and would shatter into more lil explotions, with distrortional effect, and so on, until they dissapear, all in a circle effect starting from ur char. Would have Astral, Phys, Elem, Aether and Chaos dmg. 20m radius

[li]The Big Crunch[/li]
[/ul] Similar but opposite to The Big Bang previous skill, it would start in a cricle from the outside to the inside, and would start pulling monster torwards the char.
20m radius, 2s dur, 50energy cost, 4s recharge
With base astral and chaos dmg, and with 100% chance to stun for2s enemies when it finishes.

[li]Dark Energy[/li]
[/ul] Astral and chaos dmg that shocks and imobilizes 7-10 enemies and slow or confuse them after.
When cast, would have a radius of 20-25m and enemies would just remain in place and start shaking and taking dmg with a black/grey/dark chaos/astral look.

[li][b]Dark Matter Carpet /b[/li]
[/ul] Unleash a carpet of dark matter energy, a pond of darkness that spreads in random shape starting from the char, goes like a watery wave of energy on the ground (15-20m range, 10-15m wide at end), as a cool effect making them distort and clip dissapearing for 0.2 s and reapearing like going through worlds, that slows and weakens them:
-10% total spd
-25-30% astral/phys res - with option to convert to -% res for elem or aether/chaos
-also makes enemies want to attack you, or run from u, optional by a skill crystal

[li]Dark Matter Wall[/li]
[/ul] (5s dur/1s recharge/100life and energy cost) A wall of astral spiritual-smoke-dust emanating from the ground, without an eruption in the earth, in a line, but not perfectly straight, with some small deviations in it.
+35% slow mov and attack spd for 3s
+base astral/elem/aether/chaos dmg scaling with player bonuses + burn/elctrocute dmg over time for 3s after enemies touch wall

[li]Quantum Necromancy[/li]
[/ul] The ability to raise from the dead any monster after u kill it, except nemesis, celestials and end act bosses.
(1000life and energy cost / 1000life and energy reserv / 240s recharge)
Raised Monster has : 50%life, 50%dmg, 180s dur, -15%DA for player for as long as it’s alive

[li]Quantum Leap (req any melee with/without a shield)[/li]
[/ul] Shadow Strike similar skill that would teleport the char above the targeted area, and he would land with a stunning/knock down attack that smashes the ground when he falls and creates a circle that distorts and cripples reality from center to outer sides with pyhiscal and astral dmg.
+50m range / 1s dur from cast to end

[li]Quantum Quoit[/li]
[/ul] Unleash a vertical standing circle/ring of energy that goes at enemies like a weel at light spd that cuts through enemies until hits target, explodes and splits in 2 more quoits that hit 2 more random enemies.
(1-3s charge time / 1s dur from cast until last 2 quoits hit enemies / 100life energy cost per 1s of charge / 10s recharge)
100% Main hand dmg per 1s of charge + base astral/elem/chaos/aether dmg scale with player bonus
100% pass through enemies until hit target, confusing and 50%slowing them for 1s
100% chance to cause bleeding to all enemies that it passes through
100% chance to stun main clicked target for 1s and disrupt skill 1s after the stun
100% chance for konckback for last 2 quoits

[li]Quantum Sphere (req melee dual wield)[/li]
[/ul] A whirlwind similar skill, that would have charge rounds and spin almost through enemies ending in an imediat explosive stop, slowed down, and restart. 7 Charges:
1 -> +10% attack spd, 10% chance to avoid any attack, -5% mov spd, -1%DA, 0.33s dur
2 -> +15% attack spd, 15% chance to avoid any attack, -10% mov spd, -2%DA, 0.33s
3 -> +20% attack spd, 20% chance to avoid any attack, -15% mov spd, -4%DA, 0.33s
->0.2s small almost unnoticeable stop/pause
4 -> +25% attack spd, 25% chance to avoid any attack, -20% mov spd, -6%DA, 0.33s
5 -> +30% attack spd, 30% chance to avoid any attack, -25% mov spd, -8%DA, 0.33s
6 -> +35% attack spd, 30% chance to avoid any attack, -25% mov spd, -10%DA, 0.33s
and 7 -> +20% crit dmg, +50% To all dmg/total dmg (last charge before stop and slow down), 0.1s
with -25% total spd for 1s after its over
Skill Cooldown : 1s - as long as the after-slow
100% chance to pass through 50% of enemy physx - so not completely go through enemies, just half of their structure, so u slide through them, like slalom, not straight line right through.

