lvl 18 on soldier (Ashes of Malmouth, no FG) and want to make sure my 2nd class is what I will enjoy at endgame before getting it.
From what I understand res reduction is the only way to deal decent dmg at endgame with soldier using melee is warcry > attack skill 1 > attack skill 2 > attack skill 3 > warcry >…rinse and repeat and I don’t like that at all, I’d rather not be forced to do the exact same rotation and if I forget warcry the dps is low, etc…
If I wet witchblade I’d even have to add curse of frailty every 2nd rotation and screwing it up is even more likely.
I thought about deathknight because spectral wrath is always active but apparently if I want to do melee with blitz / forcewave, spamming warcry at endgame and better not screwing up rotations is a MUST.
Idc what my dmg type is, I want melee but e.g. turning most / all dmg to chaos or fire or whatever so warcry is no longer needed would be perfectly fine.
Is there any way to avoid this not relying on some hard to get gear? It’s not that I hate buffs or debuffs but I hate them being a mandatory part of the rotation because I WILL screw it up and most likely it will just kill my fun.
Any way to replace warcry with something that has at least 30s duration or preferably is always active?
You don’t need to use War Cry for Reduced Target’s Resistances because there are other sources of that if you prefer. And multiple sources of this type of RR don’t stack. The most common is Scales of Ulcama devotion but there are other options than that (other constellations such as Revenant or some gear but that might be hard to get). There are Physical Soldier builds that don’t use War Cry at all, even for damage reduction.
Scales of Ulcama devotion I mentioned is always active although you need to get hit for it to work. But you will get hit if you’re fighting something serious. Revenant constellation summons skeletons reducing resistances that live for a long time but you have to proc them with some attack skill.
Curse of Frailty can have a long duration and area of effect. At 10/10 it lasts 12s and has 10m AoE.
12s is eterniy and 10m is practically a whole screen of mobs.
It’s kinda hard to predict what you’ll like at endgame. Focus on the skills you like using and then a build should hopefully be possible that meets your requirements.
In the meantime I got FG and am now Warlord lvl 23, aiming for the RR off Guardian of Empyrion+ Celestial Presence (no Scion of Dreeg).
I guess combining this with Tip the Scales or Raise the Dead will be a good amount of RR? The way I understood it, flat RR does not stack and only the highest value is taken so if I got both Tip the Scales and Raise the Dead only the latter’s 24 RR is used?
But flat RR does stack with Celestial Presence’s % RR? I also heard that if you only have either flat or % RR they act the same, meaning only Celestial Presence (25) would be the exact same as Celestial Province + Tip the Scales (201.25 = 25) and only getting Rise the Dead would make any sense (241.25 = 30) for having 25RR normally and 30 when the skeletons are attacking.
Yeah, just what I heard from the discord, though I didn’t know that 3rd category exists. But it means Revenant and scales nicely stack with the Oathkeeper skill but I shouldn’t get both constellation skills. I wanna get a bunch of life + energy leech/regen from constellations so I’ll have to check whether Raise the Dead or Tip the Scales works better in that build.
Speaking of which, is there any kind of guide to get life/energy regen/leech from constellations seeing a you can undo some points you only needed to get specific nodes while still keeping the nodes you want?
Hmmm… I don’t understand. Do you want some good devotion map for your build or are you asking about a general method of making / progressing / optimizing devotion?
My main question was answered: solider without having to use warcry.
But I’d appreciate if someone could point me to a guide for getting get as much life / energy regen/ leech as possible from devotions (and of course either Raise the Dead or Tip the Scales).