[] Episode 3. Pyran. 150-170 (3 + 1) 4m 46s

Continuing the theme of mortars on Pyran: Piran continuation 150-170(3+1) 4m 42s

GT BiS: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62aEW832
Option without greens: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/M2gGpOB2

GT https://www.grimtools.com/calc/b28eb07V
GT Option without greens: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/dVbnAzYV

Crucible 150-170(3+1) 4m 45s:

Crucible 150-170 4m 46s:

Lokarr 6s:

mad queen 4s:


SR 75:

SR 76:

Sapper - Pyran :smile:


My radar showed me that there is a new unnerfed build and I immediately rushed here )

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Do you need all collection?



I am good, but Zantai might :stuck_out_tongue:

If you nerf Pyran, then wisely. Pyran now lives thanks to huge damage. If he deals much damage and does not increase survivability. That set will not be needed by anyone. Therefore, you need to lower the damage and raise all the survivability parameters of this set


Oh my…

TBH I think a nerf to the rr on mines is a start. The new utility of them makes having the rr applied at all times a breeze.

And perhaps it is time to reconsider allowing full phys to fire conversion on mortar… thus forcing gearing/components to grant it.

Mines are normal now. For 16 points 40 RR is a rational exchange. Here you need to lower the Piran set itself in terms of damage, but at the same time increase its survivability. Otherwise, nobody will need the kit. I hope @Zantai correctly understands these words, and not just kill the Pyran :frowning_face:

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Some Physical Resistance would be a good start imho. :wink:

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Mines are completely fine.
If you nerf RR, you need to lower it by a small margin, like 5% at most to accomodate it to the similar skills, like Veil, which doesn’t even need casting. 5% max.

The main culprit is the damage here. Alex used Mortars on steroids, buffed them with enormous crits. We should search there. On the set, not on the skill itself, which was already nerfed.
Also, yeah, more survivability in exchange is much needed. Pyran is very glassy.


Well, Ulzuin´s Torch plus Divine Mandate…don´t really want to see a nerf there. :slightly_frowning_face:

I edited, so everyone could see my point better.

TLDR nerf the set, not the skills.


Yeah, I only meant the Crits.

Am I wrong or has this set lots (too much?) of OA? 122 flat + 10 % (7+3)?

Jesus Christ. So much for #PyranIsDead.

I think so, too; especially in the context of the masteries it supports (OK & Arcanist esp.) and the gear it can use (medal & rings already give crazy amounts of OA).

Yeah I meant small numbers… Like 4-6% less at 16/16 then continuing to scale at +1% per level with a bonus of 2%at 26…

Also why I suggested removal of the phys to fire mod… It was not until that medal was added that mortars became an outlier. I mean even before pyran I had a build that could drop sub 6mins just using piecemeal purples and the mi offhand.

Before we start with the conversion, I would simply suggest gutting down OA increase on Pyran, as well as damage…

No other mortar build is strong as Pyran, even with this medal. I still think the culprit is enormous crit damage, Alex had like 4800 OA there.
Then we’ll see.

I am in no way an expert on Fire builds but his devotion setup looks like a logical choice for me. And with Viper, Ulzuin´s Torch, Hawk and Hydra there is more than enough OA.

So changing this for more defense would be a logical choice for me, starting with Physical Resistance.

Sick run, Alex!

On the topic of nerf crusade, please do not nerf mines. A lot of weaker Demolitionists like Sabouter for example really depend on that RR. It’s Pyran set and Mortars that are overperforming. I mean look at Mortar skil - it doesn’t even have a single point in its third nod.