New Mastery + New Damage Type !

Yes, but it says i cannot upload more then 10 photos per post, even when i try to upload a link code, not just from my pc.

You might as well just say “Use pictures of random space phenomena for inspiration. Novae, nebulae and so on.” (No fucking idea what a picture of fiber optic cable has to do with anything else you’ve posted though. Or fractal images. Or novelty plasma lamps.)

Just stfu kid if u have a close mind and an unevolved imagination. Go play diablo !

p.s.: u think any other effect in any game was made by the one who created the game ??? - every single effect in games is derived by natural effects…but…ur close minded…

U have 600 i have 150 - again stfu and mind ur busines if u dont like other peoples ideeas.

I take some small solace in the fact that even though I’m an irascible jerk I’m not nearly as annoying and fragile-assed as you.

If you don’t want negative appraisals of your ideas to show up post in the no-view Feedback section. Otherwise, be prepared to be told how dumb your idea sounds, just like me and anyone else.

You are so right here :wink:

Some more random images from google i found for the Sacred Geometry passive skill and the Cosmic Rays skill to annoy this kid cause he doesnt like the fact that i have a good ideea :stuck_out_tongue:

Your ideas are crap and you’re an absolute heel.

…and ur the ball under the heel…ignored from now on…but please continue :wink:

Sacred Geometry Passive Skill and Plasma Spill Animations !

“All info about mastery is on 1st page of this thread in the 1st two comments. Other animation ideeas on 5th, 6th and 8th page of this thread.”

There is a taxi ride between Diablo and Grim Dawn as far as # of damage types go, just because someone calls for fewer doesn’t mean they want anything close to Diablo (you assume that’s a bad thing, the damage types in Diablo, as few as they are actually change gameplay), that’s just an unconvincing way of dismissing someone. Just count how many damage types GD has (don’t forget retaliation types!) and ask yourself if a good portion of them add any real depth to the game or just needlessly make itemization more difficult.

I agree with others, its a showstopper calling for a new damage type (remember you’re adding basically 3 each time since there’s a DoT and retaliation type that’ll appear in itemization).

The separation of retal from standard damage (and the separation of pet bonuses from standard bonuses, and the separation of DoT form from standard form of damage, and so on) gets kind of confusing, yeah. Dungeons of Dredmor did the “bazillion types of damage” thing as a joke, and it’s like Grim Dawn looked at that and said “Wait, where’s the joke?” followed by “Hold my beer.”

I understand Chaos and Aether being needed for setting flavor. I understand the elemental forces and poison/acid being there. I don’t ENTIRELY understand the separation of pierce and bleed from the phys/IT damage types, but I have a hunch why. I don’t entirely understand why Pierce and Bleed aren’t condensed together as Standard/DoT. I completely don’t understand the lack of Chaos and Aether DoT damage, though maybe the devs just wanted them to be different.

They already got entire thematic groups of adversaries and dedicated landscape graphics packages and lore and stuff. Devs didn’t want them to get big heads. It’s responsible parenting, really.

I know - but as i said astral would not be acompanied with nothing like burn for fire, or electrocute for lighning, etc.
Does aether has DoT ? i think no ! Astral shouldnt also ! Retaliation should be there though.

And again - entire thing is an IDEEA…from where maybe some minor ideeas or none will ever get into the game…

The only way to compare Diablo3 to GD…if u play diablo after GD…diablo seems claustrophobic…u feel closed in a tight bubble with very little options…
The only thing decent good about diablo3 is that u cannot cheat and u have something competitive to fight for always…thats it…the rest is trash…strarting with zoom level and graphics to poor diversity in almost anything…thats just my opinion…

More Animation Ideeas : Spectral Shurikens (1); Exotic Particle Party (2,3); Spectral Sound Spectrum (4,5); Dark Energy (6); Quantum Sphere (7); Dark Matter Carpet (8), Quark Minigun (9), Astral Erruptions (10)

“All info about mastery is on 1st page of this thread in the 1st two comments. Other animation ideeas on 4th, 6th and 8th page of this thread.”

More Skill Animation Ideeas : Plasma Nova-Cannon Balls or Plasma Spit Balls (1,2), Astral Phoenix (3,4), Spectrastral Disks (5), Angular Momentum (6,7 - but dark/purp/grey/teal/blue colors), Plasma Prints (8), Cosmic Rays (9), Astral Form(10)

“All info about mastery is on 1st page of this thread in the 1st two comments. Other animation ideeas on 4th, 6th and 8th page of this thread.”

what the fuck

f*ck the what…no need for it :wink:

More Animations effects : Exotic Particle Party - after effects explosions (1), The Big Grunch (2), Astral Protection (3), Quantum Leap (4), Sacred Geometry (5,6), Spectrastral Disks (7,8), Singularity Point (9),

“All info about mastery is on 1st page of this thread in the 1st two comments. Other animation ideeas on 4th, 6th and 8th page of this thread.”

Nice images and concept in general, a shame those people will not likely support this.
Great job and keep going.

Thanx. Images are not made by me, just found by me, it takes a lil until i find almost what i want, to represent at least 80% of the concept of the skill so people can imagine it in motion.