Official Grim Dawn Kickstarter Thread

Almost at 10% funded, it seems to be going very well.

Unfortunately there is no way for us to actually apply the credit within the Kickstarter system. After the project ends (if the goal is reached), everything will be figured out, and all the upgraders will get an email that states exactly what we have them in line for.

If something somehow goes wrong with our calculation, you will have plenty of chance to let us know.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached 10%. Please return your seats to the upright position and fasten your safety belts.

Ok, but how will it go if we apply for limited pledge (I back the Hoarder’s for example) ? And more generally, is it better for us to select really “No reward” or to select the pledge just before ours ?

Thanks !! :slight_smile:

Even though I have a Legendary Fan Edition pre-order already, I will bump it to a higher reward tier. Your latest gameplay video made me even more sure you will deliver an awesome product.

Just a quick question though, since I’m a bit undecided: what is the difference between the Boxed Copy (from the $100 tier) and the Deluxe Boxed Copy (from the $150 tier)?

A nicer box. Basically when we make the boxes we will tell them “make us an awesome box”, and then when they do that we will tell them “now get to work, add more awesome, and do it again!”. The ones from that second set will be the Deluxe ones.

As long as it is for an upgrade, you can do either, since you’ll be emailing us anyway as part of that process, so we will collect your info that way.

I believe if you were to select no reward for some other reason, Kickstarter doesn’t end up forwarding us your email address.

Are their any sliders for the boxes?


Already 10%+ funded~!
Keep them coming~! :smiley:

Is that a problem for you ? Do you still see our nickname anyway ? If yes, I thing I prefer to select no reward - it’s less confusing for you and me. :smiley:

Why do some projects have up to 33 Days?

God made them that way.


So around a month is the maximum time for any project? I’m not familiar with Kickstarter.

If you look out your windows to the left, you will notice we are passing over the $30,000 mark.

My F5 key is going to be worn out before the day is done. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shouldnt you be using this button?:wink:

dont want to worry folks but there is an interesting read over on the DFA forum, where did all the money go

need to be a DFA backer to see the forum

however, we all know that DFA made 3.4 mill right? well it seems from fees, manufacturing and other things, they only have 2.2 mill for the game, amazon took %5 and KS took their 5%, then there is money needed for the physical rewards, I also wonder how much WL2 will have at the end of the fees and manufacturing costs?

people, I suggest you keep to digital rewards if you can, boxes might be good and all, but unless CRate gets loads of money, they will only have a smaller amount to play with after fees, anyway the above is an interesting read, I don’t want Crate to fall into the same trap if too many people want physical rewards, lets give Crate as much money as possible after fees

just a heads up

These kind of things that crop up was why I wondered if Crate needed to go through Kickstarter and may have been a reason why Path of Exile did their own version of Kickstarter.

Still, 2.2mill is 2.2mill more than they would otherwise have had…

And Grim Dawn seems to be going great guns. Kickstarter has generated a lot more interest in the past 6 hours than Crate has had in the last 6 months it seems.

There’s a pie graph in that thread and it’s mostly orange. Now I’m really craving pecan pie. This is all your fault, matthewfarmery. :stuck_out_tongue:

On a serious note, I was pretty much expecting the breakdown to look something like that. Physical rewards don’t just magically make themselves for free. My current contribution puts my total (from before and Kickstarter) at the Digital Deluxe Edition. Even if I do contribute more (and I will if I can) I really don’t have any want or need for a physical boxed version so I’ll write that in my email if I wind up contributing enough that it would put me into one of the higher tiers. Hopefully this Kickstarter makes so much money that even after all expenses Crate Entertainment winds up getting WAY MORE than the original goal of $280,000 that goes directly to the game. :smiley:

Likewise, I’m hoping this hits the news sites and really starts to snowball… and not in that perverse sort of way.

I know WL2 devs and DFA devs are pros and probably used to this and factored in the rewards, but this is something that Crate really need to look at and hope people choose digital rewards over physical, so less cost for Crate to endure, yes KS and amazon will take their cuts, but if people really want to help Crate, go digital, it will help Crate in the long run. still worth a read if you can access the backer only forums

I will see if I can pledge more, but I will keep my reward fixed at the $85 tier as I want Crate to have as much money as possible, I still advise people to do the same if they can, sure go for the physical rewards if you really want, just remember some of the cost will go into making it, and less for Crate to spend

but I also hope Crate really do well, enough to go very high indeed