Continuing the theme of Piran. Pуran's anger Changed the assembly a little. Added cocktail and fireballs. The time has become better 150-170 and the murder of Lokkar.
Nice result. Pre-set mortars and pharma rainbow might have helped a little, though…
Why Demon Fire for Flashbang? No chaos to fire conversion, and burn on BwC is about 60 flat per second so that +160% burn adds about 100 dmg to your ticks lol. You can max Mines and take some Flashbang.
Also, could change the completion bonus on the relic to Heavy Ordnance. That last rank has quite a bit of dmg.
I like the idea of Stormfire for some (more consistent) AoE Viper RR!
Why Elemental Storm over Pheonix Fire/Fissure, though? Whilst you gain a little more RR compared to just using Agonizing Flames, the potential dmg/defense each of them offers is pretty awesome, too
That’s not working well because Stormfire only got 60% wpn dmg. Fervor works best for this, and it also has much needed defensive stats (points are right there in Demon Fire which does nothing for this build). Spamming anything for dmg is not so good because you’re busy casting and repositioning. And weapon damage and cast speed are so small that dmg from Stormfire is negligible.
Seal of Might all the way. This build will not survive in the new crucible.
This is a building error here. Of course, you don’t need Elemental Storm with Agonizing Flames. Phoenix and Magi are both really good here but the priority would be Bat.
Well, with enough potions I’m pretty sure you can still get far enough
You’re probably right on Stormfire though, as well as on Fervor.
Yeah, that’s what I was trying to say. Good point on Bat, however, I totally overlooked that he traded it for Hydra – but if you’re in for crazy speedruns & don’t care about dying 9/10 times, I guess it does provide more dmg
[quote=“Cinder, post:11, topic:85953, full:true”]
Hydra – but if you’re in for crazy speedruns & don’t care about dying 9/10 times, I guess it does provide more dmg[/quote]
I’m not sure about Hydra. It’s good for oa, flat and slow res. Flat and slow res you don’t need on Pyran. Oa is always good but 7 points for 45+4% is steep imo (with this setup however and the crazy flat oa it has 4% is actually a lot…). Both Magi and Phoenix give you comparable %dmg and excellent procs on top. As for speedruns my record was only 4:58 but with no greens and on a clean farm run (no setting up Mortars beforehand, no pharma and only 3 blessings).
But anyway this is pretty irrelevant now that Pyran is pretty much dead at least for what it was supposed to do (imo). The damage that was taken away was needed to facetank things very briefly during Mortar bursts. Now you gotta break off more, enemies move around more, Mortars can’t converge and miss, and they eventually kill you anyway. It was very hard pre-nerfs but now is not borderline unplayable.
Personally, I would never take Hydra over Bat on a build like this either; what I’d do would probably be a setup including both Bat (over Hydra, obviously) and sth. like Magi – just as I believe you did with your own Pyran SB back in 1.1.3, too
Yeah, Pyran definitely needs some decent defensive stats to make the mortar gameplay work as it should.
Have you tried setups with Time Dilation+Bloodlord’s Vengeance/Divine Conduit for perma Ascension after the patch? Those are pretty decent atm in terms of defense. Maybe Pyran really is just a hopeless case currently though…
I must admit I pretty much just moved on from Pyran after the patch myself – what isn’t broken doesn’t give me my fix
I’m not sure… Mortars are not like Devils, Box or TSS. On a classic no-wpn dmg caster you kite freely while your casts do the work or kite with stops for nukes. On Mortars you gotta keep them stationary meaning you gotta facetank. And you can’t facetank without sustain no matter your defense.
Getting energy regen as your primary source of sustain is and always will be too expensive. Using Ghoul and adcth with some Stormfire is poor because you don’t deal enough weapon dmg. The only way is procs (Bat, Reign of Fire and Ice Rings, the new Bane relic, Ulzuin Wrath is also good) but its also limited.
My suggestion for Pyran would be to give some solid support for Ulzuin Wrath (+ranks, flat dmg mods or +%adcth mods). Phys res and scraps of extra health regen are nice but aren’t even close to making up for the lost dmg.