Instantly transform into a quantum ball of energy, and start spinning faster&faster, with 0.5m bounce off enemy after touching it, and immediatly going back into spin-attack him. Like very fast spinning attacks in rounds of rage. Imagine a spinning top/clack/whirligig/tiny ball, it starts spinning and going round and round until the circle it forms by going around gets smaller and smaller and remains in the same place spinning until it falls, and has to be spinned again to start.
The small dur for every charge should make it somehting like Vruum(1s)-Vruum(1s)-Boom with dmg, stop and Slow for 1s-Vruum(1s)-Vruum(1s)-Boom with dmg, stop and Slow for 1s-etc.

With skill crystals for converting the skill to maybe knockback or pull enemies. Would have base dmg astral and phys ofc with option to convert that phys into elem, chaos or aether dmg. It would be an entire build skill to focus on, and it wouldnt be an ongoing infinite spinning around the map at incredible spd, it would actually be really nice in 2 charges and ending in a small explosion and than going on again and again.

[li]Angular Momentum (req melee dual wield or 2h melee)[/ul] Start spinning faster and faster in the same place and dmg enemies around u.[/li]50life and energy per 1s cost / 5s recharge / cannot move while performing skill / cannot be stopped
150% main/off hand dmg per 1s / 10 Charges (attack spd over the limit):

  1. +5% attack spd / +5% Crit Dmg / 0.5s dur / 1m area radius
  2. +10% attack spd / +5% Crit Dmg / 0.5s / 1m area radius
  3. +15% attack spd / +10% Crit Dmg / 0.5s / 2m area radius
  4. +20% attack spd / +15% Crit Dmg / 0.5s / 3m area radius
  5. +25% attack spd / +20% Crit Dmg / 0.5s / 4m area radius
  6. +30% attack spd / +25% Crit Dmg / 0.5s / 5m area radius
  7. +35% attack spd / +25% Crit Dmg / 0.5s / 5m area radius
  8. +40% attack spd / +30% Crit Dmg / 5% Total Dmg / -5%OA / 0.5s / 6m area radius
  9. +45% attack spd / +30% Crit Dmg / +10% Total Dmg / -10%OA / 0.5s / 6m area radius
  10. +50% attack spd / +35% Crit Dmg / +15% Total Dmg / -15%OA / 0.5s / 7m area radius
    To reach 10th charge would take 5s in total and after reaching charge 10 u lose 25 more life per 1s and the bonus remains constant from the 10th charge as long as u continue.
  • [b]The Planck Length /bangry midgets…

20 m area radius range / -50% enemy size and life and -20%DA / +50% enemy mov and attack spd +15% enemy total dmg

[li]Ripple Effect[/li]
[/ul] Drop decent big water drops (max size of a meteor) that riple the ground when it touches it with exact effect as when it drops in water, and distorts the ground/reality/graphics until the waves stop. The water drops would have up-side down reflection of what is behind them. - astral/phys dmg + slow and confuse

[li]Plasmatic Quasar[/li]
[/ul] The 4th state of matter - summon a ball of plasmatic energy that interacts with is sorroundings as it slowly moves where u point the mouse, following it, until it pulls monsters togheter and explodes.
while its following the mouse its doing base astral/elem/aether/chaos dmg scaling with player bonus
5s dur until it explodes
the ball starts at 50% of player’s mov spd until it reaches 150% player mov spd and explodes
area of pull 10-15m radius, with confuse after, and ofc astral/elem/aether/chaos dmg in the explosion

[li]Plasma Nova Cannon[/li]
[/ul] (skill like mortar trap) Summon a cannon that shoots orizontally big balls of plasma who create mini-novas which leave a cirle of plasma after it explodes on impact.
1shot/1s / 3s dur plasma circles / 15s dur / 25s recharge / 750energy cost / can slowly rotate in a 360arc
150% main/off hand dmg + base astral/elem/choas/aether dmg scale with player bonus per plasma ball
100% chance to slow for 2s when explodes / plasma circle slows enemy mov spd by 50% for 3s
25% chance stun 1s / 15% Chance for triple plasma ball shot

[li]Pulsar (req any ranged)[/li]
[/ul] Summon a ball of dark matter and energy that take 0.75s to summon in the direction ur pointing, after which it shoots out with lightspd and explodes on enemy hit, and dissapears if doesnt hit enemies.
200% Main/Off-Hand Dmg and base astral/elem/aether/chaos dmg scaling with player bonuses
100% chance to knockback / 0% chance to pass through enemies

[li]Singularity Point[/li]
[/ul] The fabric of space-time ruptures before you. Create small 5m radius points of singularity that fast-pulls monsters togheter and dmging them when they hit eachother, and maybe knocking them back afterwards, confusing them in the process.

