Playtesting Silliness

Huh? :confused: It’s not a joke account. Zantai posted the thread. Adoomgod was the Praetorian who found this during playtesting.


Probably just skip it and test the next thing, right.

My bro doom, you love testing things to the limit, then breaking them repeatedly :smiley:

God bless you playtesters. You are the true heroes.

This is wonderful. Should totally add a uniquely named beast called Needlemouse because of this :P.

Make me wonder what more playtesting sillyness was discovered.

You know, sometimes I think explaining how things end up happening actually kills some of the magic. But in this case perhaps it’s worth knowing how this came to be. I think I can share some insight into my process while revealing nothing extra about the playtest.

After we got access to Oathkeeper a bunch of us praetorians got into a group voice chat on the Discord Server. I forget who it was, I think either Kidpid or Superfluff, but one of them said that they felt like attack speed was actually making Eye of Reckoning’s (spin to win skill in video) movement speed faster (despite not showing so in the character stats page). I was skeptical at first. But the more I played with spin to win the more I felt like sometimes as I changed my weapon and items, I was going a little faster, and sometimes a little slower. Eventually I was SURE there was some effect but I wasn’t sure how far the rabbit hole went. Also in that voice chat I think the same person quoted the ol’ sonic meme “Gotta go fast” out loud and everyone laughed. It stuck in my head. It made me want to see if I could go fast enough with the skill to truly warrant the sonic meme. The concept of the video was already in my mind at this point, but I wasn’t going to make it if it wasn’t truly super fast compared normal play.

So I used Mamba’s tool to make a copy of my legit 100% self found/self farmed Sentinel I was testing for leveling feedback and boosted him to level 100, gave him 1000 in each stat, and gave him crazy items with impossible stats. Like legendaries with prefixes and suffixes. The ground for my testing was to have two sets of items. One that gave him the capped 135% movespeed but no attack speed, which ended up with him being at only 85% attack speed. And one with 135% movespeed and 200% attack speed. The point being that with the movespeed being identical, I should see a large difference in how attack speed was affecting the skill. In playtesting it’s useful to test normally achievable extremes in order to highlight the effect of funky game behavior.

So I tested both and sure enough the 85% attack speed with spin-to-win made me slower than just running. Then with the 200% attack speed version I was actually going FASTER than 135% run speed. (This part I actually would like to stay in the game to some extent). But it was significantly faster. I recorded myself doing some tests and realized that 135% run speed and 200% attack speed with that skill was like having ~175%-182% run speed. That’s ridiculously good.

Then I found what is the biggest part of this bug, which truly changed everything. My life would never be the same. By absolute complete fucking coincidence, I had chosen the Footpads of the Grey Magi as my boots, which have Survival Instincts proc on them (100% when hit), giving a 50% movement speed buff for 4 seconds. Again, complete luck. Well, that and when testing I tend to overcap shit wherever I can to see if something breaks.

Sure enough, a miracle happened. I found that despite having my runspeed capped, when hit gaining me the +50% movespeed proc while spinning… I WOULD GO EVEN FASTER. This was it. Like the planets aligning creating a cosmic blinding light in my brain. The bug went deeper though. The 50% movement speed boost from the boots, despite me already going over the movement speed cap, didn’t register in my character page. It still said 135%. BUT, the coolest part was the speed part of the buff was PERMANENT so long as I kept spinning. So all I had to do was get hit once while spinning, and I’d permanently have a movement bug allowing me to go faster than the already faster ~175% movement speed achievable without the boots. And remember, the thing is that the buff shouldn’t have been affecting my speed at all since I was already capped at 135%. Really this was like a bug within a bug.

