Playtesters' plea for help - Zantai's Last Secret

Galfang in the Veiled Den. I’m fairly certain it had to be a combo of his two DA reductions, his one Resistance Reduction and me having a positioning issue so my ADCtH not being up as I was trying to naviagate that fucking terrain. :smiley:

The 100 mile journey begins with the first level. :star_struck:

And while I haven’t gotten there just yet, I can see the light at the end and as @Contragor stated, learned SOOO much (and still am.)

I see it now. Thanks!

And @Contragor, congratulations on your achievement! I personally don’t have the patience for that sort of thing. I play ARPGs to enjoy the feeling of steamrolling hordes with my ubertwinked godlike char. My only restriction is all gear must be legitimately found. To each their own. :wink:

Yes, his DA shred + Res shred can be bad enough, but he can also hit pretty hard. There’s a huge jump in difficulty between vanilla and FG, so I normally try to avoid going there until late game when the gear and stats are polished. Too many close calls otherwise.

One doesn’t cancel the other. I love that feeling too. There are secret super mega OP builds in HC (hope I don’t aggro Aikimox lol) which can do that and more. Imagine oneshotting Warden and Kubacabra?
But even without that level of OPness, here’s what I’m rolling right now. Tell me if that is not steamrolling hordes (though not ubertwinked)?

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I also outran Kuba during the Barrowholm quest after encountering him just before the mine entrance.

I was nowhere near ready to take him on and decided that retreat was the better part of valour. I ran back into Barrowholm and down towards the portal. Jumped into the portal back to the coven and he was no longer chasing my ass.

I was not aware that he should be impossible to outrun?

IKR! Fear gives us wings at times! But when facing Grava one needs a teleport!

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All right, so here I sit. Grim Tools.

Just hit 81 after reaching Ft. Ikon in Elite. So far so good. Been as methodical as I can at this point. I have had very few close calls (like I did with the first two failed attempts.)

Hope this post doesn’t jinx it. HA!

All factions farmed to revered so far exept (Malmouth, Dreeg, Bysmiel, Outcast.)

All my stats look comfortable and I’ve gone almost exclusively DEFENSIVE in regards to devotions.

While this has been mostly self found and I do not have a very deep HC shared stash I have been using Potions of Clairty as well as pieces that I might have in my shared stash. Several of which were nice. The combo of 2 pieces of Maivens (epic stuff) and 2 pieces of Justice set have made for some very solid defensiveness which is nice.

Play style is basically run up to main tagret. Hammer Chained Lightining from Seal of Skies. Tank. If HP start to dip or more than 2 negative debuffs pop, zip out with Rune and then repeat on recovery.

I plan to stay in elite as long as possible, farming and upgrading gear when I hit 84 and then again at 90 and 94. I may not even sneeze at Ultimate until I’m 99 so I can be sure to hit 100 while I’m there. We’ll see how far elite takes me. I most likely will shy away from the second half of Act 7 because that stuff scares the shit out of me. :smiley:

I’ll be back as I progress! Any comments on the build, fire away! (Oh, and this is NOT the end game build I’m looking for obviously. I’ve been going this way as I get drops that fit.)


Getting there mate! Very solid defensive setup! I’d still stay away from the last act. You should have a lot of good upgrade options at level 84. Good luck!

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So I hit 94 last night. With the exception of the Final March boots (they dropped around 87 I think) and the time-flux band, which dropped around 89, this is the setup I ran from 75-94. Everything except Fleshworks and second half of Act VII in Elite. Plus first act of Ultimate up to entering the Warden’s Lab - haven’t killed him yet.) It was actually a very, very solid setup. I had very few close calls and refining the strategy for each battle was a very interesting aspect to it.

So, that part is done and I have the final 6 levels to push. I won’t be respecing to the Chaos build we’ve bantered about because I don’t have enough pieces BUT while I farm, during the run up to 94 I managed to drop the blueprints to Yugol’s Hunger and Iskandra’s Hood, so I started thinking…checked my stash and I’m going to try this setup out as it looks intriguing. Can you say Classless Spin to Win? :smiley: Some of the pieces I have on this aren’t the Mythic versions, because I don’t have them yet, so there’s definitely still a little wiggle room to incease things, for instance, with the mythics in place, my DA will be around 3200. Which is pretty nice. Armor isn’t super high obviously, but it stacks better than what I was running from 75-94 and I can use it while I slowly try to farm and collect stuff for the chaos build.

Thoughts always welcome?

One thing is the Chillspikes is pretty potent but I had to take that for devotion procs. So game play right now is spin thru and proc a bunch of stuff, spin to the outskirts, fire a bunch of spikes, spin on. There might be something that could be a better fit? Ideas?

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Yes! It looks very good! If only you could convert acid to cold, it would be even better. As is you should have a very strong setup! Crossing fingers for you mate! :crossed_fingers:

Just tried Krieg and it was a bail out. Nearly got two shotted. So gonna look at it a little more, maybe wait and farm some of the mythic stuff I need (I have the Acrane Harmony mythic pants blueprints but I just need to farm mats as I’m all out from everything else.)

But it is fun. Spin. Charge back to start. Chillspine pew pew. Spin. :smiley:

The trick to beating him is to stay in close combat. As long as you have good resistances and some regen, he can’t do anything. At range he deals some serious damage.


Friggin, fragging fuarkking…how many friggin times have I shanked this bastard and I’m just now understanding this??? :crazy_face:

Was exactly my thought when he oneshot one of my best chars when I tried kiting him for the first time a few months ago lol

Never thought there would such difference. He reminds me of Morgoneth. Except that Morgo is stronger and can easily oneshot you at range.

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This is actually a good thing to remember with ANY boss-type enemy in the game. They all often have different attacks depending on if you are close, mid-range, or long-range. It’s a key principal that you learn as early as Salazar in Depraved Sanctuary on Normal and if you skipped him then you are definitely going to learn about it at the Warden.

Yeah, I’ve learned a number of these, like getting close to Sylvarria and staying in tight on her, timing Log’s tentacle smacks and stuff like that. With Krieg I’ve always watched his dagger shoots and his ground stomp, and tried to avoid them through kiting and dodging. I never realized staying in tight on him keeps these from being as active.

Yeah way back in the early days when they first put in Depraved Sanctuary I used to play it over and over, dissecting the whole place and finally dissecting the Salazar battle until I knew his tactics inside and out.

Now, I can walk in there at level 16+ with just about any build you can slap together by that point and mop the floor with him in my sleep. Enter the door and immediately target down his Harbinger and then start my dance with Salazar. A couple minutes later I’m cleaning up the rest of his goons and claiming my One-Shot.

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Same here, I was at a loss with my powerful shadow strike character, He always was slaughtering me. Took note of this hint and just face tanked him instead of shadow strike attacks. He went down like a wet rag. Not sure what I am going to do though with some of my glass cannons as they will not be able to face tank him. Just have to hope they hit him like a truck and take him down before he starts his nasty ranged attacks.

So thanks in no small part to numerous folks on this thread @powbam @sir_spanksalot @MikeHeydon @medea_fleecestealer @Maya @adoomgod (for starting this whole sadisitc shabang :D) and a special massive thanks to @Contragor, this just happened.

But as always, the journey is no where near at it’s end. So onward it is!

And the build is performing well. I dropped a Mythical Unbreakable and am giving some serious thought to swapping my T shield out. I’d lose a bit of damage and a little chaos resistance (though it’d still be overcapped at about 29%) my DA would hit 3400, Phyiscal Resist would hit 40% and my armor would go up to.


Good job, mate! Now go get that badge already! :crossed_fingers:

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