[li][b]Geodesity /b[/li]
[/ul] The ability to teleport ofc. 10s recharge / 100energy cost / 35m range / -25% mov spd for 2s after teleportation

[li]Time Dilation (slow time)[/li]
[/ul] (500energy cost / 20s recharge / 5s dur) Triple mov/attack spd (over the limit) with 33% chance to avoid any attack
-25%DA and -25% all primary and secondary res and -10% phys res for player (would be nice if for the player using it the time in game would actually slow)

[li][b]Anti-Gravity /b[/li]
[/ul] Make the player float and fly in a stand-up position, with hands up horizontally side-ways, (like he’s crucifed).
(50Life and 50energy per 1s, 15s recharge) +100% mov spd (over the limit) and +50% chance to avoid any attack
-25%DA during levitation time and+3s slow player mov spd for 25% after use

[li]Nebula Nova[/li]
[/ul] Nova that would look like a galaxy/nebula, that explodes from the player with astral, elem, chaos and aether dmg.

[li]Super Nova[/li]
[/ul] Throw a lil Dwarf Star that creates a super nova on contact with enemies astral/phys/chaos dmg.

[li]Black Hole[/li]
[/ul] Create a balck hole that attracts enemies to it as long as its alive, and dmgs them with astral dmg in the mean time, disrupting skills and slowing them for 2s after it ends.

[li]Falling Star[/li]
[/ul] Summon a falling star like a meteor, with astral, elem and phys dmg.

[li]Colliding Stars[/li]
[/ul] Summon 2 decent size stars that come from sideways and collide in a nice explosion where they hit, where u click, after 1-2s, they never miss, even if the monster moves, they follow it and always arive at the same time to colide when hitting enemy.
The cast spell would be 0.5-0.75s so they appear, and 0.5-0.75s until they reach target.
Would have astral, elem and chaos dmg, with possible convert to aether maybe.

[li]Rain of Stars[/li]
[/ul] Tens of tiny stars of diff sizes (but still small overall), form and color, fall on an 15-20m radius area, disrupting enemy skills, slowing them and doing decent astral, phys and elem dmg, with convertion to chaos or aether, and after conversion some colors fall more than others.

[li]Antimatter Rays (req any ranged)[/li]
[/ul] On a 30m range, in triangle that is 0.1m wide begining at player to 5m wide at the end, shoot rays of anti-matter, which makes the world around them, or the world that is seen through them, to to show up in negative color.
costs 200life and 100energy per 1s, 10s recharge after stop using
200% main/off hand dmg per 1s and base astral, chaos and aether dmg scaling with player bonuses
100% chance to pass through enemies and slow enemy mov spd by 50% for 3s, disrupt skills and confuse for 1s

[li]Seeking Wimps[/li]
[/ul] (like heat seeking tiny rockets) 10s recharge / 10 energy cost per wimp
1-5s charge time / the more charge time the more wimps
+10% main/off hand dmg per wimp +minimal decent base astral/elem/aether/chaos dmg scale with player bonus
-5%DA per 1s of charge +10% Chance per wimp to Slow enemy for 1s
From one of your hands, random pick, summon a ball blinding white light, from which 20-40 miniscule atom like points shoot out for the target, leaving a slimmer (than the actual wimp) line as trace, that follow the target after the wimps hit, seeking it’s location, and always having a 100% direct hit.

[li]Quark Minigun[/li]
[/ul] (skill like mortar trap) Summon a minigun that shoots fast quarks in a straitgh line, having red, green, blue colors (always in that order)
3shots per 1s / 15s dur / 20s recharge / 500energy cost / can rotate fast in a 360arc

  1. Red Shot : 33% Main/Off hand dmg + base elem/choas dmg scale with player bonus
    25% chance to stun for 1s / 50% chance to knockback
  2. Green Shot : 33% Main/Off hand dmg + base elem/aether dmg scale with player bonus
    50% chance to chain to 2 other enemies / 50% chance confuse 1s
  3. Blue Shot : 33% Main/Off hand dmg + base astral dmg scale with player bonus
    100% pass through enemies / 100% dirupt skills for 1s