Anyhoo, it’s all probably clear from there. Before I made this video I had made a few unlisted ones for Crate and the playtesters that were bland, just me timing stuff and my voice commentary explaining what I was noticing on the bug. Even those were getting a chuckle but didn’t quite elicit the child-like glee I got discovering this. Really, the main reason I wanted to make a video like this was to express my gratitude to the other playtesters, and make them laugh. I just wanted them to know how wonderful they made my day by bringing this weird side effect of Eye of Reckoning to my attention. I think that’s one of the cool things about artistic creation. You can express feelings in words and people can mentally grasp what you’re talking about but they don’t feel the same feeling. With art you have the chance to try and create an experience for others so they can share in the same experience you’re having internally.

After this video I tried stacking more movement speed procs but the difference was too marginal to notice if there even was one at all. I think I might have gotten it a little faster? But there’s definitely some sort of hard cap. Like getting 3 survival instinct procs barely sped me up more than having one, if it did at all. Pretty sure I ended up getting what should have been +200% movespeed from item procs and it wasn’t having any noticeable effect over grey magi’s +50%. Though I tried taking grey magi’s off and other procs did have the effect of increasing the speed over the cap too. It just seems it can’t be increased much further than what’s seen in the video. (The last clip is edited to play 2x faster)

I hope this doesn’t come off like I’m trying to bring more attention to myself. I’m already humbled that Zantai liked it enough to allow it to be publicly shared. My intention in this post was to tell all of you that if you have a creative idea or concept stuck in your head, it’s worth pursuing. Even if you only get a couple of close friends to appreciate it. Your goofiest, most abnormal and eccentric side of yourself is worth getting in touch with and sharing.

I wish we could have playtester video sharing more often. I ain’t a fancy editing guy but there’s so much to see!

You’ll be able to when Zantai gives the word - probably just before the release date.

Thanks to Zantai for giving permission for the video to go public. It certainly made me laugh and there’s not much that can do that these days. Cheered me up no end when I watched it. :smiley:

we need moar of these type of videos to break boredom. Better than grim misadventure by a mile.

My suggestion for next misadventures or future dev threads:

  1. Q and A session with playtesters whether in written or visual mode
  2. Q and A with moderators and sharing there moderating experiences looking at u medea
  3. Q and A with the devs, this better be in cinematic visual form
  4. share more bugs found in development for fun and finally .
  5. reveal the new project already! :smiley:

the reason this is suggested is because to keep most of details of fg fresh, if all misadventure threads will be about fg content then there will be nothing left to explore in the game unless fg is so big that not even 20 misadventure threads can spoil 1/4 of its content .:cool:

Just call it public release and be done with it:)

That seems like a whole lot of fun. :slight_smile:

  1. Difficult because unless it’s restricted to previous playtesting and not the current stuff we can’t really say anything about it without Crate’s permission.

  2. Don’t know what experiences you think I might have had in the few months I’ve been a moderator el critico. And anyway, since any experiences would be concerning other members of the forum it’s not really something to be posted about here.

  3. On what exactly? Developing in general? Working on GD? Well you sort of get that with the live streams anyway if you ask the right questions.

  4. I’d say most bugs found are pretty boring and again, unless restricted to previous testing, needs Crate’s permission to post about.

  5. You already know the answer to that one. When Medierra’s ready to! :smiley:

Stop worrying about the GM’s. I’m sure Zantai and the team will come up with enough spoilers/goodies to keep us entertained until the release date.

bumps into the same tree 50 times
no idea what you mean :stuck_out_tongue:

Will procs be able to exceed speed caps with the expansion or will they continue being worthless for the most part?

Everyone wants to be whirlwind barb, but it’s just Oathkeeper…

This is actually better than the showcase itself. 10/10.

Watched video and suspected adoomgod. Was not disappointed.

Ahh,those are the things that make playtesting fun i’m sure, till they get fixed
;p .
and yeah, i sure got some PoE vibes from that, not that’s a bad thing sometimes :slight_smile:

Wha the hell is that?

A flash is mandatory to click a link to a YOUTUBE gameplay? :furious: im speechless… why? how does that even compute… what witchcraft are you brewing here? :confused:

Interesting… BTW at 0:53 seems to have grabbed speed boost as it even faster that the first part.