'Next' and 'Previous' buttons in each building's menu so that you can easily traverse through all buildings of a type

I am borrowing this idea from Frostpunk. In that game you end up having menu buildings in the same type and sometimes you want to quickly check them all. For FF it would be like if your running low on planks and you want to quickly check all your sawyers to see what’s up. Currently you have pan around to find them.

An even better example is mines and work camps which mid to late game are spread out all over the map and on a large map size it can actually take a while to find them.

So simply having next and previous buttons on each building menu would allow us to quickly check the health and condition of each.


great idea, right now there is no way to locate all builds of one type other than memory and a lot of hopeful map scrolling to find them all… this would be a good suggestion

desperate to add this feature and support shortcut keys (such as the Tab key)

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