Next Thing Discussion

that’s why, that affix is too much random that even a legit drop can be considered as fantasy build if it got used

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aye, but being “too random”, atleast to me, doesn’t mean it has to be removed/not exist at all, that just makes it random/extra fantasy material
so long as it doesnt’ interfere with “regular”/real affixes, then i don’t see a problem
which is why i have the issue with daggers/sceptres, because there you have 200 magick class prefixes and 1000 rare class prefixes competing on the prefix slot, with little/“nothing” else for magick prefix,
but for jewellery you have lots of stuff still, so it might be slight bloat, but it’s not like it’s ruling out useful stuff, so entirely removing them from jewellery would be kinda sad, imo

One option to keep the “blooted affixes” would be a drastic reduction of the individual probabilities for these affixes (so that the sum over the probabilities would be equal to another affixes). And to get something out of the skill bonuses (getting the right one is then even more unlikely than before), some kind of blacksmith lottery to reroll the skill bonus while keeping the general affix (cheaper for yellow, more expensive for green affixes) .

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I also think magic class prefixes should be removed, even though they’re occasionally useful.

Funny thing is that without those you’re only left with pet prefixes for off-hands, so a few need to be added at least, such as stalwart and aggressive and some defensive affixes.

Can’t quite agree on this. While yes, some of these skills may not be technically worth putting on a skillbar for a lot of builds, them being active skills makes them useful as a skill to bind Devo procs onto. I know for sure at least one of my builds uses the Darkblaze Amulet over a different option just cause it’s desperately short on skills for Devo activation. Let’s keep them as active skills and just buff them to usability where needed instead, if their weakness is the issue.

For affixes, personally I always roll my eyes whenever I see an MI I’ve been looking for roll with the “of the Sea” suffix, or “of Meditation”. Generally builds will figure out a way to handle their energy without relying on an affix roll, and in the case of “of the Sea” I’m not really sure what the energy bonus achieves. Can’t think of a single build where I’m concerned about my max Energy. It’s not like this is PoE where we’re reserving 95 % of our pool for auras. That said, maybe it’s better to keep it in anyway, just in case its removal suddenly breaks some build’s entire Energy sustain.

And even though mastery skills are kinda off limits I’m gonna give it a try anyway. Given the way Horn of Gandarr has been buffed, War Cry stands out like a sore thumb now in terms of DR skills. It’s the only one where you have to dedicate at least one item slot to make the skill actually do its job. Nobody wants to have their survivability tool only have 66 % uptime. Either you have to figure out a way to keep it up almost all the time or you ignore it. It’s worthless to be only survivabe less than 70 % of the time. Can’t say the same for Ill Omen, Horn, AoC or BWC. Even lvl 1 BWC with High Potency has full DR uptime. Giving War Cry the same CD as duration would just bring it up to par IMO. Horn would have the advantage in damage, cc and option to lifesteal, War Cry wins in AoE coverage, its ability to apply skill disrupt, and can be expanded with extra cc and rr at the cost of more skill points. It just doesn’t really make sense after the buff to HoG for Horn to be that much better than War Cry.


"know my pain"

3000%, i know the OP said masteries was in a good place, but it was brought up too at the time of HoG got buffed, with multiple potential solutions, and for the life of me, i cannot fathom why nothing got taken in…
it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for war cry to, now, be this gimped"underwhelming" by comparison
upping the DR duration to for 100% uptime without Warborn helm would not break anything, meanwhile it would still require warborn helm to utilize the RR for full effect, (or even Terrify for those crazy few), meanwhile even if the DR on War cry got increased duration to match uptime with HoG, Gandar would still pt for pt be better, so atleast increasing DR would/should be tolerable…

Actually, forgot to mention Blade Trap and OFF. This might be venturing too far into the redesign territory. Oh what the hell, at worst this gets ignored.

Basically, it irks me that neither of the skills is truly useful endgame without its dedicated set. They are the only skills in the game that basically evaporate from your skill tree when you enter an SR boss room unless you have a specific full set on. I haven’t done it for OFF but I do recall once upon a time using the Blade Trap Conduit on an endgame build. It was both wasted skill points and a wasted item slot. Basically, my wish would be for the duration OFF and Blade Trap have on bosses with Conduit to become the baseline. So at least even if it isn’t a mindblowing effect it doesn’t eat the amulet slot in the process. Unfortunately this means adding trap/freeze resistance reduction to the skills, since we can’t just nerf boss trap/freeze res (that would make all sources of trap/freeze stronger and we could get into chain disable territory). So basically, the cc res reduction effect of the Conduits would get baked into the skill and the Conduits would remain just for the extra RR they bring. Rimetongue and Mageslayer debuff resist reduction would be nerfed so that the net duration with the set stays the same as it is now.

I know this is about as likely as another expansion being announced. Tomorrow. But a man can dream.

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CDR is the strongest stat in the game along with %damage, 4% cdr is MUCH better than some casting speed or some attack speed.
I would rather say cdr for all of those “seer’s” like prefixes.

Will try to write a big post later

My latest complaint is that when equipped with Mythical Bramblevine, the damage reduction effect with Focused Gaze is temporarily interrupted because the DEE with Mythical Bramblevine is now 6 seconds. I would like to see the damage reduction effect of Focused Gaze buffed to 6 seconds, as this can be fatal if you don’t have other similar effects.

the dmg reduction on focused gaze isn’t universal tho, it only applies to phys dmg, so ideally should have other "all-encompassing"DR elsewhere
*also isn’t really a new thing is it? Bramblevine has added extra cooldown to DEE for quite a while now?

Are we not discussing the mysterious wording (“next thing”) because we are not interested or because we know the Z-man is just trolling us?

