New Modding Site and an Apology

*Updated Grim Quest to 1.44a version and added the changelogs of version 1.44 and 1.44a

*Updated Zenith to the final version.
*Updated GD Stash Win 32 Executable version to the final.
+Added Lost Treasures Mod
+Added Grimarillion Mod
+Added TQ Collector 1.0.1

Good stuff, you’re really on top of things. :slight_smile:

Thanks Ceno! :slight_smile: I still have a looooong road to go. Back to work!

*Updated both GDStash files to the latest 1.0.5e version.
+Added GD Item Assistant Tool.


  • Added GD: DAIL - 060.5.B update
  • Added GD: Item Assistant Tool
  • Added TQ:AE Diablo UI Mod
  • Added TQ:AE Street Fighter Mastery Mod
  • Added TQ:AE Bloody Uber Diablo Xmax Mod
  • Added TQ:AE Saber Rider Mod
  • Added TQ:AE Prince of Persia: Arabian Night Mod
  • Added TQ:AE Mortal Kombat Mod
  • Added TQ:AE The New Nightmare Mod
  • Added TQ:AE Anti-Arachno Mod
  • Added TQ:AE Item Filter Mod
  • Added TQ:AE Legitimate Farming Mod

Feel free to do whatever you like w Paths, I don’t mind :] And I appreciate what you’re trying to do with the website

Thank you ShadowLance i am glad for your support.

I’m good with you hosting my mods as well and thank you for doing so.

Thank you very much JMD, it is good to hear for your support too.


  • Diablo II Median XL: Ultimative
  • Titan Quest- Lilith Will of the Demon Order of Bloody Abbey Quest Walkthorugh (Thanks Ze.Mastor for sending me this)
  • Paths TQ:AE-> Images and Mastery combination names updated.
  • Grimarillion-> 0.3.3
  • DAIL -> 0.60.6
  • DAIL Optional Download -> Sound of the Dawn
  • GDItemAssistant-> Hotfix
  • Insanity: Rift Walkers-> 1.7a.1
  • Insanity: Rift Walkers-> 1.7a.1 Patchfix


  • Mount & Blade mod Europe 1805 II - War of The Third Coalition
  • Diablo II Lord of Destruction - PlugY The Survival Kit

Any chance you can host Tamschi Texture Tools?

Shit, all of his tools should be up there provided Tamschi is cool with it (should be as he posted source files too iirc)

the animation composer is pretty cool too, as is the meshview.

*Updated Omega mod to the latest version.
*Updated Insanity: Rift Walkers to the latest version. (with the new patchfix)

Of course i can. Where can i find them?

most of these are very useful(scattered across 4 pages), please archive them with the source. though these will very likely stay alive:

and this is the tq texture tools binaries:
link is only valid for ~24 hours

then some are scattered around tq net i believe, but if the bitbucket link includes binaries, then its golden. if not, still pretty cool. this is most of it.

edit: they are licensed GNUv3, so you should mention that if you are going to host the source. they include no binaries it seems.

the binaries I shared, I don’t know where I got them, which version are they etc. when I uploaded those, the last modified date was 2010. Creation date may be older, but my current file system doesn’t support the creation date data, so I can’t know :stuck_out_tongue: anyway, thats, like, old. I don’t know if its been updated since.

Go to:

And browse a little above. Is this the same Texture Tools of TQ. If it is then i already have it.

As for the source of other files. I consider them to archive into one file. What description and name should i give it?

Tamschi’s TQ Tools
and put the name of the each app in the description, also mention that all the code included is licensed GNUv3

as for TQ texture tools, I don’t know. I can’t even reach your site honestly, nor would I be able to run .exe if I did. Its probably the same thing. My binaries were named “TQ.Texture.Tools.exe” or something akin to that.

edit: and yea, definely link to the bitbucket. also, bitbucket is very unlikely to go away unless tamschi takes those down himself, so keeping the source is not that important, its just that those apps are written well and most of them were fairly popular.

Of course i will do them.

You cant reach my site? Thats surprising for me. Why is that? As for the .exe are you running any Linux distro? You can use Wine for it if you want.