[li]Omega Rays[/li]
[/ul] Similar to Apocalypse bad-guy, but from your hands, shoot out 2 rays(lines), 1 from each hand, each has a diff color, that spread out randomly with sharp-cornered deviations, but unlike the original ones, each one goes in a diff direction, and they both hit the same target, at random times, some times at the same time.
1st Ray (200life/energy cost per ray) 10s recharge / 3s dur / 100% pass through enemies knocking them back until hit target / -25%DA during cast
200% main hand dmg + base astral + chaos/aether dmg scale with player bonus / 100% chance to knockback and stun for 2s
1-2s dur to reach target / 25% Chance for double dmg
2nd Ray (100life/energy cost) 10s recharge / 100% pass through enemy until hit target
200% main hand dmg + base astral + elem dmg scale with player bonus
100% chance to knockdown and disrupt skills for 3s
1-2s dur to reach target / 25% Chance for double dmg

[li]Exotic Particle Party[/li]
[/ul] (50% of player life and energy cost / 60s recharge) Raise one hand into the sky, keep it there, and explode a firework show of diff kind of subatomic particles in every direction each having diff range. They have slow drop spd like a water fountain, and when they hit ground the party starts.
30m area radius range / 50-100particles / 2-5s charge time / 25 particles per 1s charge
50main hand dmg per particle + base astra/elem/aether/chaos dmg scale with player bonus
Each particle has 15% Chance for following: 1s Stun/Sleep/Disrupt/Confuse, Knockback, Knockdown

[li]Booming Boomerang (req any ranged)[/li]
[/ul] Throw a spectral-astral-shade boomerang in an egg shape circle, hitting all enemies in its path/arc, or 10 consecutive enemies bouncing off one another before coming back to the player, exploding on each enemy hit.
(500life and energy cost / 10s recharge / 3s dur from cast until boomerang comes back)
100% main/off hand dmg + base astral dmg sacle with player bonus on each explosion that goes down 5% with each monster hit + crystal dmg modifiers
+100% pass throug enemy, +100% chance to confuse 1s / +25%OA +50%attack spd and -25%DA for 3s while boomerang is in the air

[li]Astral Attack[/li]
[/ul] Primary skill that can be used with any kind of weapon, melee or ranged - that would add astral graphical effect to any attack, phys, astral, elem, chaos and aether dmg, with chance for slow, sleep and disrupt skills.
Would also have 10 charge levels that give 5% attack spd per level, reaching a max of 50% attack spd, after which it restarts.
+20% chance for double attack (over the spd limit) but -10%DA (-1% per charge) (sacrficie :wink: )

[li]Astral Dash[/li]
[/ul] Slide with incredible spd 10-15m from where u are to where the mouse crusor is, to evade monsters or attacks, but have -50% DA while doing it leaving a lil star explosion where u left from that slows or stunns enemies.

[li]Astral Ray[/li]
[/ul] Similar to aether ray, but with astral and chaos dmg, that would randomly spread from the 1st enemy hit to a max of 5-6 around him, doing less dmg per every ray spred. So ur main ray hits 1st enemey, from that enemy 1 new smaller ray goes to another enemy doing 80% dmg, another one doing 60%, another one doing 50%, another 40% andother 25% and thats it - like chain- lighning - but chain-ray.

[li]Astral Slam[/li]
[/ul] Lift up 2m in the air, gather astral powers, enrage, slam the ground, on landing release a fast circle wave, at ground level, that knocks back enemies as long as its going outwards, and knocking them down when it ends.
+20m area radius range of wave / 2s dur charge / 1s dur wave / 500life/energy cost / 15s recharge
+200% main/off hand dmg + base astral/phys dmg with crystal modifiers for elem/chaos/aether dmg
+100% chance to knockback as long as its active +100% chance to knockdown when it finishes
+100% chance to confuse for 2 s after knockdown +10% chance for 30m area radius range

[li][b]Astral Reflection /b[/li]
[/ul] Create an image of urself that makes monsters attack it even if u attack/taunt them, until they kill it. (1000life cost / 15s recharge / 5s dur) Reflection has : 100% player life/DA/armor/res, 1% player dmg, 100% chance to make enemy attack it
After it dies : explodes in plasma spills and slows enemy in 10m and disrupts skills for 2s

[li]Split Second (req any melee)[/li]
[/ul] Player splits in 4 clones leaving the target in middle of them, and in an instant reunites, each clone hitting enemies.
(50life+energy cost per clone / 5s recharge / 0.5s dur)
400% main/off hand dmg + base astral/phys dmg scale with player bonus convertable
100% chance to pass through enemies 100% stunning them for 1s, and the main target for 2s
+50% slow mov+attack speed for 2s for all enemies hit

[li]Spectral Spear[/li]
[/ul] Summon and throw a spectral-shade spear that sparks chain lighning on enemy hit.
(500life and energy cost / 10s recharge / 2s dur charge / 1s dur from cast until hit clicked target)
+100% pass through enemies until hit target +100% chance for chain lighning from every that it passes through +50% more range distnace
100% stun clicked target for 2s (no stun for enemies that the spear passes through) Chain lightning hits 3-5more enemies, each enemi hit by chain lighting, sparks another chain-light hittin 2 more any enemies around.