First of all, we don’t need same magic suffixes like ‘‘of Corrosion’’ and ‘‘of Venom’’, one is enough.

  • Korvan Eldritch Halberd This is pretty weak.

  • Packla’s Visage Has two many conflicting Siphon Souls mods on helmet spot(Valguur set and Abyssal Mask) and Demonslayer Vit-Bleeding PB works very good. So this helmet should provide some different archetype rather than Vit-Bleed combination. Yes it can be useful as leveling item but that’s all.

  • Gargoyle Visage Same problem with above. Vit-Bleed combination here still can’t be usable rather than having a leveling helmet which is not to easily acquirable on early game. One of the mods should be changed with some other skill support.

  • Chosen Mask Never saw anyone use it.

  • Night Herald Pretty weak mods to use.

  • Scorpius Bludgeon and Pit Master’s Axe confliction unless one can use both as DW and ignore the shield though nevertheless, one of them should support something else aswell. Or maybe both?

  • Grundleplith’s Tail and Pusquill’s Tail Yeah they have meme and leveling purposes but nothing more for now.

  • Boneslicer Still not good enough to use.

  • Riftclaw Slicer Weird mods. And yes I even tested as DW Fire EoR Oppressor, doesn’t work.

  • Aetherwarped Cleaver It’s a good Cadence MI but not great for Blademaster since it doesn’t support Nightblade rather than some skill points to BS, can use a second mod to have more meaning since no one will ditch Warborn set for other mastery combinations with DW/S&B Cadence.

  • Wendigo Claw It’s just meaningless… Anyone can find better MI’s (and earlier) to use on Bleeding Warder while leveling.

  • Wendigo Barb Mods look great but can’t fit in any archetype and I can’t really say why.

  • Malkadar’s Dreadblade Execution mod is great for single target but NE mod just can’t be compared to other alternative so maybe it can be changed with Reaping Strike for more single target focus? Or maybe some arc with +3 targets?

  • Scion of Noxious Wounds Really frustrating. AoM mods can be useful obviously but supporting DW Melee Acid RATA with Necromancer? Idk, can be meme king. But the base damage of the weapon is also very low to ignore RATA and use just for WPS bonusses.

  • Cinderscorn It’s so weak. Especially VF mods are useless here and inferno skill bonus? To be used with Vanquisher Templar? Just for 360 Burn bonus? Never saw anyone using it either… Maybe it can have some global conversion besides phys>fire to have more purpose.

  • Brutallax Working fine on both pierce and bleeding Tricksters but Archon side is a bit tricky, so far only working build I could made is this S&B Goredrinker Archon Archon, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator and build works not because Pierce Savagery here, it’s because Goredrinker set and huge bleeding on VM. Idk what can be done but DW Pierce Trickster is also not a great build so I don’t think any buffs here will break balance.

These are my bloating items I can think of so far. Some of them can be made useful/preferable easily but some might require some rework even to have meme purposes.

Edit: And since we call it a ‘‘thing’’ , can it be anything? Like can we get new conduits?

It would be preferable that it be all damage, but Focused Gaze can be acquired for 1p and there are many powerful attacks that include physical damage so I am fine with it as it is. The only complaint I have with the current situation is the duration of the effect. Moving it to another skill could solve this, but that could also decrease the QoL since there are more skills to utilize.

banana did it a year ago, it’s very strong damage wise

I agree, not spectacular at all. But actually banana utilized it as well

I agree about other items. Most of them I am just ignoring completely when I create and test builds, they are not good enough even for like second or third choice consideration. I’ve tried something with Korvan Halberd and Cinderscorn but those were pretty weak builds. Cinderscorn works okay with Vanquisher but it’s not bis for it.

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1 more thing it’s for the pre 90 level, could the crafted green faction item (faction belts, and vanilla faction weapon) to no longer limited to either a prefix or suffix.

Usable for Vit/Bleed Wildblood Conjurer as it hits RR for both damage types on a single item like Abyssal Mask, but you get to customise your resists on it. Not sure how useful the Feral Hunger mod has been, ever, though. Btw you’re linking Packa’s Visage, not Garg.

Fixed thanks

I tested, Packla’s Skin and Savagery medal are better and you don’t have enough skill points for Bloody Pox either. Best other alternative for focusing 2H Bleeding Pox is this setup Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator which I tested a few patches ago and it wasn’t good, I also find really annoying to play with 3 no cd skill. It should be better now after the buffs and resistances but still with low AS and no AoE except Pox and Decapitate, trusting %30 chance WPS to carry a build is a bit optimism.

On a non-prefix/item note, can we have a target dummy somewhere that attacks for you for like 1 damage every 0.5 seconds? It could be somewhere slightly out of the way, like the dummies in the Malmouth streets. It’d make it more convenient for builds that rely on effects that proc when you get hit, like RR from spectral binding or energy drain procs from devos.


Thanks for your still enthusiastic updates!
I, too, have a few requests, although I’m not talking about prefixes or items, but rather QOL elements.

[Elements to be implemented as vanilla features]

  • Major expansion of the shared storage: doubled the number of pages with scrolling pages and a large number of additional pages that can be purchased.
  • Function to fine-tune vertical axis (not height) camera position

[Features to be added as paid DLC (Of course, free vanilla is acceptable.)]

  • NPC selling or exchanging aether crystals and ugden flowers
  • Optional lift installation items sold at merchant NPC on SR 80 (I already suggested this in the GI thread.)
  • An item that will not allow you to attack until it is turned off, but will allow you to move at explosive speeds (CD 1 min. Mounting item?)

I hope you will consider it.

Right now I remember only things I’d wrote previous time:

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