Placing f.i. market information window too near -> please position it to the right screen border

When placing buildings which have a influence radius like market the information windows overlays the buildings which is not really nice.

If you can position it more to the right screen border it would be easier to position the building.grafik

You should be able to move the window out of the way.

No you can’t, because the building is not placed yet. It is tied to the building.

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Yes, the info screen for a building does make it difficult to see the entire radius. More to one side would be good, but not AT a screen border, because that can jerk the entire screen one way or the other, and that’s irritating.

Hm, but a lot other menues are located at the right side of the screen, so why should this jerk the screen?
On the right outside of the radius would also be ok.

Or it can fade out, I mean, this information is not needed the whole time. Or is there keyboard shortcut to make it vanish, to disable and enable this ?

Maybe “jerk the screen” was the wrong phrase. As I get my cursor close to the right edge, the screen moves, so the trading post is either way more to the left, or out of the screen altogether. Or when, on the main screen, I get my cursor down at the bottom (to select a building type or clear a plot of land or put down a road), it causes the screen to move down, away from where I’m trying to build, clear, or pave. It’s annoying. My movements of the mouse are not always precise, as my hands are of diminished usefulness due to age and arthritis.

To be honest I’m not sure why, once the desired building has been selected, that the “This is the building requirement/benefit” window is actually needed… you get all that information when you’re selecting which building. I’d like to be able to just have a setting that means it isn’t shown when actually placing a building/decoration.

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