[li]Spectral Sound Spectrum[/li]
[/ul] (250 Life/energy cost / 10s recharge / 1s dur / 20m area radius range)
Unleash a wave or nova of digitally looking 4d sound spectrum at ground level.
+200%main hand dmg +base astral/phys/chaos dmg scale with player bonus
100% Knockback and Stun/Imobilize for 1s / 100% Confuse and Disrupt Skills for 2s

[li]Spectrastral Disks (req 2 Disk-Shields)[/li]
[/ul] Disk Shields - new item, info in next comment of this thread - throw consecutive horizontal energy disks, one from the left going in an arc to the right and coming back, and one from the right going in an arc to the left and coming back, leaving a distortion trail behind it. Would be 35% transparent, cause u wouldnt throw the actual shield, but a spectral/astral shade of it.
(10life and energy cost per throw / 1s dur per disk throw from cast to come back / 1s recharge each)
100% Pass through enemies / 100% chance to cause bleeding to all enemies that it passes through
1st Disk: +200%main hand dmg +15% attack spd +50% chance to knockback and confuse 1s
2nd Disk: +200%main hand dmg +15% attack spd +50% chance to slow and disrupt skills 1s

[li]Spectrastral Sniper Shot (req 2h ranged)[/li]
[/ul] 500 Energy and Life Cost / 20s recharge
+500to1000% main hand dmg (never a fix same dmg, it scales with distance and how many monsters it passes through)
+double the normal range distance +50% crit dmg
+base astral and phys dmg that scale with player bonuses with possible dmg convertion skill crystals
+100% chance to stun for target 2-3s and 100% chance to pass through enemies until it hits target
+slow and confuse target for 2-3s after stun is over
The sound of the shot is so powerfull that it takes away 1000life
Would be a skill used right before a big battle with a boss or nemesis. Would also have a nice effect like when a plane breakes sound barrier, it makes some distortional circles arount it…

Ideea animations for any nova (3 5 6 and 9), Astral Slam (1), The Big Bang (2), Falling Star/North Star (4), Plasmatic Quasar (7), Quantum Quoit (8), Omega Rays (10)

“Other animation ideeas on 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th pages of this thread.”

Astral Resistance
!!! READ !!!

So there wouldnt be a need to add a new icon for astral resistance in the player inventory, it would be added next to physical resistance, and it would be calculated as so:
Half of the sum between Your Highest Any Primary Resistance + Your Lowest Any Primary Resistance = Actual Astral Resistance !
So if 80% is ur highest res (any of primary) and 35% ur lowest res (any of primary), ur astral res would be 80 + 35 = 115/2 = 57.5

When I say ANY RES i mean all primary res that appear in inventory in 1st tab:
Fire, Cold, Lightning, Poison&Acid, Piercing, Bleeding, Vitality, Aether, Stun and Chaos.
The same calculation would be for player and for enemies as well, for anyone or anything that can have resistances.

And having in mind that Stun Duration Reduction (Stun Resistance) is usually never at max you will always have a difference betwen highest and lowest res, cause some even pas 80% with +% max res. There would not be an actual direct “Astral Resistance” enchantment for items or skills, the actual astral resistance would just be created from the previous calculation, and show up in 3rd tab in inventory before, or after Physical Resistance

Exclusive Skills

[li]Transcendence (offensive)[/li]
[/ul] (16/16) (500life and energy reserved) +1s reduction to all skills recharge
+25%OA/Mov+Attack Speed +250PhysDmg(not%) +200%Astral/Elem/Aether/ChaosDmg
-25%DA/Health/Armor -15%All Primary Res -10%Phys Res

[li]Decoherence (deffensive)[/li]
[/ul] (16/16) (500life and energy reserved) +1s reduction to all skills recharge
+25%DA/Health/Armor/Armor Absorb/Dmg Reflect/Elem/Aether/Chaos Res +10%Phys Res +75h regen per 1s
-25%OA/Crit Dmg/Total Dmg/Mov+Attack Speed

Pet Skills

[li]Adam’ (The Atom)[/li]
[/ul] Summon an Atom as a pet that looks like an atom ofc. Pet Abilities/Skills:
Very Fast - would move and attack very fast, like the effect of an atom when it accelerates and starts to shiver.
Would have base astral dmg and would have crystal skills to convert it to any type of dmg except physical, piercing bleed or trauma.
Wyrmhole - would teleport monsters away from char with wyrmholes
White Hole - would spawn a hole that emanets slow, sleep, stun, freeze, etc - but no dmg.
Up an Atom - would split in 2 clones of itself and do the same thing (like when scientist split an atom and they got amazed :wink: ), same dmg, and they start spinning arround until they collide and make a tiny nova explosion that sleeps enemies for 3s, after which the atom/s die, and after using this skill, recharge would be 10s.
Transmutation - the atom would have the ability to transform into any creature in the game, except bosses, nemesis, etc. ofc, and start to do what type of dmg the specific monster does. The monster in which the atom would change into would be picked randomly, from monsters that you have killed in the last 2-3mins. Or maybe with the higher level of the atom skill, the higher chance to pick a more powerfull monster.
Sticky Situation - The Atom sticks to an enemy and curses it until the enemy or the atom dies. Curse:
-25% Enemy All Primary Resistances except Stun -25% Enemy Health -25%DA Enemy +25% Enemy Attack Speed
The Atom looses good health per second. Player looses 1health point for every 2points the atom loses.
Curiosity - The Atom opens chests, boulders, corpses, etc., in a 30m area radius, out of curiosity, and for secret/hidden areas it would go stand next to them, and start acting wierd transforming into random forms of sacred geomtry, leaving after 5s if u dont check it out.
Glitch - the atom freaks out and shoots straight to enemy and explodes, dying in the process with a lot of dmg and stun. Only works when bosses/nemesis/celestials/etc are around, or would activate when player is at 50% health, and pick the strongest enemy around.

The Atom would have decent base astral dmg that would scale with player bonuses, with posiblity to convert base dmg to elem/aether/chaos.
Should be like half the size of the karsparov crystal. The color of the atom would be chosen by the dmg converted to.
Also the atom pet could also have bonus for other pets, could be a pet enhancer, would maybe stick to a specific pet that the player chooses, and enhances the abilities of that pet. Maybe also changing the size, or as the atom fuses with the pet it starts emanating as an energy smoky dust from the pet, depending on the color of the atom.


[li]Astral Borealis[/li]
[/ul] “Auroras of astral energy float above ur head and enhances ur connection to the astral world…”

  1. +200% astral/phys dmg
  2. +100% elem dmg
  3. +100% aether/chaos dmg
  4. +10% total spd
    • 1000 Health/energy (leads to celestial skill)
  5. +1 to summon Limit to most powerfull pet, not all (optional, not needed to get to 7)
  6. Celestial Skill: (33% chance on crit)
    13-15s recharge / 7-8s dur / +base astral/phys dmg (scale with player bonus)
    +10% crit dmg +5%OA and -10%DA
    +% dmg retaliation +% health/energy regen / -50% enemy attack/mov spd in 10 m radius

[li]Astral Phoenix[/li]
[/ul] “Summon an undying flying phoenix from the other side that aids u in ur fights…”

  1. Bonus to all pets : +50% health + 10% total spd
  2. +100% astral\phys dmg
  3. Bonus to all pets : 15% crit dmg +25% elem res
  4. +2 to all skills
  5. Bonus to all pets : +50% to All Dmg +10%OA
  6. +500 health + 1000energy
  7. Celestial Skill: (33% chance on crit)
    30s recharge/ 20s dur / +100% chance to pass through enemies
    +base astral/phys dmg (scales with player bonus) or a specific decent dmg amount
    +base elem/aether/chaos dmg (scales with player bonus) or a specific decent dmg amount
    +%50 chance to burn/electrocute

The phoenix would have 2 attacks - 1st a fire breath similar to ignafar flame, but smaller in size and range, and 2nd, when appearing and right before disappearing, it passes through enemies in a straigh line as it materializes into the world, both having 100% chance to pass thorugh them, and 50% chance to burn/electrocute, and disrupt skills for 1-2s.

[li]The North Star[/li]
[/ul] “Call forth the North Star to fall from the skies and crush and crumble your enemies…”

  1. 200% Constitution
  2. 100%astral/phys dmg
  3. 5% attack/casting spd
  4. 25% Chaos Res
  5. Celestial Skill: (15% chance on attack)
    +direct astral/phys dmg (scales with player bonus) or a specific decent dmg amount
    +direct elem/aether/chaos dmg (scales with player bonus) or a specific decent dmg amount
    +%33chance for stun for 1s enemies in 2-4m area radius

[li]Spectral Projections[/li]
[/ul] Send astral/spectral shade images looking like electrical Living Shadow with 50% tranparency (dark purple/teal/turquoise color) of yourself in a straight line at a very fast spd dmging enemies as it goes through them before dissapearing back into the astral realm…

