Next Thing Discussion

I’ve played pierce runes, I use this instead.

+1 on starfury suggestion though

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I really love this game and it’s very nice to see you guys updating the game and making it even better. Thank you! :blush:

Since you guys are going to increase the variety of builds, I have a suggestion.
Instead of using 2 or 3 pieces of armors to have 100% any element converted, just put 100% to just one item.

Example: If I want to play with a deceiver with chaos and aether, instead of using 2 or 3 items to convert the vitality damage to aether, just one item should be enough for it.
And one thing, not in weapons or armors, but in amulets, medals or rings, since I could have more freedom about weapon and armor I want to use in my build.

Another idea: take out the flat physical damage from Hydra and put % to all damage or any status that doesn’t focus in one type of damage.

Sorry for my bad english and I hope my comment can give you any insight with next update.

One minor thing that just popped into my head. Would it be possible to expand the pet UI? The game does a great job of letting us track our pet resists, but all the cc resists are missing from the Pet Bonuses page. I think at least stun and freeze res should really be there so that we don’t have to go through our whole character and add it up manually.

Dawnshard boots would be nice. Pants would be a bonus, but they wouldn’t be that visible under the chest armor anyway.
More options to hide equipment, especially gloves.
Showing variable rifts and caves on the map.
The option to switch between main menu styles. Some people might like the original or the Malmouth backdrop better.

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Oh… oh my gosh… you’re seriously going to add GI to the base game?

This is amazing, I love you, I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you.

I am on the Linux version so never got to use grim internals yet :slight_smile: feeling very justified in paying full price for Final Frontier now, despite the fact that I never play city builder games. And in buying every single cosmetic grim dawn dlc.

Just wow, the dedication here to making a good game that lasts. I love playing games for 20+ years and grim dawn seems like the best game for that I’ve ever seen???


edit: if I have a complaint, it’s that some level 94 purple sets are just too weak to really consider. I made a ranged fire strike purifier because I found Dagallon’s set, imagine my surprise as a noob when I realized the first purpose-created character with a purple set I found was actually worse than my first character (warder) with random greens. Made me very sad. From reading on the forums, I don’t believe there are any real viable builds with that set, it takes up too many pieces and has too low OA/DA for one iirc. but it’s a general thing, lots of useless sets out there from my estimation, stats just too low I guess? But I suck with builds so whatdoiknow


And Dawnshard medal.
Although I doubt brand new items will be added, speaking of Fashion Dawn, many epic and legendary medals don’t have their own models, but use the standard star. Will be neat if artists have some time to draw models/textures for it.


already exists, sorta, mark of Harvoul works, alternatively stonefather or ember’s calling medal, - mebe cyclone too?

Well …

I’m speaking about natural this:

Yet again, I doubt new items will be added, but new medal, unlike boots, is potential new source of Item Granted Modifiers that could shake meta.

re: affixes

Necromancer’s, Occultist’s and Shaman’s that buffs a pet skill but not pet stats. That annoys me. Otherwise, it just happens that Soldier’s is the best prefix if relevant skill boosters are not available because physique% and health%.

It’s been mentioned to remove these affixes, but on the other hand, they have been very helpful such as +2 curse of frailty, +2 vulnerability etc, saving skill points that’d otherwise go on skills getting soft-capped.

…and I imagine going the titan quest route of making them into +1 to a class’s skills would break (more than) a few things.

I think Constitution becomes largely irrelevant pretty early in the game, whereas few other stats like petrify resist and resistance to life reduction quite rare and could be more useful for endgame characters.

Light radius is another mod that is also pretty obsolete. These don’t really cause an issue I guess since most gear/affixes they are on usually also give something else actually useful(like health/resist) but would be nice if they were replaced with something actually useful.

And also consider doing something especially for the soldier part of bloodrager because warders have a very hard time staying alive as opposed to the other archetypes.

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Just keep in mind that they are just adding some of the features of GI, which it had a LOT of. It remains to be seen yet what all will be added.

