Pet Itemization: randomly affixed greens versus predictable uniques / sets

Anecdotes are not proof.

You want me to lower my standards, but fail to understand that the other Elite builders instead have higher Cruci standards just like I have my “AiO/high sr requirement”.

If they are allowed to have that, I am allowed to have mine.

Not when the balance is based on and regarding performance at the highest level and affecting only those who push to such levels.

I will make it easy for you.
Show me Madlee lowering hos standards for builds to 10+ min Cruci clears and I will lower my SR standards to 75-76.

I don’t care how many times I need to repeat it to get through that thick skull of yours. No elite builder has lower standards than me for a build’s performance. Just because they focus on Crucible and not SR doesn’t mean that they are lowering their standards.

Or else, I have lowered my standards too, by being satisfied with 10+ min Cruci builds.

Says a nobody. Prove it or GTFO.

No, I am arguing that I know what I am talking about while you are hilariously ignorant to argue these things.

if my words aren’t good enough you have your own as evidence

difference is they dont’ do a pass fail if it doesn’t do sub 4, nor doesn’t do 85+.
So “lowering” your standards to other’s reasonable levels would hurt no one, maybe your pride

is it though?, because some high pushers don’t get nerfed, and pets was arguable buffed for the casual part (making base points stronger)

again potatoes and apples. takign 5-10 shards off isn’t the same as doubling cruci back to AoM times
madlee posted builds doing “slower” cruci than the records, what 6-7min +? when people were doing 4
likewise you have people posting builds without cruci metrics at all because they don’t run them, and still don’t demand full AiO utility and high SR
and i’m not “demanding” you lowering yours, more like attempted to appeal to some sliver of rationality in you and get back in business. well aware now that is completely futile

lvl a build for a change instead of stashing 100, i’ve leveled enought to personally have felt this/have this sample size in multitude, sry i didn’t record my 50+ 30hour playthroughs as some sort of ego validation in trying to argue pets strength and ease of leveling and why it’s favoured by many beginners

except for 1.1.9 kaos kitty having better results than before, ulvar proving phys briar is possible, with non bis affixe greens, and oh wait, wasn’t other pet builds posted already? -right, i’m sure someone that refuses to play the patch, with more expertise than those, can’t make anything better or work than those “novices”
unbridled level of arrogance…

i’m off for the night maya, see ya in the morning :wave:

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Mine don’t support your claims.

Crucible builders will disagree.

not nerfing perfectly fine builds won’t hurt anyone either, except those who think these builds are op while being ignorant.

The devs don’t know how to balance pets. That is not news.

My builds didn’t even get to SR 90 without Camera abuse even when at their strongest.

Again, do not argue things while you don’t know anything about them and aren’t willing to learn from the actual experts.

Think I stashed my builds for the leveling part of my guide?

Except for the fact that you ignored my explanations for both.

I don’t want to make something better than those.
I want to make something better than or equal to “my” builds.

I am not competing with Ulvar or Crittrain. I am competing with myself.

That is what you get when you display unbridled level of ignorance.

You made some valid points but:

  • Pet builds players also need game mechanics/basics as well. Like not using aggro drawing skills if your pet master as well, as not stand on ground damage and such.

  • If you want pet build level 100 or doing SR you can’t do sort pet gear and do all with just rags and no experience. Pet masters need to care about their own resistances and DA as well. Taking whatever pet gear you find will result in very unbalanced pet master. Going with negative resistances in elite spamming skills and drawing aggro will kill you in a flash!

  • Some MI’s are harder to farm than others. I gave example with Mountain Derps, cause this is area part of your main quest line. Also Bone weapons/shield drop from yellow opponents and you don’t need multiple kills on same boss to get the green. You can literally be hit in the head with useful MI green :smile:


@KouDy Most MIs also drop plentyful in SR and CR, most of the MIs I use in all my builds are actually from SR :slight_smile:

If your playtime is limited and you wanna do and farm for other chars, you can also think like this “if I manage to get at least a couple of decent MIs that fit my build but makes it stronger and faster, I can actually get that time back again later” simply due to having a stronger and more effective build.

The pre- and suffix variations can be seen as both a good and a bad thing, what I mostly do is that I either set up an affix-, component and augment- less variant of the build I wanna make and take notes what stuff is desirable to get on the MIs / greens. Or, I just play according to what I have already gathered.

BTW, how are you gonna get crafting mats for components, such as aether crystals, blooms and chtonic seal of binding? Those are kinda “MI” as well, require you to target farm certain locations. You get like 0 of those in SR.

Now you other guys, you have started to talk about if pet builds are the easiest thing in the world to level with as a new player. I have no idea if that is true or not, I have never leveled with pets except some necro with skellies up to like level 30 or so. The conjurer I have in the build thread I leveled with pox, sigils and swarms like a vitality caster because it seemed easier from my eyes :smile:

Oh no don’t get me wrong. I don’t dismiss green items or MIs. I just don’t prefer them because historically they were too random to get. Uniques ofc are random too but it feels different.

Pet builds easier for beginners. Hmmm i would not agree. If you look around, pet builds are almost never absolute top tier. Not that they are bad, but you can find a lot better options i think. Greens and MIs are not going to help with this. Sure you can achieve better minmaxing in some cases but it’s probably not going to change stuff radically. For example if you are killing SR75, swapping to MIs probably won’t push you to like 90. Case may be found even for such thing but i think it will be rare. Hard to say, for sure i do not have enough experience to say with certainty.

