Playtesters' plea for help - Zantai's Last Secret

Little side update from my escapade (hope you don’t mind.) I did manage to get thru this and back on my way. Well into the journey now. At 27 I dropped a Guardsman Defender. Taking everything you said into account about DA and not even looking at Cunning, etc, I had a huge revelation. I went to see and I had the blueprint for the Breastplate. So I farmed a battered shell to make a resilient plating and crafted it.

Then at 33 I dropped the helm. This was glorious and it got me thinking wildly about basic epic sets that are usually common drops and we completely overlook them but in the case of Classless, the defensive bonus that this set, and at 50 the Praetorian set and then at 65 the empowered Guardsman set provide buffer us so well that it allows for honing other gaps that we might need. For example, as I head to 50 here’s a basic theorycrafter idea I was brainstorming that I want to farm for. The three green pieces are obviously going to be ‘forgivable’ I actually have that green medal though I’m not wearing it right now yet, and the belt and shield could be basic good drops from Common items with nice affixes to fill up some stuff.



Keep in mind that to get good resistances and health pool, you have little choice but add greens to the mix. I found no way around it. In fact, I think greens can beat most epic sets till very late game. But if you can manage to max out your resistances without losing the set - go for it!


I’ve been running the Guardsman set so far. And I have to say, the near death experiences are virtually non-existence. Takes me a while to kill stuff as my OA is understandably crap but I have not even come close, even with big bosses (Crowley, Kilirian, and a few others), to any one-shot scares. The moment my health starts to dip I have such good armor/phy resist/health regen/ that I can disengage without fear of plummeting. I say that ‘so far’. And we’re in Normal. So obviously this all plays a factor. :smiley:


That’s what makes it so exciting! Do it!

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Check out the damage dealt! This just a preview, it will be higher:



Yeah, not my thing, but good luck to you all doing this challenge. You all rock! :grava_yes:

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Welcome to the nightmare. :flushed:

Ok guys, the build is almost ready. Just grinding Malmouth and Barrowholm rep now to max out some stats. There’s still a lot of room for improvement, but I’m not going to farm forever. This weekend will try to record my Ultimate run to Vanguard of the Three in one go. Siding with Solael as promised. Stay tuned…

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@Contragor - Hopefully you are going to give the build its own thread in the build section and submit it to the compendium?

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Good idea! Will do once it’s finalized. Thank you for the suggestion.


Hey did you hit 100 or are you still grinding xp for that? All this farming I’m inclined to think you already hit it but realized I didn’t see it mentioned anywhere.

Good luck with the Solael run!

I hit 100 around two weeks ago IIRC. Been grinding gear all this time. I actually posted a video doing first bosses and heroes in Ultimate back then, but it was painfully slow, so had to pause and farm upgrades on Elite. But now it’s really strong. Killed a few bosses last night pretty quickly. Also faced Kuba on Elite (he is lvl 95), downed him fast. Obviously he is much stronger in Ultimate, but still, good indication of build performance. Can’t wait for this work day to be over!

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EXCELLENT. I just hit 53 (I have no life) all in Normal. But I realize the next 47 are going to take a loooonnnggggg time because I’m going to be so cautious about stuff that your character will be doing SR 50 before I’m done with Ultimate 100. HA!

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Play it safe mate, don’t rush it. The road is long and treacherous. Focus on toughness.

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Ok Guys, it is time. The build is ready. There’s no point grinding perfect rolls on the greens that I have, not with my luck so far. It could be made stronger for sure, but here we are…

Breakfast, music on, recording on, good day to die?


I really hope not with all the effort you’ve put into this Contragor. Good luck! I’ll be :pray: to the gods of Cairn to bless your endeavours.


May the Dawn be with you … :four_leaf_clover:

You’re a champion. No matter what. Can’t wait to see the video! You are taking video, right?!?!?!?! :flushed::star_struck:

I am an idiot…

But here’s the video. Watch it and I will explain…

The three time codes you may want to fast forward to:




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Pretty awesome - never have been able to tank Krieg quite like that!

What skill gives you that pulsing green stone looking thingamajig?
I have not come across that one at all, maybe it is from some gear I have not picked up yet.

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