New Mastery + New Damage Type !

Adding a new damage type would be way to much work. The devs would need to go through all the existing gear + skills + devotion to add resistance or % damage for the new damage type. That’s before even adding new content to gear/skills/devotion. Considering the amount of work needed, I would rather see them add 2 new masteries over a new one that takes a lot more time to do/create. Having more to experiment and theorycraft seems better to me.

That said, new ideas of skills is always welcome.

I was always honestly hoping they would add a third, small skill tree depending on your mastery choices (Commando, Reaper, etc.) that helped further define your role(s) by masteries (Conjurer or Cabalist might have a pet-focused skill in this tree, a vit-damage-focused skill, and so on and so forth approximating most of what can be done with the masteries). That, and add a default weapon attack somewhere in Nightblade’s tree. But I don’t think any of that really matters anymore.

Again read the entire text in the 1st post in this thread about resistance, that is out of the question to be added anywhere except in inv next to phys res.
Im not saying this is something easy or simple to do…something cool in game never is.
Also adding astral dmg do items, and + to skills from its mastery, would take max 1 week, that is not the hard work.
IMO the hard work is creating new effects from scratch, or even changing some, sounds for them, looks for new items…and everything that is graphics.

And ofc, 2 new masteries wouldnt hurt, but that also would include, new items, constelations and also adding to items new stuff…so kinda same thing…

My point stand. Physical resist is important in the expansion. You accept it or not the amount of work would still be more than creating a mastery with the damage type we have currently.

Tab 3 or not, most resistences there are good to have, so it’s not even an argument. Futhermore, adding in tab 3 just for the sake of adding it there is pointless if you think we won’t need it much as a resistance… The only way to make it ok-ish would be that the monsters in the game don’t do that damage type so the devs don’t have to figure out the resistances (gear wise) of the player for that new damage type.

For the items, adding a new damage type is more work, not the same thing… if you really wanted to have the new resistance (arcane) too the devs would need to go over most of the current items/gear in the game to make sure the players can reach a certain amount of resist for that new damage type. It’s also not the same complexity or creation from the stand point of a developper. Working with what you already have is much faster. Potentially they could decide to add it to just boots or 2 other items slot to reduce the amount of work but still.

A lot of poeple ‘‘accept’’ the fact there is a lot of resistances in GD. If you talk to these people you’ll see that a lot wouldn’t mind to have less. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if the devs think they can hadle it. From a player stand point (myself), if the added resistance makes it hard to cover the other resistances then it becomes more a problem than a fun added feature.


"So there wouldnt be a need to add a new icon for astral resistance in the player inventory, it would be added next to physical resistance, and it would be calculated as so:

Half of the sum between Your Highest Any Primary Resistance + Your Lowest Any Primary Resistance = Actual Astral Resistance !
So if 80% is ur highest res (any of primary) and 35% ur lowest res (any of primary), ur astral res would be 80 + 35 = 115/2 = 57.5

When I say ANY RES i mean all primary res that appear in inventory in 1st tab:
-Fire, Cold, Lightning, Poison&Acid, Piercing, Bleeding, Vitality, Aether, Stun and Chaos.

And having in mind that Stun Duration Reduction (Stun Resistance) is usually never at max you will always have a difference betwen highest and lowest res, cause some even pas 80% with +% max res.
There would not be an actual direct “Astral Resistance” enchantment for items or skills, the actual astral resistance would just be created from the previous calculation, and show up in 3rd tab in inventory before, or after Physical Resistance"

Is it hard to understand ? or hard to read a long text ?

Didn’t bother reading the thread or even the original post. But a new damage type is unlikely to happen if anything we might not have aether and chaos in any potential sequel

Basically the degree of difficulty with balancing is directly proportional to the number of damage types

Regardless of content, new damage type except chaos/aether dot is unneeded and having very low value/effort ratio.

Than dont bother commenting if u dont read right ? no offense !

I said im aware of what work is needed to be done, but still sharing the ideeas is not that hard work for me :wink: - with that said, maybe some ideeas will be integrated in already existing dmg types.

Every damage is calculated the same in % or am i wrong ? if u have 0% all res, 5 fire dmg isnt the same as 5 cold dmg ?

I looked at it, it just doesn’t make sens. Being punished with a resistance because your lowest isn’t perfect/low doesn’t sound like a good idea period. That would be a really bad decision from the dev stand point.

imo it would make players think their res also, for a melee char they are always important, i dont play with my bm if i font have at least 70% to all primary res, and i actually have 80% to all except stun and chaos which are 70%.

For range also important, but not as much, and for pet builds, u need res for pets not for you.
The astral resistance issue should be the smallest problem if its done by that calculation, just the calculation would be needed, and it would make people think about their reses better before going into battle :wink:

And again - ur lowest is not ur astral res - If your highest res is fire and its 85% for example and ur lowest is stun with 25% for example then astral res is:

85%(fire)+25%(stun) = 110 and half of it is 55 which would be ur actual astral res…simple 55

Endless source of entertainment. More !

I particularly like how he’s barking at everyone who doesn’t give him a virtual backpat (which no one did by my count) but at the same time he’s telling them to watch their mouths.

More !

I totally understood, it’s simple math. It doesn’t make it any better because of it. You’re still punished because of your lowest resistance affect the new resistance (arcane).

Yes that is true - the ideea of the mastery of astral skills is based on sacrifice, but with good choices, that res problem can be solved very simple, just focus on them better and raise them.
Overall that doesnt change that u still have a very low resistance (ur lowest)…which u should raise a lil :wink:

Looks cool!

Thanks !
I am updating the 1st post in the thread daily, so updates will be there, not as a new reply.

Anyone can tell me if it’s possible to upload more then 10 photos in the same comment/reply, or load them up with their link code ?

More graphic effects for Astral Form, (1), Astral Phoenix (2), Seeking Wimps (3), Mandlebrot Shot (4) and The Big Bang (5), Charging Swords (6, 7), Rain of Spades (8), Astral Ego (9),

“All info about mastery is on 1st page of this thread in the 1st two comments. Other animation ideeas on 5th, 6th and 8th page of this thread.”

Edit your old posts.

Oh it’s better than that. He’s constantly posting sugg threads in the wrong section, he’s created more threads in less than a month than I have in over a year now, and I personally think his ideas suck. He WANTS these ideas to be seen by other users, otherwise he’d post in the no-view ideas and feedback section. He double or tripleposts, he "ideas-guy"s anyone else I’ve ever seen under the table, and he insists that instead of bucking up and trying his hand at modding his ideas in someone else make his dreams come true for him.

I just had no patience for read the whole post but figured out one thing…
Did you mean a some new kind of damage over time that can have pariety with aether? Because we have none yet for it.

I dont recall, but if u can quote where maybe i can answer…