It’s been possible to use GI (and other tools for GD) on Linux for a good long while now. As with a lot of things in Linux it just takes a little elbow grease and know-how. Have a look at the below link…

I would also like to bring up another aspect as i saw it was pretty much missing. Here’s the GT in discussion Defiler, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

The general intent would be to help enable fire caster blightlord defiler since this class is the most underwhelming currently. We have the possibility of chaos to vit on set, the aether to fire one via ordas, all cool, we even have ti possibility to fully convert everything to vitality via many item combinations, which leaves us with the fire type. We cannot fully convert vitality to fire and still be a decent caster with decent cdr, unless we totally give up cdr to take blazeheart, blazeseer set (with 2 blazeseer rings) and a relic that enables dual wielding, all of that just to enable fire blightlord defiler. In the end, after all of those sacrifices you’ll end up with bad casting speed, very low cdr for failsafes, semi modded bwc and siphon (which doesnt have any skill points available on fire items) with way too long cooldown for all 3 skills from your arsenal, basically lots of loopholes. Maybe there is something to be done to help defilers see some light too? (this would be just the beginning)

As an initial suggestion i think the offhand should get something like full vit to fire mod on flame-touched or spectral binding (probably for flame touched so if you choose to play fire, you’ll invest points into FT and enable conversion, if not, just dont pick it up) and some burn to siphon souls, and the set should get an extra 1pt in RE to reach 23/16 which will be further capped with one living ring, and also an extra - 1 sec to either RE or siphon on the set too for a better rotation maybe. Generally speaking defilers really need some help.


Yes, very sad that blightlord is a mixture of fire and ice vitality .Even if the actual results are not satisfactory,we unable to convert them into one

I mean, lets look at this Defiler, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Hp barely there, 22% phys res means your phys res is going to get down to - 3% once debuffed by some mean big guys, no really reliable sustain, had to sacrifice harbinger of souls and casting speed to get OA and DA, and i have no cdr to reliably proc turtle, behemoth, pheonix to tank stuff, and the rest of skills and procs to kill stuff faster than they could kill me xD. If i get those blue pants i sacrifice hp and phys res to get RE at a minimum of 24, if i dont I’ll end up. With 23 at best and the ring slots are occupied by blazeseer ones so i can have vit to fire. The medal + gloves combo is just an extra source of leech to hopefully keep it alive. Last but not least, wheres my slow res?! Oh it was on korvaak’s deception relic…at least a part of it.

Did you forget Zantai’s First Gift to Defilers? Korvaak’s Burning-Blade gives 100% vitality to fire as a skill modifier to flame touched, and is biased towards fire damage.

Enabling Chaos ranged Inquisitor

Inquisitor is the og ranged mastery. However during our top20 testing me and other builders found out that the best ranged builds don’t usually contain Inquisitor apart from the famous Evoker build. There are few reasons for that, but here I wanna propose some simple changes that can make ranged Chaos Inquisitor viable at the top end.

Class combos that can be Chaos ranged Inquisitors lack %damage and decent flat sources/conversions

I am not taking about Deceivers here because they lack strong AA (ranged Rah’Zin is pretty meh). But Purifiers and Paladins don’t have any reliable way to get enough flat damage. Oathkeepers have Voidsteel gauntlets that enable strong builds like this or this. So with a Shieldbreaker you can at least utilize the power of additional flat physical damage from rebuke plus Smite with added steroids (and Smite is in general pretty stellar as ranged wps, especially for Chaos). With Chaos Inquisitors there is no way to convert all that juicy pierce flat from Conviction and Ranged Expertise and there are no chaos mods for its wps.

Solution: add pierce to chaos conversion mod to Blood Sigil of Ch’thon medal and add some WPS mods to chaos pistols

  • So if Blood Sigil of Ch’thon gets a 100% Pierce converted to Chaos to Ranged Expertise that means Chaos Inquisitor gets a big flat damage boost, simple as that.
  • There are pistols that could definitely use a Chaos mod to one of the Inquisitor’s wps. Like Exterminus and Deviltongue could definitely have mods to either one of Inquisitor’s wps. Now what about “translations” Zantai might ask? Well for Chilling Rounds you can just copy paste mod from Havoc, for Bursting Round/Storm Spread you can copy paste mods from Dagallons (and adjust values accordingly if needed).

i dont see sorc either. Or pets.

What about ranged vit inquisitors? We only have namadea xD