People running everywhere destroy this game

I do not need to phrase much here a part from the obvious. This mechanic DESTROY totally the game and the game immersion. You basically spend so much effort to make this game so immersive and cool on every aspect and then loose it all by generally looking at your city for 2 min from the top. Is this a joke?

No seriously it looks horrible. Please make it that people can carry more or the wagon or something else does it but this mechanic needs to go ASAP like seriously please, a lot of people are complaining about it and it seems an obvious major issue on the gameplay aspect for real. People should run only at >1x speed. I know the map is big and people have to go places but its not realistic and its really horrible, make it the wagon carry people far I don’t know but seriously this is no way to go. Add wagons route designing and marking for them wagons to go certain path and carrying people. Just few cents.


  • I SELECT A UNIT (A PERSON) AND I TELL HIM TO MOVE SOMEWHERE: its a direct order means go there fast! okay realistic.

Those circumstances makes total sense to me and the vast majority of player super angry and complaining about this issue… but I don’t see any other reason at the moment why they should run otherwise. Are those all messengers reporting for seeing an incoming raid? Just could not avoid the joke…

just a quote from another guy that I found so right: I am just regretting I didn’t pay attention to this aspect before I bought the game cause it is really annoying to feel like this about it :frowning:

KungFury 28 Nov, 2022 @ 11:41am

Must say that I am waiting for a walking animation before I will buy this game.
It’s a big immersion breaker for a game that normally has a relaxing pace and atmosphere that my people are always on a hurry.

The running behavior was adjusted since the initial trailer over a year ago and I can certainly say the “majority” are content with the changes given how this hasn’t come up in ages. You’re quoting a comment from 2022.

Thank you for your response, Zentai; it’s appreciated.

I’m quoting a comment from 2022, but it seems the issue is still present. You’re telling me that their running behavior was adjusted, but I can’t help but wonder how, since they are running like crazy around the town as it is now. To be honest, they all look like junkies on amphetamines.

You’re telling me it was worse (I’ve been playing for a week), which I find hard to believe. If this was the case, then this doesn’t seem like a solution to the problem at all. It appears more like a quick fix, where a running animation was simply slowed down, but nothing more to address the core issue.

They are still running.
In the current animation, they are running.
At 1x they are running.
At half speed the they are still running and taking giant steps forward !!!

It’s absurd and ridiculous, especially for this game and at this level. Even in worse graphically designed games such as Banished villagers don’t run but walk around.

What I’m trying to convey here is that we might as well add flying monkeys at this point, and it would be more believable since this is already dragging the whole game down to a trash level. I understand it’s under development and there are a lot of bugs, but this, in my humble opinion, is drastically impacting the game right away and breaking it to its core. Allow me to share a story in a second if you have the patience for it but first please:

  • let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room and say that those villagers are running.
    I don’t know if you’ve seen Age of Empire, Anno, or FrostPunk, etc. but NONE of these games have this ridiculous animation, nor do they have characters running around; they walk as they’re supposed to.

Now, the story: the worst part is (and I’m being genuine, this happened exactly as I’m telling you): the other day, I invited a friend of mine to glow about the game and show him the title I had just purchased and was so excited about. I was hoping he would buy it as well because you know, when something is nice and very well done, it advertises itself, and don’t get me wrong—your game is. Now, he was all super excited and about to buy it right away, and you would have gained a new customer when he saw me playing, until after a couple of minutes, he said to me, “Hey bro, why are those people all running around like crazy?” You lost a customer right there, and I’m not even joking. You went from +1 to -1. It’s like food spoiling in your game if you don’t preserve it correctly. And this is a guy who only watched 10 minutes of my gameplay, and I couldn’t blame him because I would have made the same choice knowing about this major issue before purchasing the title. Please, I’m begging you, really, please make it so that the animation of movement actually depicts walking and not running.

I’m sorry if I’m being annoying in any way, but it seems obvious to me that those legs spread apart are not the movement of someone who is walking but actually running. This is the issue, and it’s huge. You can clearly tell they are running just by looking at the way they animate their steps. I mean, I was even able to catch the guy in mid-air action, he was literally jumping around, with his second foot half a meter in the air. Also, the girl is not doing any worse than a pro long jump athlete pre-jump run. I hope I have expressed myself clearly. Thank you so much, really.

PS: Maybe the majority of the players are too lazy to report it, or maybe they won’t say it to you since you already promised a fix and delivered something that wasn’t what was expected. Maybe they’ve lost hope or can’t be bothered to argue about it. But for me, this is an elephant in the room and it’s hard to ignore. What I can tell you for sure is that I told one person about this game, and it had a 100% approval rating for purchase before this issue arose, and then you just lost a customer. It makes me regret playing, so technically you’ve lost two, but I can’t refund mine. Do all the people finding this ridiculous and not having purchased the game for this reason also report it to you? Because I’m doing this for the sake of having already purchased the game. I love it, it’s great, but… and with this ‘but’, I’m positive you’re losing some people here and there without even knowing about it, maybe for this reason, and they’re not reporting to you, they just don’t purchase. It’s bad from a company marketing profile of a product that strives to set a stone on the genre, and then a guy like this guy nails the issue to the core: “I am waiting for a walking animation before I will buy this game. It’s a big immersion breaker for a game that normally has a relaxing pace and atmosphere that my people are always in a hurry.” It’s from 2022, but I still don’t see this walking animation as he’s still expecting too… and if he’s not buying it, and with my friend, those are already two certain people, who knows how many more.


seriously can I please get some credit? What kind of community is this? No admin either no other users bother to reply and acknowledge the issue??? it seems that are you all good to have this ELEFANT OF AN ISSUE? Seriously: cause I stopped playing this game already cause of it and how ridiculous it looks.

I am so glad Manor Lords (Polish) is coming out tomorrow: finally a game made with REAL criteria and not a bunch of wannabe dev making a good game and then loosing it at the end: answering with a partial answer that did not solve the issue at all PRETEDING IT WAS SOLVED when is actually so blatant that even kid with down syndrome that have 5 years old can acknowledge it exist.

I do not now what is more shame:
you (dev) not acknowledging the clear instance of an issue OR the fact that nobody else in this community bother to reply here saying I agree with this issue or bother to up this thread with some replies that are not mines.

Makes this game and this community speaks a lot for itself and not it good terms or words at all.

With this kind of advertising and attitude you speak loud and clear: not inviting people to support you or Crate GAMES ANY LONGER. Meanwhile I cannot say the same for 11Bit Studios cause sure Polish Devs can makes good real builders game and keep the legacy and sure I am gonna buy Frostpunk 2.

The amazing attitude you showing towards listening the community cannot makes me say more than I leave your products on the shelves, if the attitude wont change I will advertise for what it is and make sure people know about it and I hope that everyone is reading this when searching on Google this issue and see how you dealt with the people that gave you trust and how you repaying them.
Please make no mistake and delete this thread cause I screenshotted the whole thing so if you wanna play it Stalin style and delete the opposition and the tread by making disappear the evidence this sentence right here will be the final proof of your wrongdoing and you will be exposed even further.

It’s a community that is happy with the way things are in the game regarding this. As Zantai said it was adjusted quite a while back.

You don’t like it and I’m sorry you feel that way, but that is your choice.

I wish you enjoyment of Manor Lords when it comes out. Made by a single dev as Banished was so that’s quite an achievement in itself.

The only attitude I see here is, sadly, yours. There is no “wrongdoing” here, just a difference of opinion.