  1. 15% Chance to avoit melee attacks
  2. 15% Chance to avoit ranged attack
  3. +10% Phys Res
  4. 5% Physq (leads to celestial skill)
  5. 5% Cunning (optional)
  6. 5% Spirit (optional)
  7. Celestial Skill: (25% chance on attack)
    1s recharge / 1s dur
    (it takes 1s for image to go from where u are to 10-15m away through random monsters, picking the closest to you, as long as u attack and it procs, not the same monster always, only if its the only one around)
    +100% chance to pass through enemies
    +direct astral/phys dmg (scales with player bonus) or a specific decent dmg amount
    +%chance to slow and disrupt skills for 1-2s
    +10-15m range +25% chance for image to come back

[li]Antithropic Waves[/li]
[/ul] “Unleash waves of dark energy on ur foes…”

  1. 50% Astral/Chaos DMG
  2. 5% Spirit
  3. 15% Chance to avoid melee/ranged attacks
  4. 15% attack spd
  5. Celestial Skill: (25% chance on hit)
    10energy cost / 1s recharge
    Summon waves of astral/chaos dmg in a 120degree arc in front of u
    15-20range distance, 1to10m wide arc, each wave starts small and enlarges until dissapates like hitting an invisible wall
    50% chance to knockback(not down), slow enemy mov spd by 25% for 1s
    base astral and chaos dmg scaling with player bonuses

[li]Cosmic Rays[/li]
[/ul] “Cosmic snpiers watch over you…”

  1. +150% Elem Dmg -2%OA
  2. +150% Chaos Dmg -2%DA
  3. +15% Casting Spd -10% Attack Spd
  4. +20% Crit Dmg and +500 Health
  5. Celestial Skill: (15% chance on hit) 1s recharge
    Light spd energetic particle beams originating from space that fall in a straight line and hit enemy, like a sniper shot from the skies, comming from diff points, dissapearing in a fade effect after hit with base astral/chaos/elem/aether dmg with 50% chance to confuse for 1s

New Items

With a new mastery and new dmg type - there should be new items right ? Well not that much - but still YES :slight_smile:
Astral dmg and + to astral mastery skills can be added to already existing items, even sets.
Ofc some new items have to be created, and sets, for the mastery itself, but overall not that much, like with Inquisitor and Necro.

A new category of items can easily be inserted in the game like the mythical ones…it would just be an Astral form of them. Not a more powerfull category of items, but just the same items in the game, not all, that can be combined with some kind of astral crystals(new type of item, like a new component), and would convert their dmg to astral, or from the item’s stats would pick one of the dmg bonuses and transform it into astral, and the weapon would just get some astral spots here and there, and the word “Astral” in the name of it. Even set weapons could become astral.

Astral Crystal (10/10parts) - New Type of Component - Converts a weapon’s dmg to astral dmg.
Adam’s Apple - New Type of Scroll/Consumable - Summons Adam’ The Atom pet until it dies. Usable by any player.
Astral Compass - New Type of Kasparov’s Crystal similar item - gives an aura with an arrow that points to ur closest quest, from all ur active quests. Would also start acting more chaotic the closer a nemesis is, in a 500-1000m area.
Disk Shield - A new type of ranged weapon type shield, with its own base dmg and defense, that can be thrown at enemies in an arc and it comes back, like a boomerang, always having 50% chance to stun 1s. (300% main hand dmg / 2s duration from throw to come back / 5s recharge) dual Disk Shield wield would only be possible with Spectrastral Disks direct skill.

->As an ideea, not related to Astral Mastery, new items could be:
-Spears, Polearms, Halberds, Flails, Claws, Ninja Swords(Katanas, Sais, etc.), Shurikens, Nunchucks’, Boomerangs, Bows, Ring Swords (Xena’s Weapon), Swallows (2 ended blades), Blade Tonfas, Grenade Launchers, Kusarigamas, Tetsubos, Kamas, Kyoketsu Shoges, Jites, Futuristic Guns, Whips/Scourges/Bullwhips, etc…
-Aureolas as Helms
-Runes - similar to D2 rune system, but having in mind that items in GD dont have sockets, you would need to find specific runes to combine them all into one better rune that u can put on relics maybe, or on any type of item, or could be an item that gives bonus as long as u keep it in inv. Rune Crafting would be at smith, or maybe a new hidden npc, like the legendary crafter.

