after some reading i understand now the defense and offence ability system, but to calculate yout STH u must know your enemys DA…but i cant find it anywhere…neither on the grim dawn boss page or the reign of terror page…so how should u calculate yout ETH for monster especially the endbosses you can check here.
ah thank u very much. actually im playing rthe reign of terror mod atm, i already postet the same question, but i dont think that there is already such a list… but i was gona start normal grim dawn anyway soon, so thak u very much
Or just fight the boss and then hover over your OA in the stat page after the fight
you’ll see your Chance to Hit / Crit Chance for that boss (I think it won’t include some dynamic buffs/debuffs though)
btw what do you mean by STH and ETH?
It will for as long as those buffs/debuffs are applied, or if a creature dies while under their effects their last OA/DA will be snapshotted.
wups i missspellt it. i meant PTH like in the grim dawn guide:
Offensive vs Defensive Ability Formula
Offensive Ability (OA) and Defensive Ability (DA) are critical to both your ability to deal out damage and in your own survival. If you let your Offensive Ability fall behind as you level, you will find that more and more of your attacks will miss. Similarly, an insufficient Defensive Ability will result in your enemies not only landing blows more frequently but also sometimes landing devastating critical hits. The relationship between Offensive and Defensive Ability is handled through the following equation:
Probability To Hit (PTH) = ((((Attacker’s OA / ((Defender’s DA / 3.5) + Attacker’s OA)) * 300) * 0.3) + (((((Attacker’s OA * 3.25) + 10000) – (Defender’s DA * 3.25)) / 100) * 0.7)) – 50
The value resulting from this calculation is your chance to strike the target. You may notice that it is feasible for this chance to go over 100. This is where the critical multiplier thresholds come in.
PTH Threshold 1: 70 (1.0x Damage)
If your PTH is lower than 70, any attacks that land will do reduced damage. The damage reduction multiplier is equal to your PTH / 70 (ex. if your PTH is 65, you will do 92.86% of normal damage on a hit, or 65/70). It is highly uncommon to go below a PTH of 70, though it can happen against targets that are significantly higher level than you.
Note that PTH cannot go below 60 for you or your enemies, meaning that no matter how much Defensive Ability you or your foe may have, you will never have a lower than 60% chance to hit them, and vice-versa.
Example: PTH = 65, 1-65 hits for 92.86% damage, 66-100 misses
PTH Threshold 2: 90 (1.1x Damage)
When your PTH reaches 90 and beyond, you will begin to see critical hits.
Example: PTH = 97, 1-89 hits, 90-97 critically hits for 1.1x damage, 98-100 misses
PTH Threshold 3: 105 (1.2x Damage)
At PTH 100 and above, you cannot miss your target. At PTH 105+, you will begin to see the second tier of critical hits.
Example: PTH = 107, 1-89 hits, 90-104 critically hits for 1.1x damage, 105-107 critically hits for 1.2x damage
PTH Threshold 4: 120 (1.3x Damage)
At PTH 120 and above, you will begin to see the third tier of critical hits.
Example: PTH = 124, 1-89 hits, 90-104 critically hits for 1.1x damage, 105-119 critically hits for 1.2x damage, 120-124 critically hits for 1.3x damage
PTH Threshold 5 and 6: 130 (1.4x Damage) and 135 (1.5x damage)
PTH formula ist different, depending which guide u read:
here it is: Probability To Hit (PTH) = ((((Attacker’s OA / ((Defender’s DA / 3.5) + Attacker’s OA)) * 300) * 0.3) + (((((Attacker’s OA * 3.25) + 10000) – (Defender’s DA * 3.25)) / 100) * 0.7)) – 50
*Probability To Hit (PTH) = ((((Attacker’s OA * 5) + 5000) – (Defender’s DA *5)) / 50) – 15
so whats right?
First probably since that’s the one the devs wrote. Could be the other hasn’t been updated for any changes made over the years.
I used the first one from the official guide in the calculator and it matches in-game values so it must be correct.
It can be simplified to the following form
v.pth = Math.max((v.oa - v.da)*(0.02275 + 140/(7*v.oa + 2*v.da)) + 90, 60)
Max was used because PTH cannot be lower than 60:
Does DA reduces damage taken as guide says or only crit damage as ingame tooltip says?
DA reduces damage taken at extreme discrepancies of PTH as the guide suggests.
This is the “Low OA dmg penalty” in the calculator above.
It’s already included in the “Average damage”.
both, it reduces crit dmg taken by taking you out of crit range entirely if enough DA
it then additionally has a "low hit chance"dmg penalty if you get so absurdly much DA you reach lower levels of PTH range (this wont happen in most cases without extreme DA stacking since takes a lot to reach below 70% chance to be hit)
to get the maximal bonus (PTH of 55) you need around 1200-1300 more DA than OA - for normal enemies it is only an “insane” number if compared to the current standard of around 2500 DA - getting the maximum bonus against everybody - well, then you are right (factoring in a bit of DA shredding, something around 4500-4600 should be required to get the full bonus almost ever)
what, no
just getting 3700DA for regular sht is already in insane territory considering how much DA stacking and build gimping that would require
even if we accept the perception or a 3k DA “meta” myth
getting a handful hundreds more to reach that much is not really just something you swing out of thin air, and is then already entering pretty significant build tradeoffs and direct stat focus - and most build dont’ get that much OA shred to make the effort much lighter
keep in mind i didn’t say it wasn’t possible, just that it doesn’t happen in most cases, because it does require an extreme DA stacking/direct focus in DA stat, and is something we usually don’t even see as “default”/the norm for even HC builds, i’m guessing because they too also don’t feel the need to stack that much for the tradeoffs to be actually worth
i think outside really absurd tanky builds, the most DA i tend to spot is like 3200, and that’s already in fair bit out the regular range for most builds
Warlord, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
(I don’t claim it is a sensible build - and yes, getting hight DA values demands a trade off (and getting values close to 4k - huge to insane trade off) - but it can be an alternative build strategy to get damage reduction - especially with the new lower min PTH of 55)
edit: I don’t think we really disagree here
probably not
should use racial reducts for even more DR stacking tank meme