Npc model size..a minor thing but still

I know this is a minor thing, but dont you guys think that some models are a bit too big…


I cant imagine she bought this basket in this shop :slight_smile: the basket is bigger then the door … and shes a bit too tall maybe… to even fit the house… and the huge wagons… they clip all over the buildings and are taller then a 1st floor.

Doesnt look properly scaled, i think would look cooler if they were tidy bit more small models.

I agree! I’ve had this same thought many times. Just shrinking the villager models by 20% or so would bring it all into line nicely, seems to me.

minor thing, I agree.
Guys, do anyone play this game at that level of resolution ?
Do you want even closer view to discuss her underwear ? Come on… :nerd_face:

According to the gameplay, and the ressources needed to have the game properly rolling on a device above 1K villagers… Let us players be humble ? :wink:

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I spend alot of time playing some games, if im to spend hours looking at them, i like them to look good :stuck_out_tongue:

The game looks gourgeous but the scale between some models is a bit off…

Also in theory if models were smaller(people and wagons), you could render more of them, on a old crappy pc before your fps starts melting… dunno maybe im rong :stuck_out_tongue:

either way my point remains, scale is a bit off, its a minor thing but im constantly seing it and kills a bit the realism / immersion i feel towards a game…

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