[Physical Caster] 2h-Forcewave Pure Physical Commando

Nice necro

There are way more updated builds, that also contain DK. No idea why you are bothering replying in this thread with +2 year old builds.

Here are leveling guides for physical FW
[] Pure Soldier [HC] Beginner Forcewave 1-75 Leveling Guide + Endgame Options and Class Combos (soldier only build, that is good for focusing on the soldier mastery. Should be a no brainer to figure out how to make DK version, see below:)

[] Budget physical Forcewave Warlord (warlord though, here is how DK on a budget could/would look like: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/gZwaqol2

Here is AlkamosHaters DK, it is the most up-to date build on the forum [] No-set Physical Forcewave Death Knight -> CR 4:50/ 170ex naked 6:55/ SR 105/ Ravager 2:20 + Mogdrogen 2:35 + Crate boss/ 75-76 farmer

This is the second time I am posting these links for you iirc :slight_smile: