Poll - Environment 1

i voted : Railyard

love this kind of place ! =)

Ok, new idea. A massive industrial complex, with rail-and shipyard areas. Join the two options and add the votes together… Of course, I’m just working on how to get my shipyard choice to win here…

Voted for the Ch’thonic Void. I’d like to see the twists that the GD crew can put on it.

But but but… Chthonic Void!

Shipyard or railyard seem like far and away the most unique and interesting choices. Shipyard in particular sounds awesome. Shades of a more Victorian Innsmouth, perhaps? Fun stuff!

For all we know, it could be like a crossover of
M.C. Escher:

and H.R. Giger:

M.H.C.R Gigerescher or H.R.M.C Eschergiger…

Or even more crazy than that :wink:

I was swayed by the reasoning of some of the people of wanting an environment not done before, but the way the void was presented makes it hard to resist, plus the thrill of finding the exits and the action that could result due to that could be fun as well as frustrating. I would go over possible explosion of emotions over something new which could or could not be exciting.

Ohhh, so many wonderful choices… I stuck to shipyard since it is the most interesting to explore to me. That didn’t make this decision any easier. Especially with the option of a shipyard. :cry:

I voted for Evil Forest on accident. Oh well, at least I didn’t pick Void on accident.

I would have picked Shipyard or Railyard, though.

Evil Forest is good enough.

I voted shipyard because I would like to see some area transitions from on deck of ships to inside the ships. Plus, zombie sailors!!!

This might sound greedy but but love to play through them all!

I went with the Railyard. Not only is it an area that is not normally represented but the artwork would be usable later. The tracks can be used in mines and in underground stations, etc.

Well, it looks like Void is losing out against the rest of the choices. We’ll just have to cut it from the list.

Normally i really like deserts in ARPG games but man these environments sound really nice!

Voted of void obviously, but please make DLCs with Shipyards and Trainyards. They sound too good to be abandoned.

Need MOAR love for Sewers. This game has what it takes to make one hell of a sewer system. I even suggested a couple month back. :3

Though, I do not mind having the railyard. Still, we need a SEWER. :cool:

Voted for the Void !
The railyard seems pretty original as well, that would’ve been my second choice.

The Void sounds awesome, but I just had to vote for the battlegrounds.

i dont see that we need a vote, all of those will be good.

ty so much!

ok ok catacombs :slight_smile:

can we call them ‘un-pc evil like when we were growing up evil was evil’ catacombs? :slight_smile: er, i mean, im gonna call them that but yeah im just referring to the catacboms you described above.

ty, crate! :slight_smile:

I love otherworldly looking areas, so I had to go with the void. :slight_smile: The rest all sound good, but they sound like things that’ll already be in the game, if not close to it.

I think I’d have to go with the shipyard. The ideas all sound great, so I’m sure I wouldn’t be disappointed, but I don’t often see an eerie shipyard as a full environment done on a bigger scale than just a dock and couple of ships.