More graphics effects for skills…Coliding Stars (1st and 3rd), Any nova spell (2nd) Adam The Atom Pet (4th), Rain of Stars (5), Astral Borealis (6 and 7), Astral Form (9), Quantum Sphere (9), Plasmatic Quasar (10)

“Other animation ideeas on 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th pages of this thread.”

This is absurd and doesn’t even fit the flavor of GD. Why not just get decent at modding and mod in your class?

Not something I would play.

I agree with Tycho, this doesn’t really fit Grim Dawn. It also seems too unfocused to me. Trying to combine everything into a single mastery. Can’t say I like that idea, personally.

This does, in fact, look like something to do in a mod for yourself. If others want to try it out, share it.

This game needs about half the damage types it already has. If they added a damage type I’d quit.

Not saying they all have to be integrated in the mastery, they are just ideeas of possible skills.
And personally i dont really care if 50 players out of 10k dont like it, i do, and i wanted to share it, i think its awsome and its a base mastery theme that is missing from every rpg.

And even if they were to be all, no one would use all, melee would not use range based skills, and vice-vers…i would make a melee build and use the astral ray for ex, or a range build and use quantum vortex…

That because u are used to diablo and torchlight trashes, where there are 4 dmg types, and every class wears same items for end game choices…

And that’s just what immediately came to mind.

And that is a good thing. Simpler is better, especially when dealing with damage types. I don’t want to have to chase down resists for or buffs for more than a dozen damage types. This was something Diablo 2 did INCREDIBLY right.

>Calling Diablo 2 trash
Get the fuck outta here.

Again, mod. This is missing from Grim Dawn for a reason.

personally i dont really care if 50 players out of 10k dont like it, i do, and i wanted to share it

And if only 50 players out of 10k do like it? Mod.

I’m not trying to dissuade you from your preferences here. I’m just suggesting that if you want something in this game that (in my opinion) shouldn’t be in this game, then the answer is to make a mod for it.

some kind of overpowered time/space wizard was the missing class in every RPG to date?

“I don’t want to have to chase down resists for or buffs for more than a dozen damage types”

Then its very simple - DONT ! Create ur own char and play that - let others chose more options and play more stuff.

Puting another dmg type and mastery in game, doesnt mean u are forced to use it :wink:

And every one has a different opinion, just like u dont like a lot of options, or change, some do, like me.

Well if u go by all the magic spell effects in the game, and all the fireworks that are on screen, it fits perfectly.

If the damage type is in the game and mobs are using it that means I need to be able to fucking get resists to it. The number of damage types present in the game is approaching that of Dungeons of Dredmor and THEY DID IT AS A JOKE.

Again, learn how to mod, and try putting it in yourself for fuck’s sake.

A theme is more than BLAM KAPOW EXPLOSIONS.

[QUOTE=Tycho;580370]If the damage type is in the game and mobs are using it that means I need to be able to fucking get resists to it. The number of damage types present in the game is approaching that of Dungeons of Dredmor and THEY DID IT AS A JOKE.

No you wouldnt - just read entire text :

“So there wouldnt be a need to add a new icon for astral resistance in the player inventory, it would be added next to physical resistance, and it would be calculated as so:
Your Highest Res + Your Lowest Res - 50% of the total = Actual Astral Res
So if 80% is ur highest and 35% lowest ur astral res would be 80 + 35 = 115 - 50% = 57.5”

Again, learn how to mod, and try putting it in yourself for fuck’s sake.

Pull ur eyeballs out and turn them around - watch ur mouth :wink:

Moved thread. I’d also appreciate if you were a bit nicer to each other. In the end it will be Crate who decides on what fits their game and what not.

While they might reject the suggestion, they could still get an idea for future content from this and other fantastic threads.

Wait so you’re going to put in a resistance that’s IMPOSSIBLE TO CAP (assuming you include Physical Resist)? Oh that’ll go over REAL WELL in Ultimate when dealing with an Astral Warrior mob.

Fine, fine. Aimless ideas-guy thread diarrhea is irritating as all get-out, though.

Imposible to cap ? Do you know maths ?

If ur max reses are 80% and lower is 80% isnt the astral also 80% ?

80 + 80 = 160 -50% = 80% right ?

Thank you ! That was actually the point - im not expecting this to appear in game, but i am totally opened that some ideeas might make it…

Are you factoring in overcap? Are you factoring in Phys resist (show me a character that can cap Phys, or Life Leech, or etc.)?

EDIT: Hell, why go for a Highest + Lowest divided in half? Why not the mean of all resists? Does the game even have a script that can check for Highest Resist and Lowest Resist?

Please read the entire text - i said primary resistances that show up in inventory in 1st tab, i will specify exact which right after this comment