Hi. Just started playing grim dawn with my friend last week, and I can tell that this game scratches my old itch for a diablo-like to play with friends, without the steep difficulty/learning curve of the big, annoying, popular one.
I prefer character builds that rely heavily on permanent passives, or activated passives, rather than individually activated skills.
If anybody could provide me some advice and point me in the direction of guides for build ideas based on that, I’d be very grateful. My googlefu has proven very weak on this, and I figured the official forum folk would be able to help better.
That one has a fair number of updated guides and an even larger number of outdated ones.
Anything updated to 1.2 or later is probably fine, some of the 1.1.9.X stuff will certainly also still work.
You can also check grimtools for builds and check the box labeled “beginner”. That will also give you Youtube guides, with the caveat that the quality can range from “quite good” to “very poor”.
Are you familiar enough with the list to point me toward the builds that would fit my “passives heavy” preference? I don’t have a strong preference for casters/melee/ranged, etc, only that I’m letting my passive stuff do most of the work most of the time. (Even better if my passives buff my team! but, not necessarily lol). I presume a pets heavy build Would fit that? What else might?
Well, that limits it quite a bit.
Base game without at least Ashes of Malmouth DLC is really different, a lot of items don’t exist, max level is 85 instead of 100, lots of devotions don’t exist, and so on…
No current guide (that I know of) still applies to base game.
I wouldn’t even know where to look for one, as old guides (from before-DLCs-existed) might be very outdated.
If you have at least the AoM DLC, most of those problems disappear, you just can’t play any class with Oathkeeper and can’t use items from Forgotten Gods DLC, most of which can be substituted.
While I’ve got your attention, could I get a few of your thoughts on GD+DLC vs POE/POE2? After we started playing this, another friend started trying to evangelize us over to POE2 with him. I presume most GD players have played poe, and prefer GD for some reasons or other, so what are your feelings on it?
Haven’t played PoE2 and last time I played PoE was 7-8 years ago. So my opinion isn’t exactly up-to-date either.
I prefer GD because it doesn’t have seasons, pressuring me into playing on a schedule, rather than when I when I choose to. Also PoE 1 got too zoomy for my taste.