Yeah but it is not 2018 anymore :slight_smile: The “MI-patch” pretty much changed my life, and also drop in SR is very generous, even in terms of MIs (especially nemesis MIs).

For a beginner, there is no reason do to SR past SR 75-76 because you get no loot, only bragging rights. What can be attractive for a beginner is that pet builds are considered, as gnuffi has said many times and I kinda agree, to be an all-in-one build. I have also read that some people prefer to play summoners as first build in ARPGs because it let them study boss mechanic etc from a distance (I do not agree with it).

According to maya, it was the MIs that carried my physical pet build.

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Sure, I just needed a title when I moved this discussion into its own thread. Or we split this thread, too.

SR is great for farming nemesis MIs, other MIs not so much. I mean, how long would you need to farm SR for a decent Lunal’Valgoth belt or Mogara’s necklace (to mention two popularly used greens) instead of just farming the bosses? Much longer, I assure you.

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Yeah those will take longer time, but is still possible to drop.
Maybe I do a SR loot spreadsheet similar as mike fic did, but separate nemesis vs non-nemesis MIs.

I see, yes might be. Like i mentioned i am not really experienced build creator. I am right now on GD wave so before it goes away i will probably get to do some SR75 and i will see how lucky i am with MIs. But i know that in tomb of heretic runs MIs are very very rare. That would be my most common farm place so far (also bastion and steps). If SR is different then good, more options, more possibilities.

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Depends on what MI you are referring to. The greens, they have good drops. The purple ones, they are pretty rare in particular the Magi rings and Nightbringer which are very rare.

My three cents about pets and current nerfs due to discussion above.

So where are pets really overpowered?

  1. SR? They are on throne there with retals. Ofcourse due to agro mechanic, bosses focus on summons so until pets alive it’s very likely player will survive.
  2. Crucible? Build doing sub6 min is veeeeeery rare, how many of them were posted last times? Chaos pets from Critt, 2 versions of Bysmiel + kitty from Critt and me (so basically one build with cosmetic changes). There were some skeleton build from Plasmo too in past but skeletons are skeletons, outside of Crucible their performance ends. Damage was nerfed but buffs on crucible were buffed for pets so performance is similar as it’s used to be in this area (at least I saw it from Critt’s tests). In SR were pets shine I don’t know if it changes much? Ofcourse bosses were buffed (which is visible after sr100), but is that making a big difference if pets kill boss in ex 1:20 instead of 1:00? Or if someone push 115 instead of 120? Why nerfs were coming to damage then when pets damage never was a problem?
  3. Celestials - they are safe but not even close to top performance. Some pet builds are able to kill Ravager under 2 minutes, Callagadra is very long fight (not even close to facetankers and can be longer than caster kiting builds), Crate is okay.

People says pets are “easy-mode” - but do they have in mind easy to play builds that sacrafice some things and their damage is lower (so scores can be lower in “objective metric”) or do they have in mind some piano builds played on two skill bars (were top performance can be higher but without macros it’s really tiresome experience in longer run, at least for me)?

My conclusion - pets weren’t and are not overall overpowered, they are just very good SR climbers (for players who like to climb over sr100) but many other builds are good in this area too and better in any other. I can imagine them being overpowered in snapshot era (imagine having buffs from various sets and items in one moment, modifiers like 30% damage working outside items and more) but it’s no longer possible and it was very hard exploit, not build/concept performance really.
The only real area nerfed is 75-76 farming, it’s slower (and never was extremaly fast), nothing more, I do not see sense there but that’s not my decision and I am not pets main anyway.


Very good point. Fabius, Iron Maiden, Alexander, Reaper of the Lost, Sentinel - all of them switch to hitting player even if you don’t cast Curse of Frailty, at least in my experience.

Just to be sure if i think it correctly. Green MI creates the green pillar of light? If yes then they are rare in tomb. I have sheet to track loot so far 25-ish runs and if i had 2 green pillars it’s maybe even too many. I almost never see them. I do have night bringer and the rings (and yes, rings are very rare i know). Ofc i didn’t run tomb 25 times, way more than that, it’s just when i started to track more and more things how is it going.

I dare to disagree, i just finished SR75-76 test run, got Reaper and Fabius. Send pets forward, let them do their thing and cast curse with delay and it should be fine. Tricky part is when Fabius disappears, then he sometimes switches aggro. Unless roll of area modifiers is bad, i don’t have much problems with getting aggro.

I have no idea, are you running a mod? Like Grim Internals? afaik green beam in Grim Internals is two rare affixes by default, butI think you can adjust that in the settings.

I get tons of green MIs like korvan shoulders and chest armors etc. I can do some runs just for you and show you how many I got. I did some SR 75-76 runs today, on average I got 20 green non-nemesis MIs per run.

So you are saying you got 2 green MIs in 25 morgo runs? You must have done something with your loot filter or beam filter then.

Fabius in 65-66 and 75-76 is considerably less dangerous comparing to 85-86, guess working as intended.

Yes grim internals and you are probably right then :slight_smile: have to check the settings. Sorry for misinformation.

EDIT : I checked in grim internals and enabled MI+ and MI++ prefix. It’s like 70% of greens are MIs in SR75-76 run so you are right.

I dont even know what MI+ and MI++ means

Those are Grim Internal things :
MI+ is MI with 1 Rare Affix
MI++ is MI with 2 Rare Affixes

In GI you can choose Prefix and Suffix search (also condition them to single item optionally). With this yea, i can get behind specific MI hunting.